• Press Release: Econet Wireless blocking Aquiva Wireless Voip calls

    Aquiva Wireless would like to advise new and existing customers that there is currently an ongoing interconnection dispute between ourselves and Econet Wireless. Due to this we are currently unable to guarantee calls terminating to Econet.

  • Econet mobile money subscribers to buy stocks on the ZSE using EcoCash

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has just announced that shortly it will be possible for “small” investors to use its EcoCash mobile money service to buy stocks on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The service, according to the announcement is targeted at investors buying stock of less than $5,000.

  • TN Bank to finance smartphones and tablets for Econet subscribers

    When Econet made moves to acquire TN Bank last year, they made it clear it was to push adoption of their EcoCash mobile money service. But there are more benefits to owning a financial institution than just driving mobile money adoption; Econet announced today that one of those benefits, and indeed one of the reasons…

  • Press Release: Econet reaches 8 Million customers

    The festive season once again saw a bumpThe festive season once again saw a bumper rise in Econet subscribers with the company reporting that it has crossed the 8-million level for the first time, supported by the recent introduction of Buddie Zone. Econet Wireless Commercial Director Mr George Barbaressos confirmed the new figures, saying the…

  • Econet sort of reduces mobile broadband tariffs

    So, what do you do if you’re a mobile operator and your customers have been clamouring all year about your mobile broadband tariffs being too high? Well, if you’re Econet you go ahead and reduce the price but you only make that reduction apply between 12 midnight and 5 AM. You also go ahead and…

  • Press Release: Econet Wireless Zimbabwe appoints new chairman

    Veteran American telecoms executive Dr James Patrick Myers has been appointed the new Non-Executive Chairman of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe to replace Tawanda Nyambirai, who stepped down this week. Dr Myers is a retired former Vice President for Africa of South Western Bell, now part of AT&T, the world’s largest telecoms company by value. He also…

  • TN Bank becomes Econet subsidiary as Nyambirai sells stake

    Tawanda Nyambirai, Lifestyle Holdings CEO and Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Chairman, announced today that he has accepted an offer from Econet Wireless to buy him out of TN bank. Speaking at a press briefing today Nyambirai said he will be selling his stake in the bank he founded in exchange for shareholding in Econet Wireless. As…

  • Econet connects EcoCash to its banking company, TN Bank

    Yesterday, Econet published in an advert the announcement that the industry knew would come sooner or later. The mobile operator has now integrated EcoCash, its mobile money transfer service, to TN Bank, the bank it acquired earlier this year. The development means TN bank customers that use EcoCash will be able to transfer money from…

  • While Zimswitch waits, Econet chooses to partner banks directly with EcoCash

    Today we attended a press briefing where Econet Wireless Zimbabwe and CBZ Bank were announced a new mobile banking partnership. The partnership basically entails that EcoCash subscribers who bank with CBZ can now move money between their EcoCash mobile money wallet and their traditional bank account from their mobile phones. Users of the service can…

  • Econet subsidizes kombi fares for EcoCash users

    In an apparent move to attract subscribers to use its EcoCash mobile payment service, Econet announced this week that for a week they’ll subsidize the kombi* fare by US 25 cents for people paying via EcoCash. For some users of EcoCash this means as much as half of the fare will be paid by Econet…

  • Econet interim results: US $78 million in after tax profits

    We just came from an analysts briefing in Harare where Econet Wireless Zimbabwe presented their interim results ending 31 August 2012. We live tweeted the briefing on our @Techzim stream. […]

  • Econet slashing some Buddie tariffs by as much as 80%

    You’ve probably heard that Econet is trialing some ultra-low cost voice rates for its Buddie customers. It’s true. A new – but not yet launched officially – Econet voice promo […]

  • EcoCash Mobile Money: Interview with Econet Services CEO

    Last week, after a tour of EcoCash Business (well, EcoCash Commuter mostly), we got the opportunity to interview the Econet Services CEO, Darlington Mandivenga and Econet Wireless Mobile Money Executive, […]

