• NetOne announces slash of the mobile broadband dongle price

    NetOne, Zimbabwe’s third largest mobile operator, announced today via adverts in the press the reduction of its 3G broadband dongle from the previous $50 to $35. The announcement comes a […]

  • EcoCash international money transfers coming soon, starting with South Africa

    Econet Zimbabwe has finally announced that it will be launching a remittance service under EcoCash. The suggestions that they were working on a service to rival international remittance services using their mobile money infrastructure started as early as last year.

  • BlackBerry’s arrogant attitude contributed to their downfall – Strive Masiyiwa

    In a post on his Facebook page, Econet Wireless founder and current group chairman, Strive Masiyiwa commented on the current BlackBerry episode of its downfall saying he was not surprised by the decline as his experience with them is that they were an arrogant company.

  • TanaMe, a new player on the Zimbabwean VoIP app market

    A new Zimbabwean VoIP mobile app called TanaMe has found its way to a number of app stores. The app was developed by Tana Communications a family owned business based […]

  • Zimbabwe’s voice tariffs among the most expensive in Africa

    According to research ICT Africa’s new portal for mobile tariffs, Zimbabwe’s mobile voice tariffs are currently among the most expensive on the continent. Comparisons on the site are based on […]

  • POTRAZ’s official statement on promos made by telecoms operators

    We just came from POTRAZ where the deputy general director, Alfred Marisa, briefed journalists on the ongoing issue they have with Econet. There was not much new from what we post already yesterday when we interviewed him. There was only mention of misleading advertising being one of things that they watch out for as a…

  • Zimbabwe VoIP providers the immediate losers in mobile price wars

    While discussing the possible pricing of their new VoIP service some time ago, one telecoms executive remarked “Our interconnection pricing is skewed in favour of the incumbents! It’s difficult to make any meaningful money in Zimbabwe as a VoIP provider”.

  • To Zim parastatals: mum is not the word.

    Imagine this: You get home at around 6 pm exhausted from your day at work. Your wife is in the kitchen preparing dinner and you decide to catch on the day’s news on the television in the lounge. As soon as you sit down on the couch, the power goes out.

  • Some people DON’T like these promotional SMSs

    I was really hoping my phone would buzz and display that famous message, “EcoCash: Transfer Confirmation. $$$ from…”. I really needed that money and then I heard my phone buzz. […]

  • Telecel’s New Onhold Music Player

    While competition drives some restaurants to be super nice to customers and place rose petals on tables, it has now seen Telecel adopting an IVR music player into their system. […]

  • Telecel Zimbabwe renews mobile license. The full POTRAZ statement

    Earlier today we exclusively revealed the the Telecel Zimbabwe license renewal talks had been finalised. We just got the official statement from Zimbabwe’s telecoms regulatory body, POTRAZ, and it confirms this development.

  • Exclusive: Telecel Zimbabwe, POTRAZ & government finalise Telecel license renewal

    Top executives in Zimbabwe’s telecoms industry have just told Techzim that mobile license renewal talks between Telecel, POTRAZ and the ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Infrastructural Development have been finalised.

  • EcoCash & MasterCard, not VPayments, will ignite ecommerce in Zimbabwe

    Through the MasterCard Mobile Money Partnership, you will be able to use your EcoCash wallet wherever MasterCard is accepted with the option to have a prepaid MasterCard that you can also use wherever MasterCard is accepted.

  • Mobile App Market: How you throw the net where the fish is

    This is a follow up to the previous article, Mobile App Market: Joining the gold rush. In this article we will be giving some tips on how you can make […]

  • Predicting an eCommerce boom in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe has always been a tricky landscape for online ventures. We have seen many an entrepreneur launch an exciting platform only to see it fail. Ventures such as tengesa.com easily come to mind. Don’t get me wrong here; I am not saying we do not have success stories in Zimbabwe.

  • Samsung says BBM will be on Galaxy devices in Africa ‘soon’

    Yesterday, the news of BBM coming soon to your Android device came from a unlikely source, well likely actually for the marketing machine that Samsung is.

  • Zimbabwe mobile tariff wars heat up as Telecel launches another free minutes promo

    Even as they are in dispute with the largest mobile operator in the country, a traffic throttling issue that has escalated into a full blown “hey, go to hell!” situation in a short time, Telecel has gone on to launch a promotion that will certainly only add fuel to this price war.

  • Two weeks with Africom’s Guroo: Review and Howto

    It is more than ten days now since Econet disconnected Telecel and the dispute still rages on with no clear end in sight as both the warring parties and the regulator POTRAZ have been mum on details about how the dispute is being solved if is being solved at all.

  • Zimbabwe mobile operators directed to disconnect unregistered SIMs

    There’s apparently “an upsurge in the number of offensive and abusive calls and text messages generated from unregistered sim cards” in Zimbabwe, a POTRAZ statement said today citing the reason it was issuing a directive to all mobile operators to disconnect unregistered subscribers with immediate effect. It came a bit as a surprise as all…

  • Pay Kombi Fares with EcoCash: Adoption

    The introduction of EcoCash payments in kombis was met by large scepticism in the market. Some of us doubted its practicality and questioned how the conductor was going to verify all the text messages and identify who made the payments. Surely the conductor doesn’t know everybody’s name and number. So does he have to check…

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