• Press Release: Ecocash adds savings account offering

    Three million Zimbabweans who use the EcoCash Wallet can now also operate a savings account Econet Wireless has launched a new service called EcoCashSave, which allows an EcoCash customer to […]

  • On out-of-bundle tariffs and data usage notification messages

    Every now and again, an email reaches our mailboxes that makes us here all go “Exactly!”. One such came today. It’s from a reader called Tapiwa and they are basically bringing […]

  • Zimbabwe apps review: Pay4App internet payments

    Some very innovative people have sat down on this one. See, the relevancy of an app to the populace is not necessarily in the cutting edge technology (that’s for tech […]

  • How to get an ultra cheap tablet

    While most people would want to own a tablet the costs of buying one here in Zimbabwe remain prohibitive. A 3G tablet will cost you more than $350 dollars easy […]

  • 2 years after launch, EcoCash mobile money subscribers reach 3 million

    A report in a Zimbabwean weekly, the Financial Gazette, said today that EcoCash has reached 3 million mobile money subscribers. The new subscription numbers come as the company celebrates the […]

  • Why, outside Zimbabwe (& Kenya), mobile money in Africa hasn’t succeeded

    Whenever I’m in a foreign country in the region, I try to observe and ask questions about mobile stuff. Mobile money especially is a big interest and the one thing […]

  • Afrocoin launches in a few days. What do they bring to diaspora remittances?

    Remember the new international money transfer startup called Afrocoin that we wrote about back in June? Then, they were just a profile on Crunchbase and a few screenshots here and […]

  • Apparently, only Telecel and NetOne had unregistered subscribers

    The past few weeks Telecel and NetOne both revealed that as part of the POTRAZ directive to disconnect unregistered SIM cards by 31 August, they each shed 100,000 subscribers. Almost […]

  • ZOL Startup Challenge: One year later for Footballzone

    It’s already been a year since the 2012 ZOL Startup Challenge and what a year it has been for Footballzone, the company behind Zimbabwe’s leading soccer website Soccer24. Every startup […]

  • Consumers provide feedback to POTRAZ on telecoms consumer protection

    If there’s one thing that we wish would get some attention and be fixed in Zimbabwe, it is the poor level of service that all of us mobile phone service […]

  • Telecel Zimbabwe extends the Mega Bonus Reloaded cheap calls promo

    To refer to the calls as ‘cheap’ is of course in the context of a Zimbabwe that ranks close to the top on the list of crazy high mobile tariffs in Africa. […]

  • Alpha Media launches SMS based news service

    Alpha Media Holdings, one of the largest media houses in Zimbabwe, recently launched a SMS news services called Mobi News. The service delivers news summaries to subscribers for US 80 […]

  • Zimbabwe mobile broadband speedtests results compared #ICTAfrica2013

    As some of you may know, we decided this year to participate in the ICT Africa event by hosting an impromptu 1 hour Broadband Shootout at the 3 day event! The shootout was simple; every operator would get a chance to speak for two minutes about what makes their service the best say how it’s…

  • Nokia, Apple, Microsoft strike back

    When it comes to the mobile devices market Android and its motorcycle gang of manufacturers, led by the Samsung mascot, really rule the roost. A while ago I wrote that one of the reasons for this trend was because Nokia and Apple were not making serious low priced entry level smartphones

  • ZimSwitch: an update on the ZimSwitch Shared Services (ZSS) platform

    The article below is a statement issued by ZimSwitch on the state and progress made with the ZimSwitch Shared Services payments switching platform. The statement was issued to us as part of […]

  • Zimbabwe: Of banks, Mobile Money and EcoCash

    Many like myself are probably wondering about the future of Mobile Money in Zimbabwe. On one side we have EcoCash bullishly rolling out merchant after merchant gathering enough momentum to […]

  • One agent’s experience choosing between EcoCash and Textacash

    If you have worked or stayed in the Avondale area in Harare, you probably know of a popular food place at the flea market where lots of people religiously enjoy their lunch everyday. I visited the place with a friend today and we were quite intrigued to find they are now accepting Textacash mobile payments.

  • VoIP & CDMA operator, Africom, finally interconnects with NetOne

    Africom, the one telecoms operator in Zimbabwe that has been deliberate about it’s new VoIP offering, announced yesterday that they have finally interconnected with NetOne, the last of three mobile […]

  • Hypercube to launch tech hub in Harare

    Yesterday, we received received a press release from Taps Murove, the Operations Manager of a new tech hub set to launch in Harare called, according to the release, Hypercube Technology Trust. […]

  • The irony of the Android BBM messaging app in Zimbabwe

    You might have heard that after years of making BBM exclusive to BlackBerry device customers only, and then watching the WhatsApps and what nots run with the prize, BlackBerry finally woke up. Well, not really, since they are all but yielding the ghost. Anyway, life onwards or not, BlackBerry decided to open up BBM to…

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