• POTRAZ presents results for proposed pricing model

    Today the local telecoms regulatory authority POTRAZ held a meeting to announce the results of research conducted to determine the implementation of a new pricing model for local telecommunications services. […]

  • Embrace the internet – Information is now a competitive asset

    In my opinion, the 2014 Broadband Forum is a must-go-to event for both established companies and start-ups which are entertaining any serious dreams of attaining sustainable growth and market share […]

  • Exciting presentations lined up for 2014 Broadband Forum

    Its 8 days to go until Zimbabwe’s 2014 Broadband Forum which will be a meeting point for thought leaders and contributors of broadband infrastructure and services as whole. Seven speakers will […]

  • Econet used NetOne and TelOne interconnection debts to offset new license fees

    It has emerged that Econet cleverly negotiated with the government to offset monies owed by TelOne and NetOne (in interconnection fees) against the new US $137.5 million mobile licenses fees. As […]

  • A Happy Birthday to the World Wide Web

    On the 12th of March 1989, 34 year old British physicist Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for an information management system that would be used in his lab at the research […]

  • EcoCash-Telecash mobile money agents war still playing out in Kenya

    Reads an article on Cellular News: Kenya’s Safaricom has been accused of abusing its dominant market power after it barred its mobile money agents from acting on behalf of rival […]

  • Let’s start an EdTech revolution!

    I move that we start and EdTech revolution. We cannot argue with fact that Zimbabwe has one of the highest literacy rates in Africa. Neither can we argue with the […]

  • Econet Zimbabwe banks on EcoCash mobile money to create shareholder value

    At the company’s AGM recently Econet Wireless Zimbabwe explained to shareholders that the group is looking to services such as the mobile money service, EcoCash, for continued profitability and new […]

  • Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to establish mobile money regulation

    The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Gideon Gono, announced yesterday the introduction of a deliberate legal and regulatory framework for Mobile Financial Services. The announcement was made as part of the Monetary Policy Statement presentation.

  • RIE 2013 First Call for Papers: Research Partnerships for Wealth Creation

    The Research Intellectual Expo (RIE) is a Zimbabwean initiative by the ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, set up to showcase research and intellectual work by Zimbabweans both in the diaspora and at home.

  • TelOne appoints Chipo Mtasa new Managing Director

    Information reaching us suggests that TelOne is about to announce the appointment of Chipo Mtasa as new managing director of the company. Mtasa will take over from acting MD, Hampton Mhlanga who, according to our sources, will resume his substantive post of Technical Director of the fixed line operator and internet provider.

  • 2012 roundup: The year in review

    The year kicked off with one of the largest ISPs in Zimbabwe ZOL, announcing that it had been acquired by Liquid Telecom, a move which resulted in the Econet Wireless Group cementing its position as Zimbabwe’s largest telecoms firm.

  • So, POTRAZ has used the USF to install just 11 sites so far

    A report in today’s Herald says the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) has so far used the Universal Service Fund to install just 11 base station sites […]

  • Advice for the ICT Minister, Nelson Chamisa, from some Zimbabweans

    About a week ago, after Zimbabwe’s ICT Minister Nelson Chamisa declared it was time to read the riot act on the country’s mobile operators for poor service delivery, we decided […]

  • TelOne owes Econet much more interconnection money than NetOne does

    Last month, when Econet Wireless chief executive, Douglas Mboweni, appeared before a parliamentary committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on ICT, he reportedly disclosed that Econet is owed a whopping […]

  • Econet to terminate interconnection with Zim government owned operator NetOne

    Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has issued a public notice that the company will terminate mobile network interconnection services to the state owned mobile operator NetOne today, 23 August 2012. The notice, […]

  • The National ICT review, a participant’s view

    Yesterday, 24 July 2012, the National ICT Policy consultative meeting was held in Bulawayo and it was a somewhat charged affair. The man running the show on behalf of the […]

  • Utande launches new WIMAX broadband service

    This morning Utande Internet Services (Pvt) limited, a subsidiary company of Dandemutande Investments a company in Zimbabwe’s telecommunications industry launched its broadband WIMAX service under the uMAX brand. The Financial […]

  • Disruptive Charity: Harnessing the power of the crowd to solve social problems

    This guest article was authored by Jeff T. Chivheya, a Free Culture Activist who participates in Zimbabwe’s Open Source Movement. His passion is the intersection of science, technology and the humanities. […]

  • Our information technology predictions for 2012

    Another exciting year in information technologies lies ahead with a lot of promise for the continued growth of the sector. Below, we provide our thoughts on what we think 2012 holds. It would be great to know what you the reader think in the comments.

  • The Case for Wide Area Network Optimisation Solutions in Zimbabwe: Part 2

    My discussion in the first part was an overview of what the technology is all about and some of the benefits to businesses in Zimbabwe which have been suffering from underperforming connectivity solutions and inability to deliver key applications across the WAN.

  • Exclusive Interview with Telecontract CEO, Shadreck Nkala Over ZOL Disconnections

    Two days ago we posted an exclusive interview we had with the ZOL CEO David Behr over the broadband disconnections we posted here on Monday. David Behr revealed some interesting aspects to the story. Later the same day, we had another exclusive with the other side, Telco CEO Shadreck Nkala. Below is the transcription of…

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