• Why Organisations Should Worry About Security: Part 2

    Due to the harsh operating environment in Zimbabwe, businesses tend to focus more on their core business areas and neglect information security. This is viewed as a non value adding activity. In order to address the security loophole, companies then invest in cheap ineffective solutions which are highly vulnerable to security threats. In most of…

  • It’s Six Months Later And Econet Still Has No 3G For New Subscribers

    On 28 August 2009, Econet launched 3G services on its network. Then, we criticized Econet for not providing enough information to subscribers about the new service. A little over a month later, Econet quietly suspended the activation of more subscribers to 3G services. No public announcement of the service suspension was made. You’d just visit…

  • When Solar Meets Wireless – A Rural Telecommunications Solution – Part 3

    Telecom Center (Phone & Internet Center) Think of a telecom center as a setup with phone, e-mail and internet services. This model is pretty common in urban setups. And this model could be used for remote centers and even some urban centers whose electricity supply is more often off than on. As such the telecom…

  • Econet Officially Opening New Large Call Center Tomorrow

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is officially opening its new call center in Harare tomorrow. Econet has built a new advanced call centre to handle increased traffic from its growing subscriber base now standing at more than 3.2 million. Speaking about the opening, Econet CEO, Mr Douglas Mboweni said that massive growth had increased demand for service…

  • 5 Handy Internet Apps You Can Use In Zim!

    So it’s that time again when, for your health, you’re supposed to take a break and stay away from your PC and your always-buzzing mobile phone. If you’re like me, you tried that the whole Saturday. You tried to do the other real social (not talking about Facebook here) stuff you’ve been putting off for…

  • Weekly Roundup – 20 March 2010

    PowerTel and the BTC Fibre Deal There was an article in this week’s Sunday Mail on PowerTel’s fibre deal with Botswana Telecommunications Corporation. Again no mention of the bandwidth capacity being purchased. We searched around and found this pdf on the BTC website. It says “…under the agreement with BTC will get access to direct…

  • Econet Asks: Should We Have Waited Until We Could Give Everyone 3G Or We Did The Right Thing To Launch And Sort Out Issues Later?

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is among the few companies in Zimbabwe to embrace online social media. The company’s 3G Facebook page has about a thousand fans and it gets updated several times a week. For subscribers, this provides an always available face of the company on the Internet. You can have conversation with an Econet techie…

  • Subscribers Using Econet Data Services To Make Free Calls And SMSes

    If you have an Econet line activated for Internet, there might be some ways to save a few extra dollars on calls and SMSes. There are some nifty tools used world over to make “free” calls and SMSes especially where the mobile network operator is kind enough to offer unlimited internet traffic for a flat…

  • Year 2009 In Review

    2009 came with a shift in ICT policy direction by the government. Customs duty on ICT equipment for example was suspended and currently ICT hardware suppliers only need to pay 15% VAT on imported equipment. Most positive change has generally been attributed to the energetic Minister of ICT, Nelson Chamisa.

  • Users Love Typing Website Addresses Into Search Engines And Google Understands That

    Last week we posted an article on Zimbabwe’s Google search trends in 2009. In the article we noted something interesting about how people use browsers and search engines. The top ‘rising searches’ in 2009 on Google for 2009 are all variations of facebook; “facebook.com”, “www.facebook.com”, “facebook login”, and just “facebook”. Shows just how much more…

  • What Zimbabweans Searched For On Google in 2009

    According to Google Insights for Search, Zimbabweans just love facebook. We love it so much it’s in the first four spots in 2009’s top ten rising searches. At number 1 as “login facebook” then 2 as “facebook.com”, 3 as “www.facebook.com” and 4 as just “facebook”!

  • Local Application Developers Should Smell the Coffee

    According to the Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 report prepared by the International Telecommunications Union, in 2008 there were 11 internet users out of every 100 inhabitants in Zimbabwe. 2009 itself saw more Zimbabweans connecting to the Internet owing to the introduction of mobile Internet by telecoms operator Econet. Even more connections will be made…

  • About Techzim

    Techzim is an information technology and business publication that obsesses about the opportunity of tech particularly the internet for individuals and businesses in Zimbabwe and the greater African region. We […]

  • Seacom Blames African Governments And ISPs For Costly Internet

    Seacom has heaped the costly internet blame on African national governments and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for failing to pass on the benefits of high speed internet to ordinary citizens. […]

  • Zimbabwean Business Should Take Their Internet Image Seriously

    Last week I met with the managing director of a relatively big local electrical engineering firm. “We need a website ASAP!” he cut to the reason he’d called me. “You […]

  • Internet 101: What is an Operating System

    So a finance director friend calls me yesterday and says, “I have just transferred some photos from my mobile to my PC and I can’t find them on the PC.” […]

  • Google Opening Up Wave To More Than 100,000 Testers Tomorrow

    I should admit, I never really watched the full Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009 video back then in June when TechCrunch’s MG Siegler posted an article about […]

  • This Year’s TechCrunch50 Winner: RedBeacon

    This year’s TechCrunch50 winner RedBeacon is a service I’m sure everybody has been wishing for for quite a while now. A refreshingly original idea and very useful service, RedBeacon matches […]

  • 2009 ICT Africa Exhibition

    Arguably the biggest information technology-related public exhibition in the country, 2009 ICT Africa has come. I was there once and was exceedingly impressed by the number of ICT companies present, […]

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