Posted inCyber Security
Posted inConnectivity
DSTV’s unfair pricing model
Like most men I like sports; I find Test cricket and the UEFA Champions league particularly interesting. I also like Nature and History documentaries although I care little for gossip news or “reality” televisions shows like Idols and X-factor. Under no circumstances will you find me watching Big Brother or Race.
Posted inBroadband
Comparison of mobile broadband tariffs in Zimbabwe
Here's a comparison of the tariffs of the mobile broadband services offered by Mobile Operators In Zimbabwe. We have included both the traditional GSM mobile operators, Telecel, Econet and NetOne, as well as new emerging mobile operators Africom and PowerTel. First we post the comparison, some notes to make sense of the data, and then some conclusions we're drawing from it.
Posted inConnectivity
Guide to online shopping in Zimbabwe: Giving the taxman his dues
Unlike cross border trading where you are physically present to smuggle that new shiny laptop in the midst of your clothes or negotiate one of those “side deals”; when making an online purchase you will have to pay the applicable customs duty and or VAT.
Posted inBroadband
NetOne introduces internet bundles for prepaid customers
Of the three mobile operators in Zimbabwe, government owned NetOne is the only company that has been selling its internet service at a simple to understand flat US 7 cents per megabyte for all subscribers. That has changed today. The company announced the introduction of data bundles today
Posted inStartups
Event: Random Hacks of Kindness – hacking against corruption
Have you ever wanted to know how to develop mobile applications but don't know where to start? Have you ever gotten frustrated by not being able to do anything about problems that are going on around us? Corruption for instance?
Posted inConnectivity
Orascom close to selling off stake in Telecel Zimbabwe
A report posted today on UK based TMT Finance says Vimpelcom, the company that owns Telecel Zimbabwe through a majority stake in Orascom Telecom, is close to selling off its Sub-saharan African telecoms assets that include Telecel Zimbabwe, and units in Burundi and Central African Repulic.
Posted inMiscellaneous
The wearable technology craze
Human beings can be crazy when when it comes to technology-or anything for that matter-so much sometimes they subscribe to the weirdest notions. Take for example dog clothes and Doggles that will cost you prices north of $100. Then there are Snuggies and electric blankets.
Posted inConnectivity Startups
Why Tengesa failed. Startup founder shares with us
In October 2011 a new local classifieds service,, launched. The service was designed to target primarily mobile web users, a part of the market largely ignored by other marketplace services like the popular About a year later though, the service was shut down.
Posted inConnectivity
5 apps that’ll make your internet bundles last longer
You can't put in words how significant an impact this has had on your life. But there’s something else you can’t explain; the smartphone feeds on your expensive internet bundles so much you’re almost certain that the mobile network is stealing from you!
Posted inMobile Money
Harare city council bill payments latest addition to EcoCash uses
Econet announced yesterday via an SMS to subscribers that residence of Harare can now pay their council bills (rates and water) using EcoCash as more practical use of the mobile money service are rolled out.
Posted inConnectivity
Guide to online shopping in Zimbabwe: shipping primer
When making an online purchase it is critical to have at least a good idea of what the total landing cost of the product you are buying would be.
Posted inMobile Money
Why Skwama reloaded is real: Former top EcoCash executive now at Telecel
We weren't sure how direct an entry especially because she referred to it as "mobile banking". New information we have received from sources in the industry says there indeed is a more direct mobile money project going on at Telecel.
Posted inConnectivity
WhatsApp hits new usage record: 27 billion messages a day!
Messaging app company, WhatsApp Inc, announced yesterday that its globally popular app now processes an impressive 27 billion messages a day! The announcement was made on twitter by the company's official account:
Posted inConnectivity
Guide to online shopping in Zimbabwe: buying from sellers who don’t ship to Zimbabwe
One of the most frustrating things, when checking out during online shopping, is finding out the product you selected to buy cannot be shipped to Zimbabwe. This is true with a good number of leading computer manufacturers and some merchants on popular storefronts such as and At best, you have to contend with some local middlemen or dealer who will of course have their cut at your expense or, at worst, the product simply is not available any other way.
Posted inConnectivity
Luke Ngwerume co-founds financial services aggregation & comparison startup
A new local startup,, has been launched to offer financial services aggregation and product comparison online. The startup was co-founded by Luke Ngwerume and one Zelina Francis. Ngwerume, most of you will remember, is the former CEO of a Old Mutual Zimbabwe a company whose focus was financial services.
Posted inConnectivity
The Herald website DoS attacked by Anonymous Africa
The website belonging to Zimbabwe's largest daily newspaper, The Herald Online, suffered a denial of service (DoS) attack some hours ago, apparently carried out by Anonymous Africa. The hacker collective is the same that attacked a South African news site earlier today. The attack on the Herald lasted only a few hours during which the site was not available at all
Posted inConnectivity
Telecel Zimbabwe strangely promotes James Makamba on social media
Usually, the content companies generate on social media platforms like Facebook is centered on the company's products; what new products they have, helping customers understand them, responding to customer questions about products, promotions etc... generally, the content is related to building the company's brands by engaging social media users. Telecel Zimbabwe is doing it a bit differently though.
Posted inConnectivity
South African news site attacked by hackers for Mugabe content
A report by MyBroadband today says a prominent South African news website, was taken down by hackers in a Denial of Service attack (DoS) apparently for running Zim president Mugabe content. The attack was carried out by a hackers collective known as Anonymous Africa who are using the Twitter account, @zim4thewin.
Posted inMobile Money
Telecel Zimbabwe considering mobile money re-entry?
Last year, Telecel Zimbabwe pulled a 'surprise of the year' move on all of us; A mobile operator killed its mobile money service. No one knows (well, except them and probably ZimSwitch) when exactly Skwama was killed because it was done silently, only to be disclosed when we asked about the disappeared product in September last year.
Posted inBroadband
Here’s why your TelOne ADSL service has been very slow lately
Over the past couple of days users of TelOne's ADSL broadband service have complained that the internet's been very slow, erratic and, in some cases no internet at all to speak of. We contacted TelOne to establish what the problem is and the company says they (well, their partner in Mozambique) suffered a service failure and they had to reroute internet traffic to some not so good routes.