Posted inConnectivity
Wireless parenting: Beauty and the Mist
On July 4 2012, I took up a challenge to bring enlightenment to mothers and grandmothers, through the Harare Women International Society, and chose to speak on how to manage relationships on the internet at such uncertain times as we are in; hence the title.
Posted inConnectivity
New yellow pages site launched, & it comes with iOS & Android apps
Zimbabwe Yellow Pages have launched a stunning new website. The website serves as a portal to search for over 350,000 companies in their online database with profiles for Zimbabwean companies. You can basically search for Zimbabwe businesses on the internet; an online version of the traditional Yellow Pages concept but with maps, email addresses & and other stuff in the listings.
Posted inConnectivity Mobile Money Startups
Announcing Zimbabwe’s first ePayments Forum
Convenient payment options are a critical and often cited sticking point for commercial and economic development. Numerous discussions have taken place around the need for increased electronic payment methods as a means to overcome time, socio-economic, and logistical constraints amongst others.
Posted inConnectivity
Thwarted in Africa, Kim Dotcom finds new home at
If you have not heard of Kim Dotcom, he is the guy behind Megaupload. It was a top 15 online file storage site that was famously shut down and the domain seized by the US Department of Justice on allegations of copyright infringement. Chances are that at one point in time you downloaded a file from the site.
Posted inStartups
Urine powered generator developed by Nigerian girls
Four girls from Nigeria showcased a urine powered generator system they developed at the Maker Faire Africa just held in Lagos.