• Econet introduces unlimited Facebook access for $3 a month

    This is ofcourse something we have wished for a long time now that mobile operators would do. It just makes business sense; social business for us subscribers that is! Econet announced yesterday that they have introduced an unlimited access to Facebook promotion that will last until the end of February next year. As part of…

  • press release: Telecel scoops various excellence awards

    Telecel Zimbabwe was last week, for the second year running, presented with the Best Call Centre Award at the Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe (CCAZ) Customer Service Excellence awards ceremony. […]

  • An interview with Zimfon representative, Brett Chulu

    Recently, we had the opportunity to interview a representative of Zimfon, Brett Chulu, on the nature of the Zimfon service; what it offers, how its different from competition, the relationship […]

  • PowerTel drops prices in 2 month promo. Invites unpaid subscribers back

    Powertel, a local government owned Internet Access Provider (IAP), announced yesterday a reduction of mobile broadband prices as part of a promo called the “hoza 25 – 35 promotion”. That […]

  • Zimbabwe number portability: POTRAZ issues notice to operators (Exclusive)

    POTRAZ expects mobile operators to implement number portability in 2014 POTRAZ says it regards number portability as an important regulatory tool to widen subscriber choice and promote service based competition  […]

  • 2 years after launch, EcoCash mobile money subscribers reach 3 million

    A report in a Zimbabwean weekly, the Financial Gazette, said today that EcoCash has reached 3 million mobile money subscribers. The new subscription numbers come as the company celebrates the […]

  • Alpha Media launches SMS based news service

    Alpha Media Holdings, one of the largest media houses in Zimbabwe, recently launched a SMS news services called Mobi News. The service delivers news summaries to subscribers for US 80 […]

  • Zimbabwe mobile broadband speedtests results compared #ICTAfrica2013

    As some of you may know, we decided this year to participate in the ICT Africa event by hosting an impromptu 1 hour Broadband Shootout at the 3 day event! The shootout was simple; every operator would get a chance to speak for two minutes about what makes their service the best say how it’s…

  • ZimSwitch: an update on the ZimSwitch Shared Services (ZSS) platform

    The article below is a statement issued by ZimSwitch on the state and progress made with the ZimSwitch Shared Services payments switching platform. The statement was issued to us as part of […]

  • One agent’s experience choosing between EcoCash and Textacash

    If you have worked or stayed in the Avondale area in Harare, you probably know of a popular food place at the flea market where lots of people religiously enjoy their lunch everyday. I visited the place with a friend today and we were quite intrigued to find they are now accepting Textacash mobile payments.

  • TanaMe, a new player on the Zimbabwean VoIP app market

    A new Zimbabwean VoIP mobile app called TanaMe has found its way to a number of app stores. The app was developed by Tana Communications a family owned business based […]

  • POTRAZ speaks on why they ordered Econet to revert to old tariffs

    Econet, POTRAZ deputy director general Alfred Marisa said to us in a telephone interview today, jumped the gun with the latest 10 cents per minute tariffs and this is the reason they have been asked to revert to old pricing with immediate effect.

  • BREAKING NEWS: POTRAZ orders Econet to revert to 25 cents per minute

    In an interesting twist to the ongoing mobile tariff wars in Zimbabwe, POTRAZ we are told, has today directed Econet to revert to the old punitive pricing of 25 cents per minutes for calls. We just got the information right now from an Econet spokesperson. This is the first time POTRAZ has reacted publicly to…

  • Econet suspends EcoCash mobile money transfers to other networks

    Unlike other mobile banking offerings that have emerged on the market, customers using EcoCash are not required to have a bank account, do not need to switch their SIM cards for new ones, and can move money across different mobile networks.

  • Some people DON’T like these promotional SMSs

    I was really hoping my phone would buzz and display that famous message, “EcoCash: Transfer Confirmation. $$$ from…”. I really needed that money and then I heard my phone buzz. […]

  • Telecel’s New Onhold Music Player

    While competition drives some restaurants to be super nice to customers and place rose petals on tables, it has now seen Telecel adopting an IVR music player into their system. […]

  • Econet launches underwhelming $1 for 10 free minutes service

    It’s not easy looking a gift horse in the mouth. See, we love cheaper voice and data so don’t get us wrong; we like that Econet is offering new cheaper stuff as a mobile operator. It’s new from them but not new in this market, and in fact compared to what’s already on the market,…

  • Zimbabwe mobile tariff wars heat up as Telecel launches another free minutes promo

    Even as they are in dispute with the largest mobile operator in the country, a traffic throttling issue that has escalated into a full blown “hey, go to hell!” situation in a short time, Telecel has gone on to launch a promotion that will certainly only add fuel to this price war.

