• Here’s how and why you should disable Flash

    I decided to disable Flash player in all my browsers. My laptop has Ubuntu installed on it, and being a security conscious user, I always keep it up to date. After a lot of research I was convinced that Flash was the Achilles heel on my machine, a hack waiting to happen.

  • Interview with Telecel CEO Angeline Vere: What are the mobile operator’s plans?

    Recently, Techzim interviewed Telecel Zimbabwe CEO, Angeline Vere. In the interview, she highlighted some aspects of Telecel’s plans for the short to medium term, as well as some aspects relating to the investment from its current owners.

  • Infrastructure Sharing: About threats, distrust and the opportunity to be grateful

    In threatening Econet with havoc if they don’t share infrastructure, the ministry of ICT missed an opportunity to appreciate the significant contribution that Econet’s investment in infrastructure has made. But all this would be easier to say if Econet themselves were fair in the ecosystem they play in.

  • Econet reintroduces Buddie Zone, packages it with mobile games

    Econet has reintroduced its Buddie Zone promotion, which offers discounts of up to 90% for on-net voice calls. At first glance, this looks like Econet’s way of adding value to voice calls for subscribers. However, the fact that it is coming after another operator, Telecel introduced free calls after midnight, gives the impression that this…

  • What does Zimbabwe’s insignificant smartphone penetration mean?

    The smartphone penetration rate in Zimbabwe is approximately 15% which actually means that about 85% of all mobile communication in Zimbabwe is largely through dumb phones (mbudzi) and feature phones. These are some humbling statistics in terms of what it actually means for developments in broadband.

  • This is how the government should give you free WiFi

    In South Africa, the plans for free WiFi have progressed with one province introducing the service on public buses. It doesn’t seem to complicated, and we even have startup trying to offer similar convenience. Can’t we rollout the same sort of project locally?

  • New local show, Tonight With Zororo, embraces digital with YouTube launch

    Tonight With Zororo, a local talk show has been launched today. using the internet, specifically YouTube, as its main distribution channel, it joins other producers defying the status quo on content distribution.

  • The future of WiFi – a techie’s fantasy blended with reality

    Mobile and home Internet in the future is going to be accessed mostly through WiFi and IAPs will provide free last mile connectivity, or close to it. WiFi will be available everywhere resulting in the decline of Mobile Data consumption and Voice calls.

  • WhatsApp Calling now available on Windows devices

    Some good news for Windows Phone users is that WhatsApp calling is now available on the Windows platform. This come after other platforms had introduced it a while ago. This late release of apps is one of the weaknesses that’s inherent with the Windows platform.

  • Econet throws subscribers another bone, reverts to old Bundle of Joy rates

    Econet has adjusted its Bundles of Joy package and reverted back to a $1 for 10 minutes offering. This is a welcome development even though it seems like Econet is trying to curry favour with subscribers after doubling social media bundles and experiencing a slip in revenues.

  • Zim startup Road Rules secures a spot at DEMO Africa 2015

    Road Rules, a Zimbabwean tech startup that has developed an Android-based Provisional Drivers’ Licence Test learning solution, was selected as a DEMO Africa finalist at a pre-pitch event held yesterday in Harare. Applications are still open for any startups that also want to go and showcase their ideas at DEMO Africa in Lagos, Nigeria later…

  • Want to cash in on digitisation? Here are 7 business ideas you can try

    All this fuss about Digital Migration often overlooks the fact that the whole exercise comes with a wide range of opportunities for all stakeholders, unemployed youths included. Here are a few business ideas that can work in a digital television setup.

  • DEMO AFRICA Harare pre-pitch is on tomorrow, here’s how to sign up for it

    The DEMO Africa pre-pitch event for Southern Africa that has been scheduled to take place at Hypercube Hub, Harare is happening tomorrow. Everyone who wants to attend is being asked to sign-up for free. There will be pitches from tech startups and one team will be selected to go and pitch at DEMO Africa in…

  • What’s the story with Alpha Media’s newspaper apps?

    Newspaper readership is undoubtedly on the decline. Alpha Media Holdings, parent to Newsday, Southern Eye, The Standard and Zimbabwe Independent has made more significant inroads into the digital divide launching a series of applications to support their online presence.

  • Econet reduces salaries; shows how tough the Zim telecoms environment is

    Econet has reduced the salaries of its entire staff by 35%. This has been attributed to a lot of challenges in the local business environment, and the other complications in Zimbabwean telecoms. The operator will have to do a lot to improve its performance and beat all of this.

