• Zimbabwe’s second largest media house announces launch of online classifieds

    Traditionally, newspapers owned classifieds. Some newspaper consumers (desperate home and job seekers) even bought (well, still buy) the whole paper just to look at the classifieds section. On the internet though, […]

  • Zimpost launches Zipcash, local & international electronic money tansfer

    Zimbabwe’s government owned postal services company, Zimpost, yesterday launched launched an electronic money transfer service known as Zipcash. The service, according to a report by Finx, allows for domestic and […]

  • Zimfon’s response on the legality of the company’s VoIP services

    Yesterday, we published an article in which we had comments from POTRAZ Deputy Director General, Alfred Marisa, on the legality of the recently launched Zimfon VoIP service. Legality in terms […]

  • Zimbabwe: My applications wish list

    Tomorrow applications developers battle it out at the TechZim / ZOL Surge and start-up challenge. If I were to have my way and incarnate a stanza of magic code to […]

  • Econet announces EcoLife supreme court victory against Trustco

    Econet announced today that the Supreme Court has ruled in their favour in the matter against Namibian technology company Trustco, in the Supreme Court. The two companies have been fighting in court since mid 2011 following disagreements over the running of the EcoLife service. The victory is more one of principle and closure as it…

  • Zimbabwe apps review: Pay4App internet payments

    Some very innovative people have sat down on this one. See, the relevancy of an app to the populace is not necessarily in the cutting edge technology (that’s for tech […]

  • Why, outside Zimbabwe (& Kenya), mobile money in Africa hasn’t succeeded

    Whenever I’m in a foreign country in the region, I try to observe and ask questions about mobile stuff. Mobile money especially is a big interest and the one thing […]

  • Zim startup launches mobile money management desktop app, Capu

    A local startup has launched a desktop based mobile money management tool called Capu (short for Cash Application: Universal). Universal in that the tool can be used to manage transactions any mobile money service locally. The app, which is Windows based, so far allows users to manage their Textacash and EcoCash transactions more conveniently.

  • Afrocoin launches in a few days. What do they bring to diaspora remittances?

    Remember the new international money transfer startup called Afrocoin that we wrote about back in June? Then, they were just a profile on Crunchbase and a few screenshots here and […]

  • Zimbabwe apps review: C2 Media’s TelOne directory

    C2 Media has made some serious strides in the area of mobile applications. They have developed applications for iOS, Android and biNu in addition to other custom software design & development. They have a noticeably long track record of some renowned corporates and small companies that they have worked with.

  • Econet announces EcoFarmer, insurance for smallholder farmers

    Yesterday, we exclusively reported that Econet was working to launch a new insurance service for smallholder farmers called EcoFarmer. Econet just issued a press statement announcing the product. Our report […]

  • Telecel Zimbabwe extends the Mega Bonus Reloaded cheap calls promo

    To refer to the calls as ‘cheap’ is of course in the context of a Zimbabwe that ranks close to the top on the list of crazy high mobile tariffs in Africa. […]

  • Startup launches Zimbabwe’s first online local domain registration service

    The difficult process of registering local domains in Zimbabwe is something we have written about extensively here on Techzim. It’s something we feel passionate about for the simple reason that […]

  • ZimSwitch: an update on the ZimSwitch Shared Services (ZSS) platform

    The article below is a statement issued by ZimSwitch on the state and progress made with the ZimSwitch Shared Services payments switching platform. The statement was issued to us as part of […]

  • TanaMe, a new player on the Zimbabwean VoIP app market

    A new Zimbabwean VoIP mobile app called TanaMe has found its way to a number of app stores. The app was developed by Tana Communications a family owned business based […]

  • How to get started making your own online store

    There has been a number of discussions on the issue of ecommerce is Zimbabwe. Some have predicted its success and some were sceptical that e-commerce will experience significant adoption in […]

  • Some people DON’T like these promotional SMSs

    I was really hoping my phone would buzz and display that famous message, “EcoCash: Transfer Confirmation. $$$ from…”. I really needed that money and then I heard my phone buzz. […]

  • Assessing Zimbabwe’s readiness for eCommerce

    Over the past 2 years there has been an increasing amount of talk on the readiness of Zimbabwe to adopt e-commerce. A number of articles published either imply or affirm […]

  • Crowdfunding and business smarts could have saved Gringo film from piracy losses

    So the Gringo investors are yet to recoup their $50 000 because of piracy. Well, if they had stopped to consider all options before releasing their film perhaps they would have made a profit before production started.

