• Utande launches new WIMAX broadband service

    This morning Utande Internet Services (Pvt) limited, a subsidiary company of Dandemutande Investments a company in Zimbabwe’s telecommunications industry launched its broadband WIMAX service under the uMAX brand. The Financial […]

  • mTutor wins Forgetmenot app challenge

    This weekend witnessed the exciting finale to the Forgetmenot eTXT Apps Challenge (16 – 17 June 2012). The finals featured seven teams of developers three of whom had travelled from […]

  • Is Zim ready for a 4th mobile network?

    We recently caught up with Geoff Goss a VC with Matamba Anonaka about whether he was still pursuing his initiative to establish an MVNO (Mobile virtual Network operator) in Zimbabwe. […]

  • Zimbabwe’s March 2012 mobile phone penetration rate (Telecel adjusted)

    A little under two weeks ago, we published the mobile subscriber statistics we got from the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ). The stats showed that Zimbabwe’s mobile […]

  • FBC finally launches Mobile Moola. Announces MasterCard Acquirer status

    In September last year, we posted that FBC had introduced a new mobile banking service called Mobile Moola. They had and hadn’t. The advertising for the product died down and […]

  • ForgetMeNot Africa announces the Apps Challenge Test Drive shortlist

    If you entered an App in the ForgetMeNot Africa eTXT Apps Challenge, we have some good news for you today. ForgetMeNot Africa just released the shortlist of the apps that […]

  • The POTRAZ mobile subscriber stats are incorrect, says Telecel

    Four days ago, we posted the latest Zimbabwe mobile and fixed line subscriber statistics we got from the country’s telecoms regulator POTRAZ. The March 2012 stats show that Telecel, now […]

  • Herald’s sms service leaves rival’s in the dust

    This last month (May) we at Techzim have been using the Herald and Sunday Mail  service known as MobileNEWS and we have not been disappointed by it. The two newspapers are […]

  • Zimbabwe’s March 2012 mobile & fixed subscriber stats

    We just got the latest mobile network and fixed line operator subscriber stats from the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) for March. The stats cover the year’s […]

  • The definitive start-up guide for challenging environments

    After I wrote my last article 5 Startup Lessons from Facebook IPO, I realised that in as much as there where some valuable lessons from the story of Facebook of […]

  • 5 Startup lessons from Facebook IPO

    So you are Tengesa, ForgetMeNot, Dariro, 6tm solutions, and countless other Zimbabwean and African startups that are hoping to change the world and you are looking at Facebook’s IPO; you […]

  • Zimbabwean launches Whenpages, an event discovery & sharing platform

    A little more than a week ago we received an email from a South African based Zimbabwean called Tendai Joe, whose journey to where he is now has served as a great example of striving and making a difference against all odds. Just to give you an idea, Tendai rose from adversities of living on…

  • 8 days to go before eTXT Apps Challenge deadline. Have you submitted your app yet?

    Developers in Zimbabwe have just 8 days, specifically until next week Friday the 25th, to submit their eTXT apps for the ZeTXT Apps Challenge that has been going on since March. The challenge has presented local developers with an opportunity to develop mobile based applications for the eTXT platform available on the Econet network. The…

  • Lendme Zimbabwe launches, introduces eVouchers

    Lendme, the mobile airtime credit credit startup we wrote about last month, launched officially this week. This means the platform is now available for users in Zimbabwe to borrow airtime. Before launch, users could only register accounts. Lendme works pretty much how it was featured in our first article except for one additional feature; they…

  • TelOne Internet slows down after fibre cut in Mozambique

    A fibre cable cut in Maputo, Mozambique that occurred on Wednesday 9 May has adversely affected TelOne’s internet services. The problem affected at least all TelOne ADSL users in Zimbabwe whose internet significantly slowed down, with some users not able to access the service at all. According to our sources at Zimbabwe’s sole fixed telecoms…

  • Telecel mobile broadband prices now the lowest in Zimbabwe

    Telecel this week announced a promotional slash of mobile broadband prices by some 50% in a move that may trigger other mobile operators to respond in a bid to remain competitive. The second largest mobile operator in Zimbabwe now effectively has the lowest priced mobile broadband in the country. Amoung mobile operators that is. The…

  • Why are Zimbabweans holding their breath for BlackBerry?

    I remember when I first heard about BlackBerry around 2005. It was through the prestigious “sent from my BlackBerry” signature at the bottom of an email response I got from a contact in the UK. It was a short response to my rather long email; something to just let me know he had seen the…

  • TN Holdings to launch an online shop

    We’ve received reliable information over the past couple of days that TN Holdings, one of the fastest growing of companies locally, is preparing to introduce an e-commerce platform to enable Zimbabweans to purchase its products over the internet. TN Holdings has interests in financial services, health, furniture and more recently, supermarkets and fast food outlets.

  • Developers, The eTXT Apps Challenge initial ideas deadline is nigh

    As you probably already know, the initial ideas deadline for the ForgetMeNot Africa ZeTXT Apps Challenge is near. By the end of this coming Friday, 4 May, all ideas must have been submitted via the eTXT Developer platform to be considered for the challenge.

  • Tech in Zimbabwe and the International Trade Fair (Pictures)

    The country’s premier business exhibition, the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair ran last week Tuesday to Saturday, and like most business exhibitions of its kind lately, ICT companies and their products continue to be more prominent. It’s clear now more than ever before how much of a central driver to development technology is for individuals, businesses…

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