• EcoCash Subscribers Panic After Absence Of Option To Buy Airtime

    As we all know, EcoCash was undergoing 24-hour maintenance from Saturday 9 PM (it ended up stretching to this morning). When EcoCash started working again last night a number of people who use the mobile money platform complained that the upgrade wasn’t good enough since the option to buy airtime was absent at the time.…

  • Critical Work For System Upgrade Has Been Happening For The Past Several Months Says EcoCash

    Yesterday, we broke the news that EcoCash won’t be available for 24 hours this coming weekend. According to EcoCash’s spokesperson, the weekend’s planned system upgrade marks the culmination of months of system maintenance. That maybe explains the intermittent and sporadic service outages the platform has been experiencing lately. The EcoCash system upgrade, for which critical…

  • Alert! You Won’t Be Able To Use EcoCash For 24 Hours This Weekend

    Your worst nightmare is happening this weekend. EcoCash has issued a statement telling people that its service won’t be available for 24 hours, from 9pm on Saturday the 16th of November to 9pm on Sunday the 17th because of a planned system maintenance. Here’s the statement from EcoCash: Given that EcoCash is used by at…

  • {Updated} Here’s How You Can Buy Netone & Telecel Airtime Using EcoCash On WhatsApp

    Update: We have changed the WhatsApp number to 0717684274 Buying Netone, Telecel or Econet airtime from us just got easier. Instead of walking up to a street vendor (who charge a premium) to buy airtime scratch cards, you can easily buy any network’s airtime with EcoCash straight from your WhatsApp in the comfort of your…

  • EcoCash Vs Swiping: What’s Superior?

    Back in 2011 when EcoCash was introduced, I don’t think any of us envisioned how ubiquitous the payments platform would become close to a decade later. In fact, our article covering the EcoCash launch 8 years ago only viewed the mobile money service as a peer to peer platform: EcoCash will work almost exactly like…

  • How To Avoid EcoCash Taking Your Money & YoMix Not Crediting Your Bundles

    If you an Econet and YoMix user who also happens to be on Twitter, you’ve most probably bumped into tweets like these: Why? Why? Why? @econet_support @econetzimbabwe that I bought data using Yomix application and money is deducted but with no data being credited. — Desire (@princechisuvi) October 23, 2019 https://twitter.com/Tinzy131/status/1186970679062810627?s=08 https://twitter.com/TakundanasheW/status/1187230271902490624?s=08 You have successfully…

  • EcoCash Closes More Agent Lines

    Several EcoCash agents had their lines closed yesterday as result of ongoing investigations by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, according to Zimpricecheck. EcoCash and RBZ have lately been trying to curb the trading of cash by EcoCash agents and one way of doing that is blocking some agent lines. After closing the agent lines, Cassava…

  • Fraudsters Using Fake EcoCash Messages To Fool Retailers

    Recently a group of fraudsters in Victoria Falls was arrested for buying goods using fake EcoCash confirmation messages to fool retailers and buy alcohol. It is the state’s case that Ngwenya was bragging about how he was able to buy goods using an edited Ecocash message and he taught his friends the trick. They tried…

  • Instant EcoCash App Adds Local Language Support

    We’ve talked about Instant EcoCash before. It’s a brilliant application that allows users to ditch the EcoCash app which requires data and gives pretty extensive functionality. Outside of all this existing functionality, Instant EcoCash is adding a new accessibility feature that will instantly make it more appealing to a wide number of users. The newest…

  • Update: ZESA Increases Minimum Amount Of Tokens You Can Buy On EcoCash & OneMoney

    The minimum amount of ZESA tokens you can buy through EcoCash has been increased from $10 to $20. EcoCash posted the message on their social media accounts: Dear valued customer Please note that ZETDC has set the minimum purchase amount of electricity tokens at ZW$20 for all service providers effective 18 October 2019. The minimum…

  • OneMoney To Overtake EcoCash In 2 Years. Is It Possible?

    In a recent interview with Trevor Ncube, Netone’s Chief Executive Lazarus Muchenje said: We choose to compete with ourselves and to try and be world-class because we do not believe that at this stage there is anyone world-class in this market in as far as mobile payments are concerned and I say that with a…

  • RBZ Left EcoCash Better Off Than They Were Before Cash-in & Cash-out Ban

    So this whole week has been consumed by the EcoCash fiasco. As predicted, the central bank’s ban on cash-in and cash-out made things worse for you and I. They then turned around and reversed their decision and said cashing in and out could go on as usual except that cashing out is now restricted to…

  • EcoCash Dismisses Fake News About Money In EcoCash Wallets

    You’ve probably seen a disturbing message circulating that’s saying EcoCash has been ordered to clear money in people’s wallets by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Well, now EcoCash has come out saying that it’s purely fake news. Also read: The Politics Of EcoCash, EcoCash Agents And Selling Cash

  • Ban On Cash-in & Cash-out Affects OneMoney And Telecash More Than EcoCash

    The world over, governments and regulators make the same big mistakes especially as regards regulating tech companies. Regulators are sometimes motivated by irrational motives like ‘institutionalised anger’ and the need to reign in big dominant platforms. A number of times they inadvertently make the dominant players stronger and more dominant in the process. An example…

  • The Politics Of EcoCash, EcoCash Agents And Selling Cash

    EcoCash, its agents and the RBZ are collectively the most topical subject in Zimbabwe right now. Taking a closer look at the saga which culminated in the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe banning cashing in and out of mobile money platforms reveals the politics of the situation: First the economics The summary of the situation in…

