• G-Tel launches new flagship device the A750 Xplora MX1

    Local mobile devices company G-Tel Cellular launched a new device, the A750 Xplora MX1 mobile phone tonight at a glitzy event at the Harare Club. The new device, which runs […]

  • Of irksome Bloatware

    Defined as the excess and unwanted junk that chews up your RAM, memory, battery and most importantly for us on prepaid bundles; data, bloatware this is one of the most […]

  • Latest statistics on mobile OS market share in Zimbabwe

    Recent data gathered from StatCounter shows that the Zimbabwean mobile market is still dominated by Nokia devices with Symbian and S40 making up 50.49 % of the total market share […]

  • The new Powertel: Zimbabwe Internet provider rebrands quietly

    If in the past 2 or so months you have interacted with the brand of one of the few profitable government companies in Zimbabwe, Powertel, you probably noticed the company […]

  • Smartphone Review: Karbonn Titanium S5 bold and competitive for $329.

    The Karbonn smartphone brand is one of the low cost smartphone brands that is getting popular with the Zimbabwean market and their flagship Titanium S5 (at least locally) makes a […]

  • ZimboKitchen among the top startups in 2013

    It’s just about the exact same time last year we announced the launch of a web startup called ZimboKitchen.com. At initial contact, we had good hunch on their potential of […]

  • Karbonn Smart Zimbabwe partners CABS bank to provide smartphones on credit

    Just a few days ago we came upon a Karbonn Smart booth at a CABS bank branch in Harare. On enquiring from the agent we learned that the distributor of […]

  • Revealed: Everything you need to know about the new G-tel Explorer A717

      Last week, a day after I wrote something on another G-tel smartphone, I got my hands on the recently launched G-tel flagship smartphone, the Explorer A717. I am not […]

  • Nokia market share grows in Zimbabwe to 65% – ZAMPS

    According to a report released today by the Zimbabwe Advertising Research Foundation (ZARF), Nokia still dominates the local market in terms of handset type ownership. The brand, which is on the decline globally, but continues to rule in developing countries. In Zimbabwe, the report says, about 65% of the handsets are Nokia devices. The report…

  • Broadband Forum Feedback Survey Giveaway

    Thank you once again for completing the Zimbabwe Broadband Forum feedback survey . As communicated, we’re giving a GTeL smartphone to a lucky respondent. To enter, please complete the form […]

  • What went on at RHoK Harare – Part 1 of 3

    We’ve participated in a few hackathons the last couple of years. We’ve even been a winner in one of them. This year when we decided to host our own hackathon, we chose to do things a little different.

  • Smartphone survey results: Zimbabwe’s most used & preferred phones

    Following last week’s intense verbal fencing we are pleased to announce that the jury is back and we have the results. Now before I start to gloat and tell you I told you so here is a summary of the results:

  • Journey into smartphone ownership

    A few years ago I was browsing in a store in Boksburg looking to purchase a phone. The BlackBerry was all the rage then and the iPod was extremely popular. I gazed at the multiple deals which we only see now courtesy of Econet and Gtel in Harare. While I was busy comparing the many…

  • Startup talk: A knack for potential

    A lot of startups simply stuck their heads into the sand and launched e-commerce sites with a credit card based checkout and no wonder they failed. Whilst at it, it needs to be mentioned that people hate writing cheques and banks hate issuing cheque books even more. www.gtel.co.zw seems to have mastered the art of…

  • Why mobile operators should consider startup funding in Africa

    Paul Graham, Founder of the Y Combinator incubation hub once spoke of the ingredients required to create Silicon Valley. He summed it up as a combination of: Rich people (angel or VC investors) + Nerds (talent)

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