  • Econet launches unexciting ‘reactive line for free airtime’ promo

    Today, Econet announced the launch of a promo where subscribers are credited with bonus free for recharging their prepaid subscriptions. This basically to encourage people that haven’t been using their lines for various reason (like migrating to the other 2 mobile networks) to be active. It would really have had us jumping with excitement if…

  • Predicting an eCommerce boom in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe has always been a tricky landscape for online ventures. We have seen many an entrepreneur launch an exciting platform only to see it fail. Ventures such as tengesa.com easily come to mind. Don’t get me wrong here; I am not saying we do not have success stories in Zimbabwe.

  • Lessons from the Gringo film

    On the evening of independence day, 18 April, the Zimbabwean Shona film Gringo the Troublemaker by NAMA award winner writer Enock Chihombori premiered. The 1 hour 50 minutes production was based on the ever popular 1990s series “Gringo”. The reviews were excellent and the movie received a lot of praise from many critics. Yet almost…

  • It gets ugly as Econet disconnects Telecel Zimbabwe. Our brief thoughts

    Earlier today Econet released a statement, its response to the Telecel statement yesterday that basically accused them of throttling traffic. In the statement, which we posted in full here, Econet essentially said they are no under any obligation to have interconnection with Telecel as Telecel are an unlicensed operator. This because Telecel is still to…

  • Mahindra Comviva introduces Square-like payments dongle for Mobiquity platform

    Over the past 3 or so years whenever we’ve met senior guys from local companies in the payments space we’ve asked them if they know Square and Square cloning. Square is basically a dongle that can be plugged to any phone through headphone jack, enabling the phone to accept credit card payments.

  • More of the Afrocoin money transfer solution: the website screenshot

    Last month, we wrote about a money transfer service set to launch soon called Afrocoin. With scanty information gleaned from their Crunchbase profile and website holding page, we were not sure of the details of the product it is. We are still not sure about many things, but an image sent to our tips email…

  • New Steward Bank banks on Econet relationship for product innovation

    Today we attended a (now former) TN Bank event where the company launched its new name Steward Bank. The rebranding comes a few months after the bank was acquired by Econet Wireless from its former owner Tawanda Nyambirai. It was made clear at the event by the bank CEO, Kwanele Ngwenya, that the bank’s services…

  • Telecel Zimbabwe considering mobile money re-entry?

    Last year, Telecel Zimbabwe pulled a ‘surprise of the year’ move on all of us; A mobile operator killed its mobile money service. No one knows (well, except them and probably ZimSwitch) when exactly Skwama was killed because it was done silently, only to be disclosed when we asked about the disappeared product in September…

  • New Zim and US eCommerce site, KhayaShopping, launches

    Without any widely adopted internet payments platform, despite the existence of Vpayments, and some EcoCash internet payment trials, eCommerce in Zimbabwe is struggling to take off. But there are startups that are moving in early regardless, positioning themselves for when the Zimbabwean will rely on the internet to shop.

  • Econet Wireless Zimbabwe full year profits down by 16%

    Today, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, the company that has the lion’s share of the mobile telephony & broadband business in Zimbabwe, announced at a press briefing their annual financial results the period ending February 2013.

  • Zim government approves tax increase for telecoms & “mobile banking” to fund elections

    A report in the state owned Herald newspaper today says that government has approved an increase in taxes for ‘mobile network charges’ and ‘mobile banking charges’ apparently to fund an […]