• Telecel – Econet Interconnection: Telecel opens up network

    With the Telecel license issue now sorted, Zimbabweans are now waiting for the two week interconnection blackout between the company and Econet to end. We have been testing ourselves since yesterday if calls from either network are going through to the other. We have only had success calling Telecel numbers from an Econet sim card…

  • Zimbabwe mobile tariff wars heat up as Telecel launches another free minutes promo

    Even as they are in dispute with the largest mobile operator in the country, a traffic throttling issue that has escalated into a full blown “hey, go to hell!” situation in a short time, Telecel has gone on to launch a promotion that will certainly only add fuel to this price war.

  • Econet breaks EcoCash as interconnection dispute with Telecel continues

    The smooth convenience of using mobile money for transfers and payments is exceptional. The idea of being able to send money to anyone that has a mobile phone and them being able to pick it up immediately in any part of the country is something that a few years ago wasn’t imaginable. Anyone with a…

  • It gets ugly as Econet disconnects Telecel Zimbabwe. Our brief thoughts

    Earlier today Econet released a statement, its response to the Telecel statement yesterday that basically accused them of throttling traffic. In the statement, which we posted in full here, Econet essentially said they are no under any obligation to have interconnection with Telecel as Telecel are an unlicensed operator. This because Telecel is still to…

  • Telecel vs Econet traffic throttling issue: Telecel issues official statement

    We just received a statement from Telecel on the “throttling issue” they are having with Econet which we posted about in the morning. The statement basically confirms what Telecel sources have been telling us anonymously. That they suspect Econet is unfairly throttling calls from Telecel. And here is how Telecel backs their claims:

  • Orascom Telecoms in talks with Government over the Telecel license renewal

    The Egyptian owners of Telecel Zimbabwe, Oracom Telecom, revealed yesterday that they are in talks to sort out the license renewal issues they have with the government and local telecommunications regulator, POTRAZ, in Zimbabwe. The information was posted by Netherlands based, Telecompaper.

  • Zimbabwe raises telecoms licence fees, migrates to converged licencing

    The Herald reports today that the Government of Zimbabwe has raised the operating license fees for mobile network and fixed telephone operators from the current US $100 million to $180 million. The change comes as Econet Wireless and Telecel Zimbabwe prepare to renew their operating licenses in June this year.

  • Zimbabwe’s internet subscriptions reach 4.5 million

    Zimbabwe now has about 4.5 million internet subscribers according to local telecoms regulatory authority POTRAZ. The new internet penetration figure was published today in the state owned Sunday Mail weekly newspaper.

  • As Kingdom Bank acquires its assets we ask; what went wrong at Spiritage?

    It’s not well at Brodacom. Not at all. Around this time two years ago, information in the market suggested the company was coming on the scene to change the game in Zimbabwe’s internet sector. It didn’t happen.

  • 2012 roundup: The year in review

    The year kicked off with one of the largest ISPs in Zimbabwe ZOL, announcing that it had been acquired by Liquid Telecom, a move which resulted in the Econet Wireless Group cementing its position as Zimbabwe’s largest telecoms firm.

  • EcoCash Mobile Money: Interview with Econet Services CEO

    Last week, after a tour of EcoCash Business (well, EcoCash Commuter mostly), we got the opportunity to interview the Econet Services CEO, Darlington Mandivenga and Econet Wireless Mobile Money Executive, […]

  • Advice for the ICT Minister, Nelson Chamisa, from some Zimbabweans

    About a week ago, after Zimbabwe’s ICT Minister Nelson Chamisa declared it was time to read the riot act on the country’s mobile operators for poor service delivery, we decided […]

  • Econet and NetOne agree to resume interconnection pending main hearing

    Reports on yesterday’s High Court hearing on the interconnection dispute between Econet and NetOne say the two mobile operators made a “draft consent order” yesterday in which Econet agreed to […]

  • Full text of NetOne’s notice on interconnection dispute with Econet

    Earlier, we reported that NetOne released a notice today basically saying that in addition to making an application to the High Court to have Econet restore the interconnection (which they […]

  • NetOne threatens to have Econet leaders arrested over Interconnection dispute

    NetOne is not taking the blow they suffered from Econet yesterday lightly. In a press notice released today, the state owned mobile operator has threatened to have Econet Wireless Zimbabwe’s […]

  • Full text of Econet’s public notice to terminate NetOne Interconnection

    Earlier, we reported that Econet issued a notice in the Zimbabwean newspapers today advising that it will terminate interconnection services to NetOne today following the “repudiation of interconnection agreement by […]

  • NetOne adds 200,000 subscribers in a week, targets 3 million by year end

    NetOne might be able to shake the “Zimbabwe’s smallest mobile network operator” tag in the coming months. Information provided by the NetOne MD, Reward Kangai to the Sunday Mail suggests the company has been signing on subscribers by the hundreds of thousands a week.

  • ICT policy, thoughts of Harare workshop

    We have noted before that we are supportive of the MICT’s (Ministry of Information and Communication Technology) exercise to draft a new National ICT policy. It is our hope that […]

  • TelOne announces backhaul fibre availablility for operators & companies

    TelOne, the state owned and Zimbabwe’s sole fixed telecoms company announced today the availability of backhaul transmission facilities for leasing to other telecoms operators, government institutions, private companies and NGOs. […]

  • Econet owed $85m by NetOne & TelOne. About sharing infrastructure, USF

    Today, the Econet CEO, Douglas appeared before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on ICT. The appearance was for discussion on various issues ranging from tariffs, infrastructure […]

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