  • Econet hires former M-PESA top talent for EcoCash

    Japhet Aritho, former Head of M-PESA Product Development and Operations at Safaricom When we attended the EcoCash tour yesterday, two developments at the company stood out: A new hire, former […]

  • Econet rearranges smartphone contract deals. Still more expensive

    In April this year, Econet shocked us when they introduced a US $6,000 contract phone deal. We kid not. They did! The deal was: for 24 months, one would pay […]

  • Econet says more than 200 kombis now accepting EcoCash

    Last week we reported that Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, is in the process of introducing its  mobile money service, EcoCash, in the transport sector. We got a tip from a student […]

  • Econet increases EcoCash mobile money transaction limits

    Econet, Zimbabwe’s largest telecommunications firm, and now arguably the largest mobile money transfer services provider in the country, announced recently the increase of daily and monthly transactions limits for its […]

  • Court clears way for Econet to claim more than $3 Billion in Nigeria

    Yesterday, Econet Wireless International sent out a press statement announcing the dismissal by the High Court in Nigeria of an application by Bharti Airtel to block an International Commercial Tribunal […]

  • Econet joins lotto-like value added service race

    Just under two weeks after Telecel announced its question & answer vas promo, Econet has followed with its own. The Econet announcement was made on the company’s Facebook page on Monday […]

  • Press Release: Econet customer base surges to 7 million

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe’s customer base has surged to over seven million connected users from 6.4 million in February and has the capacity to rise further to 8.5 million customers. In […]

  • Econet Solar Green Kiosks: the launch

    We attended the Econet Solar Green Kiosk launch today which we posted about earlier. The launch took place at the Econet HQ in Harare. The mayor of Harare, Muchadeyi Masunda, […]

  • Econet Solar to launch community Green Kiosks

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe will today launch what the company calls the Green Kiosk; basically a kiosk that sells Econet mobile phone accessories, airtime, EcoCash mobile money services, and allows Econet […]

  • More to the Econet and Netone interconnection dispute?

    This article is by Jabulani Chirinda, who describes himself as “A technology enthusiast, entrepreneur, Google services platinum user.” Chirinda Studied applied physics at NUST, and is currently pursuing a degree in Telecommunications […]

  • We will not do what Econet did to you, says Telecel

    Last week’s light jab at its fighting rivals wasn’t enough for Telecel. They’re not done yet taking optimum advantage of the situation. In a more settled and deeper response to […]

  • Econet and NetOne agree to resume interconnection pending main hearing

    Reports on yesterday’s High Court hearing on the interconnection dispute between Econet and NetOne say the two mobile operators made a “draft consent order” yesterday in which Econet agreed to […]

  • TelOne owes Econet much more interconnection money than NetOne does

    Last month, when Econet Wireless chief executive, Douglas Mboweni, appeared before a parliamentary committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on ICT, he reportedly disclosed that Econet is owed a whopping […]

  • NetOne accuses Econet of possible economic sabotage in Zimbabwe

    Econet Wireless cut us out during an important national event constituting a possible case of economic sabotage, is the latest accusation from Zimbabwe’s state owned mobile operator, NetOne, which last […]

  • Full text of NetOne’s [REVISED] notice on interconnection dispute with Econet

    When Econet terminated interconnection services with NetOne for a day on 23 August 2012, NetOne responded with a public notice published in the local newspapers on Friday, 24 August 2012. We […]

  • Seizing an opportunity: Telecel’s response to the Econet & NetOne fight

    So what do you do when you two business rivals start fighting? No, you don’t sit back and watch! You seize the opportunity! You explain to the market why it’s […]

  • Full text of NetOne’s notice on interconnection dispute with Econet

    Earlier, we reported that NetOne released a notice today basically saying that in addition to making an application to the High Court to have Econet restore the interconnection (which they […]

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