  • Econet lowers price of data with new $1 for 250 MB bundle

    Econet is introducing new daily data bundles as part of a promotion that will last between now and the 20th of September 2015. 50 cents can now get you 50 MB and $1 gets you 250 MB. This is apparently been facilitated by the added capacity that Econet has created by introducing a fair usage…

  • Whatever happened to Astro Payit anyway?

    The Astro brand is constantly aiming to define its name when it comes to local innovation. The team there has conceptualised some cutting edge solutions in tech, but sadly others have failed to go market. Hre’a a look at Payit and possible reasons it failed.

  • A weekend spent cheating on Ubuntu with Fedora 22

    Ubuntu is an awesome version of the Linux OS, but is it better than Fedora 22? This is a look at how well Fedora performs and if this Linux variant is worth as much fuss and praise as Ubuntu

  • Econet to disconnect millions of subscribers in the next 7 days

    Econet has given subscribers with lines that haven’t been used in 6 months, up to one week to recharge these lines. Failure to do so will result in disconnection. There is a lot the operator will benefit from by doing this, largely because of an inactive subscriber total of 3 million. However, there are going…

  • Google wants you to have a faster web experience with this browser

    At its recent I/O Conference, Google announced the Google Web Light browser, a still-under-test version of the standard browser that offers faster web experiences for users in markets where there are slow internet connections. It’s being aimed at emerging markets which rely on 2G and 3G connections, and its set for India and Brazil first.…

  • Econet now selling the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge for $1,305

    Local mobile operator is now selling the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge for a cash price of $1,305 a fee that most will consider as steep. There’s a credit option under the Econet Premium line. You can get the device on a 24 month credit plan for $100 a month.

  • See that ZW on YouTube? It means you can now make money from your video

    The ZW locale identifier that you probably noticed on the YouTube logo every time you visit the video platform means that you can now enable monetization of the content you upload there. This development means a new revenue stream for content creators who choose to monetize their videos, provided they put up stuff that can…

  • As Africa moves towards regulating the Internet should Zim follow?

    Africa seems to be awakening from the internet ignorance slumber that has seen some countries connecting to the world wide web with no restrictions. This situation has its pros as advocated for by Internet Freedom activists and its cons as is evident from the demage that can be attributed to social media as an example

  • EOH takes over Zimbabwean enterprise firm, Twenty Third Century Systems

    The move by EOH to take over 49% percent of Twenty Third Century Systems (TTCS) to expand its African Enterprise Systems footprint leaving TTCS a minor controller is conspicuously for its detail on the resulting shareholding. This leave EOH as somewhat of a monopoly SAP partner in the region. What does this mean for TTCS?

  • Think internet DIY projects are difficult? Here’s what kids in Harare are picking up from the web

    Here is how some children in Harare are using the internet to pick up DIY skills. This represents the power of the web in passing on information on virtually any topic that can be used for something constructive. It’s what the focus of internet consumption should be.

  • 4th mobile operator on the cards as Shingi Munyeza consortium plans LTE network

    A group of local investors that include former Telecel Zimbabwe CEO Francis Mawindi and former African Sun CEO, Dr Shingi Munyeza is set to launch a 4G/LTE network by the end of the year. This is meant to provide competition to existing players like Econet, NetOne and Telecel, while also entering the Pay TV services…

  • Considering college? Here are 4 reasons why you should do Computer Science

    A lot of care needs to be taken in choosing a path to follow. Computer Science is a very common course these days. Here is an opinion on why Computer Science is the best path to focus on.

  • The 3 awesome things that Apple announced at WWDC

    This is an Apple fan boy’s perspective of the services that were launched at the 2015 Developer’s Conference. From changes to iOS, the new Apple Music and the OS El Capitan, here is a look at three exciting things that came out of WWDC 2015.

  • Kenya OKs the Slim SIM. When will this telecoms monopoly disruptor get to Zim?

    The Slim sim introduces mobile number and anti-monopoly disruption and makes it possible for MVN operators, Financial Services Providers, Banks and other players to offer all the usual services plus more sophisticated VAS in addition to the services provided by your current operator

  • More than just a dream – What’s the idea behind Econet’s new bundles?

    Econet introduced Dream Data Bundles that offer 300 Mb of data for $1, but only accessible between 12am and 5am. This is not a response to the outcry over changes to the social media bundles, it’s actually a strategy to remain competitively priced in the face of WiFi services springing up in the market.