• POTRAZ will not force MNOs to reduce data tariffs. To let market forces regulate

    With internet out-of-bundle prices ranging from US 7 cents (NetOne) to 15 cents (Econet) per megabyte, Zimbabwe’s data tariffs are considered relatively – to the average incomes that is – high. This however, […]

  • Of connected cars, SMS, and revolutionary products by Econet

    Today, I opened an email from Econet titled “Econet Wireless has launched yet another revolutionary product, the Econet Connected Car.” I had just heard from people that attended the launch that […]

  • Want to send money, how about via Bluetooth?

    Have you ever stumbled upon a thought, thinking just how possible it could be to send money using Bluetooth technology, how easy your life would be if it only meant not […]

  • Econet introduces unlimited voice calls for $1 (updated)

    Econet has launched a voice promotion that gives its subscribers unlimited voice calls to other Econet numbers for just $1. According to an SMS being circulated to subscribers this limited […]

  • Powertel’s bundles a bad idea

      I have been a member of the Powertel mobile family since 2010. My three friends and I were fourth year Accounting students at the University of Zimbabwe. Econet had […]

  • Networks offer free WhatsApp to subscribers

    Earlier today South Africa’s Cell C announced an offer for free WhatsApp services to all its contract  subscribers and some of its prepaid subscribers. According to a report from My […]

  • Zimpost’s Zipcash moves into Botswana

    It has been reported that Zipcash the electronic money transfer and remittance service launched by postal service Zimpost has extended its service to Botswana. Zipcash was launched late last year […]

  • How to access the internet through Facebook

    Some time back I posted an article about my getting banned from WhatsApp and contributing to the ban was my wanting to share with followers my top 20 SECRETS that mobile networks don’t […]

  • Service Providers in Zimbabwe

    We are not on an island and often times we need to contact someone for assistance. Listed here are the contact details of local ICT service providers that we feel that every […]

  • TelOne removes ADSL internet speed expectations for home users

    If you are a TelOne ADSL home user you may want to know that TelOne doesn’t want you to associate your internet package with any expected speed anymore. On the company’s […]

  • City of Harare upgrading to smart city status?

    Here’s something intriguing spotted yesterday in Harare – Some construction work on some traffic lights in the CBD. It looks like there’s the installation of surveillance cameras opposite Town House. Is […]

  • Zimbabwe ill-prepared for the Ebola scare

    One day, in early March this year, a Guinean man, had a craving for meat. He packed his weapons and went into the forest where he was lucky enough to […]

  • Econet set to compete on product value, not lower tariffs

    Last week Econet Wireless held its annual general meeting which gave the company’s management an opportunity to address shareholders on issues related to revenue, profitability and the outlook for the […]

  • In rejoicing for Zero rated content, Facebook & WhatsApp bundles, let’s worry about net neutrality

    Locally, perceiving zero rated content packages, Facebook specific and WhatsApp specific bundled internet as anything less than positive feels like looking a gift horse in the mouth. It’s like pouring cold water over something that should be celebrated. But […]

  • DStv: SuperSport to go simulcast

    According to a post made two days ago on their website, DStv has said that starting from the 12th of August, SuperSport 1-7 will be changed to simulcast from dual cast channels. […]

  • Telecel offers 35 mins (on net) for $1

    Disclosure: The writer consults for Telecel Zimbabwe and the views expressed here are solely his and not of any company or of TechZim’s. In a bulk SMS sent out to its subscribers this […]

  • Telecel #TellSomeone, imitation is the greatest form of flattery

    It all started with Telecel’s successful rebranding exercise in February 2012. The network operator managed to craft a tagline, “Go Ahead, TellSomeone”, that effectively combined their brand name with a […]

  • Econet announces free access to Twitter, your move Telecel?

    Econet Wireless announced that they will be giving all broadband subscribers free access to micro blogging site Twitter.  With a tweet carrying an amusing jibe at Telecel’s catch phrase #tellsomeone, […]

  • POTRAZ Q1 Report shows significant mobile traffic decline

    There are more people signing up for mobile connections but fewer calls are being made by these same subscribers. This fact has been expressed POTRAZ’s Sector Performance Report for the […]

  • Zimbabwe’s mobile penetration 106% as Econet grows to 9 million subscribers

    A recent Q1 report by Zimbabwe’s telecommunications regulator, POTRAZ, says the country’s mobile penetration rate is now 106%, mowing mostly to the growth of Econet subscribers by about 4%. Econet’s […]

  • Local mobile voice call tariffs tumble

    Let’s all take a minute to celebrate the sweet spot mobile subscribers are in right now. As the battle for voice call revenue among network subscribers rages on, each network […]

  • My complicated relationship with my network provider

    My relationship with my network provider, Econet Wireless is rather complicated. Why complicated? Well there’s so much to be happy about when it comes to being an Econet subscriber. Then […]

  • 7 items you DON’T want to miss in this week’s Sunday Mail

    It’s not very often that I buy the newspaper. More so on a Sunday. I mean I can get all the news I want online. WhatsApp and Facebook bundles allow […]

  • Hooked on promos

    Readers may be familiar with an induction principle used by drug cartels. New drug lords wanting to penetrate the market would kidnap teenagers and force drugs on them and release […]

  • Use OneWallet through TelOne agents and win a T-Shirt!

    Don’t just tell someone, tell EVERYONE! NetOne is making moves to broaden the reach of its mobile money service. According to a newly flighted advert TelOne is now a OneWallet […]

  • POTRAZ should review and enforce regulations for the operators’ sake

    Local regulation on cyber crime and telecoms services infringement is rather lax. Or at least that’s the impression we’re getting from the concerns raised by Telecel to the state legislature. […]

  • Telecel reclaims “second biggest MNO” tag with strong subscriber numbers

    Yesterday mobile network operator Telecel Zimbabwe gave oral evidence to a Parliamentary committee on Communication, Technology, Postal and Courier Services. According to a report in the Herald the operator released figures […]

  • Man in the mirror: What Econet can learn from being excluded by ZESA

    Econet is unhappy about being excluded by ZESA from selling prepaid electricity tokens via the EcoCash mobile money platform. It doesn’t make sense to them how the government won’t let them […]

  • Econet Bundles of Joy : A bigger and better offer…for whom?

    Econet Wireless recently introduced a new suite of bundles that offer voice and data at a discounted rates. The product, called Bundles of Joy, also has unlimited local SMSes for […]

  • ZESA needs help

    There is a joke currently doing rounds in the social media about how leaders can make their nations happy. While for most nations this is a very difficult and often […]

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