Econet Liquid Fibre Map Africa

Econet to lay fibre all the way to Jo’burg

At the Econet’s Experience Expo held some 2 weeks ago, Liquid Telecom (an Econet subsidiary) made an interesting mention, which from previous discussion with Liquid, we were not aware of.
Our Quiet Week

Our Quiet Week

Over the months since we started this blog, it has grown from a small blog followed by a few people that know us personally, to one followed by thousands of Zimbabweans worldwide and viewed thousands of times each day. Resultantly, when we don't post anything for several days, people notice and send us emails.
Get A Website Designed In Zimbabwe – Dark Secret Revealed!

Get A Website Designed In Zimbabwe – Dark Secret Revealed!

One of the first articles we wrote when we started this blog last year was about the broken state of some websites in the ICT sector. And just a few days ago, we noted that the official website of the second largest mobile phone network operator was taken down some 10 months ago and has been under construction since. There clearly is a problem here. And what better time to learn how to get the job done effectively.
The Venue

Some Pictures From The Econet Experience Expo

We're just from the Econet Experience Expo that's being held in Harare. It's an Econet only (well, and Econet partners) exhibition which started yesterday and is due to end tomorrow. I thought we'd just go through the exhibition and come back quickly. I was so wrong.
G-Africa Website

Google Launches Website To Promote Google Technologies in Sub Saharan Africa

For a little more than a year now, Google has been holding a series of events for students, software developers and entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa. It started with the G-Mauritius Day in 2009, then Nigeria a few months later, Senegal, Nigeria again, Ghana in June this year, and most recently in Kenya and Uganda in September.
Happy Web User

The Month Of Free Mobile Broadband In Zimbabwe

Some two weeks ago, we posted that Africom is still giving away free internet despite the expiration of the gratis internet promotion. Africom subscribers are still getting fast internet for nothing as we write this, and it’s emerging they’re not the only ones enjoying free stuff this month. Some Econet subscribers are too.
Telecel Under Construction

The Telecel Website Construction Job That’s Taken 10 Months

It’s been 10 months since this website went down for reconstruction. When we asked Telecel about it then, we were told: We are redoing our website in line with a change in our communication and because of these changes to the design it has become necessary to temporarily put the site on hold. Our site will be up as soon as we complete our work.
Telco Approved VoIP Tariffs

Some Details On Telco’s Recently Launched VoIP Services

Like most of you in Zimbabwe, we’ve seen the adverts and the articles in the print press about Telco’s launch of the first public VoIP network. We wanted to find out more, for you our dear readers so we contacted Telco and got some details.
MXit Logo

MXit, A Mobile Social Network For Africa

I’ll confess that I only came to know about MXit just a few weeks ago. I should have known it earlier, like a few years back maybe. In this age of Facebook, the influence MXit has on social interaction in South Africa is nothing short of a phenomenon.
Zimbabwe ICT Achievers Awards

Nominations Underway For Zimbabwe ICT Achievers Awards

Back in February this year, when the Zim Minister of ICT launched the country’s ICT strategic plan, he promised Zimbabwe would have an annual ICT Achievers Award program to honor Zim’s ICT achievers. Well, this promise is being delivered right now.
Econet Expo

Econet To Explain Itself At An Expo

We’ve been following up some kind of response from Econet to the open letter posted here 4 days ago. We’re still to get it, the formal response anyway. But yesterday, we got something that might help clarify issues raised in the letter.
Gaming LAN Tournament

The Gaming LAN Tourney

Imagine a room full of high end gaming PCs and loaded with the latest Games! Now that’s what I call the sum of all dreams. This was the warm site that greeted gamers that managed to attend the gaming tourney a week ago. There was an appetizing array of games lined up, as was previously announced.