• Telecel reveals they killed off the Skwama mobile money service

    Remember Skwama? It’s the mobile money transfer service which Telecel Zimbabwe started introducing back at the end of 2010. It was launched in January 2011 but before long, its ads and […]

  • “The honeymoon is over” Chamisa tells mobile operators

    “The honeymoon is over for the mobile operators!” These were the words of the Minister of ICT in Zimbabwe, Nelson Chamisa, at a function held alongside this year’s ICT Africa […]

  • Telecel introduces SMS based question answering promo

    Telecel, the second largest mobile operator in Zimbabwe, announced today the introduction of a question answering value added service promotion that will see its subscribers win prizes every day for […]

  • We will not do what Econet did to you, says Telecel

    Last week’s light jab at its fighting rivals wasn’t enough for Telecel. They’re not done yet taking optimum advantage of the situation. In a more settled and deeper response to […]

  • ZimSwitch services update: Internet payments, Mobile Money, mCommerce & more

    We have received a much needed update from ZimSwitch on stuff they have been working on these past several months. The last time we covered ZimSwitch in some depth is […]

  • Comment: Are POTRAZ’s infrastructure sharing regulations fair on Econet?

    Yesterday, we posted an article titled “POTRAZ to introduce compulsory infrastructure sharing in new regulations” which basically talked about the Zimbabwe’s telecoms regulator’s move to institute legislation to enforce sharing on telecoms infrastructure  among […]

  • POTRAZ to introduce compulsory infrastructure sharing in new regulations

    A report on the Malaysian national news agency site Bernama.com, says that POTRAZ, Zimbabwe’s telecoms regulator instituting regulation to make telecoms infrastructure sharing compulsory for telecoms operators in Zimbabwe. According […]

  • PowerTel slashes mobile broadband price by 40% in promo

    So here’s a mobile broadband deal to consider right now. And it’s from a corner we expected the least. As if US $50 a month for uncapped usage wasn’t low […]

  • Econet promo slashes cost of international calls by up to 50%

    In the latest salvo of the mobile network subscriber battle Econet  sent the following sms to their subscribers: “As part of our 14th anniversary celebrations we have reduced international rates […]

  • Talking about MedAccess mobile health with Altfin Health GM, Thembi Moyo

    A little more than 6 months ago an Altfin Holdings subsidiary, Altfin Medical Aid Scheme, launched a new mobile phone based medical insurance product called MedAccess. The company became first […]

  • MobileNEWS introduces more convenient pricing

    The Herald’s MobileNEWS service is now available for US 88c per week. The new pricing option is advertised in today’s (18 July 2012) copy of the newspaper. Earlier we reported […]

  • Altfin’s SMS based medical aid service now available across networks

    In June, Altfin announced that their SMS and USSD mobile based medical aid service, MedAccess, would be made available on the other two major mobile network providers in Zimbabwe. The […]

  • Will MTN be snookered by deepening bribery scandal?

    The bribery scandal involving the MTN Group and its Iranian associate MTN Irancell is gathering momentum following the suspension of Yusuf Saloojee, South Africa’s ambassador to Oman. Saloojee is the […]

  • Econet Mobile WiMax reappears with new pricing. Declares war on competition

    Recently, Econet announced via print press adverts a slash of the 4G Mobile WiMax service prices and a return of the Mobile WiMax dongle that hasn’t been on the shelve since […]

  • mTutor marches towards commercial launch on Econet network

    After their success at the FMNA ZeTXT Apps Challenge we caught up with the team behind the winning app mTutor to see how much progress they have made to commercialise […]

  • Econet Wireless Zimbabwe celebrates 14th anniversary

    The 10th of July marks the date Econet Wireless Zimbabwe was granted its GSM mobile network operating license back in 1998. Today, the company celebrates its 14th anniversary. In press […]

  • Telecel hits 2 million subscribers. Zimbabwe’s mobile penetration now 80%

    A press released we just received from Telecel says the company has surpassed 2 million active subscribers. The new milestone means Telecel has added on some 200,000 subscribers since the […]

  • PowerTel expands mobile broadband service to Mutare, Rusape and Marondera

    PowerTel, the state owened Internet Access Provider (IAP), last week launched mobile broadband services in Zimbabwe’s 4th largest city, Mutare, and two major towns, Rusape and Marondera. PowerTel has been […]

  • TelOne increases ADSL subscribers to 8,600 in 6 months

    In December last year, TelOne revealed that it had only connected some 2,600 subscribers to the ADSL since it launched the service earlier in the year. The growth has been […]

  • Is Zim ready for a 4th mobile network?

    We recently caught up with Geoff Goss a VC with Matamba Anonaka about whether he was still pursuing his initiative to establish an MVNO (Mobile virtual Network operator) in Zimbabwe. […]

  • Zimbabwe’s March 2012 mobile phone penetration rate (Telecel adjusted)

    A little under two weeks ago, we published the mobile subscriber statistics we got from the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ). The stats showed that Zimbabwe’s mobile […]

  • Altfin to extend mobile based medical aid scheme to Telecel, Econet

    Altfin Medical Aid Scheme announced yesterday that its MedAccess mobile based medical aid service is going to be extended to Econet Wireless and Telecel Zimbabwe subscribers in the coming few […]

  • Econet Wireless Zimbabwe prepares to launch EcoCash merchant services

    Econet has started an advertising campaign for the introduction of merchant services on the EcoCash mobile money transfer system. The adverts, which started appearance recently in Zimbabwe’s newspapers, indicate that […]

  • Zimbabwe’s March 2012 mobile & fixed subscriber stats

    We just got the latest mobile network and fixed line operator subscriber stats from the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) for March. The stats cover the year’s […]

  • Telecel mobile broadband prices now the lowest in Zimbabwe

    Telecel this week announced a promotional slash of mobile broadband prices by some 50% in a move that may trigger other mobile operators to respond in a bid to remain competitive. The second largest mobile operator in Zimbabwe now effectively has the lowest priced mobile broadband in the country. Amoung mobile operators that is. The…

  • Tech in Zimbabwe and the International Trade Fair (Pictures)

    The country’s premier business exhibition, the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair ran last week Tuesday to Saturday, and like most business exhibitions of its kind lately, ICT companies and their products continue to be more prominent. It’s clear now more than ever before how much of a central driver to development technology is for individuals, businesses…

  • Aquiva Wireless secures commercial interconnection with Econet for VoIP

    Two months ago, Artwell Mataranyika the Aquiva Wireless chief operations officer told us their telecoms company would be launching VoIP service by April. He said they were actually ready to launch on the technical front but had to finalize commercial interconnection agreements to with incumbent operators.

  • Processes in telecoms

    In the previous article we focused on the six prominent areas of Fraud and revenue Assurance in telecoms. You will agree with me that these are just areas which will start making sense if we combine people, technology and processes onto them. The lifeblood and heart of any organization are the processes (how an organization…

  • Start-up solves Zimbabwe’s change problem with a mobile airtime solution

    Since the adoption of the mixed hard currencies monetary regime in Zimbabwe at the end of 2009, the one problem that has refused to go away is that of change. Retailers just don’t have enough change to give shoppers. It’s the same situation with commuter bus operators, street vendors and just about anyone that sells…

  • Addressing Revenue Assurance in telecoms

    According to a market research report released by global research firm, Frost & Sullivan (May 9 2011), Zimbabwe’s mobile communications revenue will reach US $ 1.34 billion by 2016, with 20.1% compound annual growth rate. This is only achievable if these firms consider and monitor tightly the revenue assurance cycle. Let’s look at the prominent…

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