  • UPDATE: EcoCash Was Down For Just About 40 Minutes Maybe Not The Promised Outage

    Update: EcoCash is now working again. It’s not clear if the downtime was in relation to the RBZ directive or if they were performing some maintenance of some sort. We are reaching out to EcoCash representatives to find out. When EcoCash services were not accessible from around 9 am we thought EcoCash was not playing…

  • EcoCash Should Help Us To Monitor & Control It’s Platform – RBZ

    RBZ Governor, Dr John Mangudya has urged EcoCash to help the central bank to monitor and control it’s platform. Dr Mangudya’s comments are on the heels of a controversial ban which EcoCash is already challenging in the High Court. First off Dr Mandudya started by acknowledging that EcoCash’s platform is not inherently bad but rather…

  • EcoCash Will Be Temporarily Shut Down If RBZ Ban Is Not Lifted

    In it’s High Court application, EcoCash has highlighted that its mobile money platform will possibly be shut down altogether so that they can complete the process of removing cash-in and cash-out functionality. The Appplicant (EcoCash) is already in the process of implementing the Directive (to end cash-in and cash-out transactions) with the possibility of a…

  • Breaking: EcoCash Takes RBZ To High Court Over Cash-in & Cash-out Ban

    Following yesterday’s ban on cash-in and cash-out transactions, EcoCash has filed an urgent application at the High Court seeking to overturn the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s ban. Here are the court papers filed by Cassava Smartech, EcoCash’s parent company: Also read: RBZ Ban On Cash-in & Cash-out Will Make Things Worse

  • Strive Masiyiwa’s Comments On EcoCash Agents Selling Cash Are Hypocritical

    By Francis Chiwunda So Strive Masiyiwa recently responded to the raging debate on EcoCash agents charging premiums when people cash out of their mobile wallets. I don’t agree with his reaction to this issue and here are my thoughts: A friend said this and I sort of agree with him, This is how monopolies fall;…

  • Masiyiwa On EcoCash Agents Selling Cash, “Whose Cash Are Agents Selling?

    The issue of EcoCash agents selling cash has been topical lately. Some are issuing out ultimatums and even a cabinet minister is threatening the EcoCash CEO with arrest. Arrest for what is the question. The anti-corruption commission has called this corruption. Really? Strive Masiyiwa has given his thoughts to this whole fiasco as he responded…

  • EcoCash Issues Same-Old Statement Warning It’s Rogue Agents Against ‘Selling Money’

    This week EcoCash is making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. A couple of prominent organisations, ZACC and NBC have expressed their criticism on the failure by EcoCash to deal with rogue agents that are putting a premium on cash-out transactions. Owing to that, EcoCash has released a statement distancing itself from the unscrupulous…

  • 4 Ways To Easily Buy Telecel & Netone Airtime With EcoCash

    There are many ways to skin a cat. And also there many ways of buying airtime using EcoCash from us, Techzim. Today I will share with you 4 ways that you can use to buy airtime with EcoCash. On site- at the end of the article The most seamless way one can buy airtime is…

  • Ridiculous: EcoCash Manager May Face Arrest For Cash Out Premiums – Minister Mutodi

    Honourable Energy Mutodi, our Deputy Minister of Information has given his two cents regarding EcoCash’s cashout problem and as with most things that come from his Twitter account it’s pretty interesting… Ecocash manager may face arrest if her business continues to inconvenience the public by charging exorbitant transaction costs Deputy Minister of Information Energy Mutodi…

  • National Business Council Gives EcoCash 48-hour Ultimatum To Deal With Its Agents Over Premium Charges

    National Business Council (NBC) has now joined a growing chorus against the premium fees charged by EcoCash agents. NBC has given EcoCash 48 hours to get its house in order, by taking action against its unscrupulous EcoCash agents who are charging more than they are required to. If EcoCash doesn’t sort the issue out in…

  • ZACC To Investigate EcoCash And Its Agents For Selling Cash

    Zimbabwe’s Anti-Corruption Commission has said like you and me, they are not particularly pleased with what EcoCash agent’s and the EcoCash system has become. The issue of selling cash by agents has caught the attention of the Commission which has opened an investigation looking into this (took them long enough). The commission sent out a…

  • This App Allows You To Easily Check EcoCash Fees You Get Charged Before Sending Money

    I’ve just ran into an app that I think EcoCash users will fall in love with just as I did.EcoCash Tarrifs is an app that helps you to calculate how much you will be charged to send money to another peer. The app spares you the trouble of having to check that EcoCash table which…

  • EcoCash FCA Wallet Users! Avoid This Stupid Mistake

    Besides using the EcoCash FCA wallet to sell your US Dollars, some folks like me use it to send US Dollars. For one to send US Dollars to someone, they have to switch the currency of the wallet from RTGS to USD-FCA. As it happens, I switched my wallet from RTGS to USD-FCA currency to…

  • EcoCash Increases Transaction Limits (August)

    EcoCash has increased daily and monthly transaction limits for it’s users. The increased transaction limits are for both P2P (peer-to-peer) and P2M(peer-to-merchant) transactions. You can check the new limits below: As you can see EcoCash has introduced the new limits according to the relationship the wallet has with banks and debit cards. Considering that more…

  • We Have Shut Down Over 1000 Agent Lines For Selling Cash – EcoCash

    EcoCash agents are now infamous for selling cash (charging higher cash-out rates) to customers. In a way, they are the heartbeat of the currency black market. But unbeknownst to them, EcoCash has been monitoring them to see who has been charging “fees outside the regulated charges”. As result, mobile money platform has closed down over…