• Samsung failing to meet demand for foldable smartphones

    Mark this year as the year of the foldables. Back in August Samsung released the third iterations of its foldable phones, turns out third time’s the charm. People seem to […]

  • Zim Hosting International Telecommunication Union Meeting This Week

    Zimbabwe is hosting an International Telecommunication Union meeting in Victoria Falls this week. The meeting started on Monday and the Minister of ICT Kazembe Kazembe was at hand to officially […]

  • For whom the bell tolls: Is Telecel Doomed?

    It cannot be ignored that Telecel has been on a downward trend since 2012 if the subscriber numbers from Potraz are anything to go by. With the licence issues reaching boiling point early this year resulting in the most disruption on their timeline it is interesting to see how they will bounce back.

  • Telecel launches feeble bonus points promo: Is this the best they can offer?

    If the promotions coming out of Telecel are anything to go by, the Red mobile network is literally scrambling to regain solid footing as the lead competitor in Zimbabwean telecoms. […]

  • Everything you need to know about domain names (1)

    This is the first in a series of guest articles authored by Isaac Maposa, the co-founder of Web Enchanter, a Zimbabwean startup in the domain registration space. Why you need […]

  • On second thoughts, Africa’s tablet computing boom is inevitable

    The proliferation of mobile based internet access and the evolution of traditional broadband services from niched to mainstream products, is transforming developing economies and their place in the knowledge economy. In the developed world, the death of the consumer PC segment is now almost complete.

  • Year 2009 In Review

    2009 came with a shift in ICT policy direction by the government. Customs duty on ICT equipment for example was suspended and currently ICT hardware suppliers only need to pay 15% VAT on imported equipment. Most positive change has generally been attributed to the energetic Minister of ICT, Nelson Chamisa.

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