Posted inCyber Security
Posted inConnectivity
Zimbabwe Elections: Kenya inspired website helps voters find the nearest polling station
A tweet in our feed today alerted us to another elections related website that came online a few days ago. The website, (but name GoToVote! ZW) allows visitors to selector their constituency, district and ward to get a listing of polling stations nearest to them. Here's a screenshot of the website:
Posted inSocial Media
At least 1.1 million active Facebook users in Zimbabwe
We don't have to employ work arounds anymore because Facebook allows targeting Zimbos now. if you have tried to advertise on Facebook over the past couple of weeks you will know that Facebook says there's an estimated 1.1 million active Facebook accounts inn Zimbabwe. The exact figure this morning is 1,140,000. Of those, 65% are male the tool says. men have more access to tech tools than their female counterparts?
Posted inBroadband Miscellaneous
Maybe it will take new generations to embrace the internet
Sometimes I wonder if we get the internet. We, the people that have been lucky enough to see the internet. Do we get how big a shift the internet is? Or are we too early into this new era we have to take it in a bit at a time, lest it throws the balance we've built around ourselves off?
Posted inConnectivity
Will the Ubuntu phone catch on in Zimbabwe?
We have all heard the talk of how all or most our computing is going to shift to smartphones and tablets by the year so and so. The truth is I am still to encounter anyone who is willing to give up their traditional device, Desktop PC or Laptop, for any of these so called modern platforms. Some of the reasons are a result of completely irrational intransigence but one of the most common reasons given is that a great deal number of tasks are still difficult to perform on a tablet or smartphone
Posted inConnectivity
Zimbabwe Elections: Website to show results in realtime using interactive maps
Yes, you read right. The website promises it will make election results available in real time. Well, as real time as they are announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). And there's good reason to believe they'll deliver on this, a lot of work has evidently been put in building the application that is already available online on:
Posted inMiscellaneous
Where is Zimbabwe’s technology? Why?
We have all admired the advanced technologies in movies, the hologram computers, the space satellites, the high-tech weapons and we have all redirected our minds back home to reflect on our own world’s position in technology. The result of that always leaves a dulling effect in our minds. Well this is an attempt to assess what is really on ground in terms of technology and whether or not we are really centuries behind the developed world, like they say. Is the word “century” here an exaggeration or a fact?
Posted inBroadband
Broadband in Zimbabwe: The Liquid Telecom fibre network map (July 2013)
One clear measure of the progress that the country is making in connecting its population to the rich resource that is the internet, is the physical infrastructure installed at any particular time. Especially the fibre. So we were too glad to know last week that Liquid Telecom is laying 2.7 km of fibre a day in Zimbabwe.
Posted inConnectivity
Who is in charge, you or your gadget?
With the prices of the internet and technology gadgets falling and the competition increasing the gadgets are becoming more and more accessible to everyone. With this access to gadgets also comes the access to things like social networking sites such as Facebook, chat apps such as WhatsApp, Mxit, mobile games etc. All these require and even demand our every minute attention: the phones, tablets, PCs even the apps and programs themselves are constantly ringing, vibrating, popping up, ringing and flashing; cajoling and enticing us to attend to them. This has given rise to a new affliction: Tech Addiction.
Posted inConnectivity Social Media
Where to find Zimbabwe 1st TV on the internet: Streaming, YouTube, Facebook
Zimbabwe 1st TV went live yesterday as promised. But they are not just beaming to free-to-air satellite TV decoders, the channel is available for online viewing. The channel can be viewed as streaming service you Ustream, viewed as recorded shows on YouTube, and followed on Facebook
Posted inConnectivity
“That’s racist!” Huawei says of spying & hacking allegations by the US and UK
"This is tired nonsense we've been hearing for years. This is politically-inspired and racist corporate defamation, nothing more." is what a representative of Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications giant, apparently said to The Verge.
Posted inConnectivity
Zimbabwe’s new satellite TV channel: are these the frequencies?
As you may know, it's been said there's going to be a new TV channel by the end day today, beaming via satellite directly into the SABC-starved homes of Zimbabwean free-to-air satellite TV viewers
Posted inConnectivity
Brodacom officially out as POTRAZ revokes license & orders infrastructure shutdown
A report in the Zimbabwe Independent today says that POTRAZ has withdrawn the Valley Technologies Internet Access Provider (IAP) class license following failure the company to pay fees to the regulator.
Posted inConnectivity Mobile Money
Econet working on an EcoCash internet payments API
Information we have suggests that Econet has been working on an internet payments component for EcoCash which was schedule to be released this month. The release has however, as we have been told, pushed a further and its not clear when it will be available to web developers and eCommerce companies to use.
Posted inConnectivity How To
How to get a tablet for under $150
For those of us who are price sensitive and living on a tight budget the “No Name” brands might be the right solution. As has been noted countless times however, most Zimbabwean businesses simply cannot part with their habit of wanting a 100% profit on anything so now might be a good time to exercise your online shopping skills
Posted inBroadband Connectivity
Google TV might be just the answer to your problems
According to reports; there are rumours swirling around Wall Street that Google is currently negotiating with content providers with plans to launch Google TV a content streaming service along the lines of Hulu and Netflix. It seems that unlike the YouTube premium channels, this is a separate brand that has the official sanction from Google and is aimed at providing content along the lines of American TV networks such as ABC Family and The CW networks.
Posted inBroadband
Zimbabwe Broadband: ZOL launches even lower priced unlimited internet
When we attended the Liquid Telecom the MD of the fibre operator, Wellington Makamure said that while Zimbabwe's telecoms industry is lucrative, its one of the most competitive. Nothing speaks more about that heat of competition than a new price cut by ZOL just weeks after the operator announced unlimited internet on all its packages.
Posted inBroadband
Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe company and services update
Today we attended an operations update and what was also a "Who are we" update by Liquid Telecom in Zimbabwe. At the event, the Zimbabwe managing director, Wellington Makamure addressed the press, customers and business partners on the strides Liquid has made in Zimbabwe in recent months especially to do with its now 2,700 km fibre network.
Posted inConnectivity
Telecel introduces Kingdom Bank financed devices for Red customers
This week, the company announced a return to mobile phones, specifically, smartphones and tablets financed in partnership with Afrasia Kingdom.
Posted inConnectivity
A train for your troubles: why we should invest in rail transport
When my father spoke of long distance travel in the “good old days” there was always a train in his stories. He made it sound like a sensible, glamorous and fun way to travel; a place where he met all sorts’ characters. He even met his doppelganger on a train once. Yet I myself have to confess that I have never been on a train because somehow that is not the way people travel anymore. So I decided to go to Harare train station and see for myself what had happened to this once revered form of transport.