  • Zimbabwe mobile operators directed to disconnect unregistered SIMs

    There’s apparently “an upsurge in the number of offensive and abusive calls and text messages generated from unregistered sim cards” in Zimbabwe, a POTRAZ statement said today citing the reason it was issuing a directive to all mobile operators to disconnect unregistered subscribers with immediate effect. It came a bit as a surprise as all…

  • Econet / Telecel interconnection blackout enters 5th day. POTRAZ silent

    It’s now day 5 since Econet last week severed mobile interconnection with Zimbabwe’s second largest mobile operator, Telecel. Before that, Econet, the largest with more than 8 million subscribers, had been accused by Telecel of throttling voice calls from the network in a bid, they said, to frustrate subscribers into migrating ‘back’ to Econet. Econet…

  • Zim broadband speed mini survey results: Telecel has the fastest broadband (Update)

    Surveys can yield the strangest results and the results for the mobile broadband speed survey were quite shocking in some aspects. According to the results Telecel, of all the mobile operators that grace our country with their service, is not only the fastest service provider in terms of internet speed but the most reliable as…

  • Zimbabwe UNWTO 2013: Econet to launch 4G LTE services in Victoria Falls

    Econet Chief Marketing Office, Isaiah Nyangari, announced last week that Econet will be rolling out services in Zimbabwe’s tourist town of Victoria Falls, where this year’s United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly will be held. The announcement was made at the official handover of a Communications Centre to the Ministry of Tourism by…

  • iWayAfrica in $55k loss for year ending December 2012

    The annual report released this past weekend by Masawara also had details of the financial performance of one other internet provider which Masawara has shareholding in; iWayAfrica Zimbabwe. The iWay business also made losses in the year ending 31 December 2012 albeit much lower than uMAX.

  • Mobile broadband speeds mini survey (survey)

    Last week we had a look at mobile broadband packages and their various applicable tariffs and some (myself included) of you were wondering about the quality of the service.

  • Guroo is Africom’s new VoIP service. Our initial thoughts

    You may have noticed Guroo over the past several days. Or Guro-o if we go by the new service’s domain name and logo. It’s a product by Africom and in case you are wondering how that’s pronounced, it’s ‘guru’ as in expert. It’s a new VoIP service the company has launched. Africa’s first, they are…

  • Comparison of mobile broadband tariffs in Zimbabwe

    Here’s a comparison of the tariffs of the mobile broadband services offered by Mobile Operators In Zimbabwe. We have included both the traditional GSM mobile operators, Telecel, Econet and NetOne, as well as new emerging mobile operators Africom and PowerTel. First we post the comparison, some notes to make sense of the data, and then…

  • Afrocoin to compete with Mukuru, Western Union, EcoCash in remittances

    A new startup, Afrocoin Mobile Money, is set to launch in the coming months (or weeks,no idea right now) as a new player in the remittances and mobile money transfer market.

  • Telecel unleashes mega bonus on competing networks, effectively reduces tariffs!

    In a move clearly qualifying as “a first”, Telecel Zimbabwe has effectively reduced mobile voice call rates. Information we received says the company has extended its mega bonus promotion to cover off net calls.

  • Government to Telecel: Transfer shareholding to locals first to renew license

    The government of Zimbabwe has told Telecel Zimbabwe to sort out its long pending shareholding issues first, before they can be eligible for their mobile network license renewal. The announcement was made along with the announcement of the new license fees that have already been put in place. Telecel’s 15 year license, which they got…

  • Zim mobile operators on social media: Econet surpasses Telecel in popularity

    When we listed Zimbabwe’s most ‘Liked’ pages on Facebook late last year, one company was clearly conspicuous by its absence from the list of companies and brands that had the largest following on the social network; Econet. This despite that offline, the company commands one of the highest, if not the highest, customer base in…

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