• Footballzone bringing local football to a browser near you

    The advent of the Internet has brought about a Gutenbergian revolution to the world of publishing of which the whole blogging phenomenon bears witness. Sports like a myriad other interest […]

  • Across Africa MTN celebrates Madiba day

    South African based telecoms company MTN Group marked Mandela Day by conducting various acts of goodwill in some of it’s operations across Africa and the Middle East. The 18th of […]

  • Feel like hacking away in Harare next week? Here’s an opportunity (Updated)

    Alpha Media, one of Zimbabwe’s largest media houses has announced that it will be holding a hackathon for developers in Zimbabwe next week (26 July to be exact) at a […]

  • The Samsung Galaxy S 3 officially launched in Zimbabwe

    Some several hours ago, Samsung Zimbabwe officially launched the Galaxy S III at a colourful function in Harare attended by the some notable names in the Zimbabwe tech industry. The […]

  • mTutor marches towards commercial launch on Econet network

    After their success at the FMNA ZeTXT Apps Challenge we caught up with the team behind the winning app mTutor to see how much progress they have made to commercialise […]

  • FMNA’s JobXpress enables Glo Mobile subscribers to apply for jobs via SMS

    ForgetMeNot Africa (FMNA) has launched a new SMS application in Nigeria to allow job seekers to send their CVs to employers via SMS. The new app is live on the […]

  • Now you can rent a Telecel Teletune for less than a dollar

    Yesterday, we received an update from Telecel on their relatively new Teletunes service. The company is basically providing more subscription options to subscribers. Where subscribers could only buy (more like […]

  • Has South Africa resorted to cyberwarfare after cricket defeat?

    UPDATE: After the flurry of comments to this article, Tweets and Facebook comments, we’d like to clarify issues around the article.  The beauty about blogging and social media unlike traditional media […]

  • Utande launches new WIMAX broadband service

    This morning Utande Internet Services (Pvt) limited, a subsidiary company of Dandemutande Investments a company in Zimbabwe’s telecommunications industry launched its broadband WIMAX service under the uMAX brand. The Financial […]

  • Supersport does 1st HD Broadcast in Zim

    Zimbabwe’s cricket match against Bangladesh (17 June 2012) was a happy occasion not only because the hosts won by 11 runs, but it also marked a significant broadcasting milestone as it was […]

  • biNu in explosive growth

    biNu the Sydney based startup founded in September 2008 by Gour Lentell and Dave Turner recorded a jaw dropping 112% increase in unique Monthly Active Users (MAUs) for Zimbabwe in […]

  • Gwatamatic the technical marvel – Part II

    William Gwata next to his iconic machine So how does the Gwatamatic work? Well basically there are 2 models of the Gwatamatic: The Gwatamatic 2000 and the Baby Gwata. As […]

  • Jumpstart tackles funding for startups

    At Jumpstart’s last meeting held on 13 June 2012,  entrepreneurs had a chance to explore various funding models available to them. The keynote speaker at the event was Munya Chiura, Head […]

  • Telecel announces Opera Mini co-branding partnership

    You’ll remember that some four months ago, Telecel Zimbabwe started testing a co-branded Opera Mini browser for its subscribers. The browser was being automatically pushed to Telecel subscribers’ mobile phones. Today, […]

  • Insights into Zim Internet usage

       1,223,947 that is the total number of people in Zimbabwe who have some form of Internet access, whether at home, the office, Internet Café or by mobile. This is […]

  • FBC finally launches Mobile Moola. Announces MasterCard Acquirer status

    In September last year, we posted that FBC had introduced a new mobile banking service called Mobile Moola. They had and hadn’t. The advertising for the product died down and […]

  • ForgetMeNot Africa announces the Apps Challenge Test Drive shortlist

    If you entered an App in the ForgetMeNot Africa eTXT Apps Challenge, we have some good news for you today. ForgetMeNot Africa just released the shortlist of the apps that […]

  • Whatever happened to the Gwatamatic?

    Imagine you are a bachelor coming home from another stressful day at work, just the thought of cooking supper definitely saps the last ounces of strength from your body. And […]

  • Herald’s sms service leaves rival’s in the dust

    This last month (May) we at Techzim have been using the Herald and Sunday Mail  service known as MobileNEWS and we have not been disappointed by it. The two newspapers are […]

  • What if you lost your laptop…would you lose your data too?

    On Friday, as routine I passed through Mdala Ngwenya’s office which is along main street one of the busiest streets in Bulawayo. I was greeted by a young man working on a pc in the other office adjacent to the reception. I sat for a while at reception area just browsing the net from my…

  • Why it’s hard to use Google Plus in Africa

    I don’t use Google+ much. Techzim does have a page on which we share story updates, but personal posts are few and far between. And it’s not that Google plus […]

  • The definitive start-up guide for challenging environments

    After I wrote my last article 5 Startup Lessons from Facebook IPO, I realised that in as much as there where some valuable lessons from the story of Facebook of […]

  • Now you can tweet your ZIMRA questions & complaints

    The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) website has always been that one website whose service surpasses that we expect of government agencies by far. Forget government, on usability, accessibility and just […]

  • The death of the Zimbabwean music record company; the rise of the Independent artist

    So the digital music revolution in Zimbabwe rumbles on with today’s news in The Herald about leading record company Gramma Records active consideration of introducing MP3’s. Emmanuel Vhori, Gramma’s general manager is quoted as saying “Recording companies are prepared to give it (their) all, to extinguish the flames of piracy that had literary turned musicians…

  • 8 days to go before eTXT Apps Challenge deadline. Have you submitted your app yet?

    Developers in Zimbabwe have just 8 days, specifically until next week Friday the 25th, to submit their eTXT apps for the ZeTXT Apps Challenge that has been going on since March. The challenge has presented local developers with an opportunity to develop mobile based applications for the eTXT platform available on the Econet network. The…

  • Econet slashes MMS tariffs by more than half

    In an apparent bid to have more mobile subscribers using the freshly launched Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Econet has slashed tariffs for the service by more than half, from US 15 cents to just 6 cents. The country’s largest telecoms firm made the announcement yesterday to customers via an SMS which read:

  • Developers, The eTXT Apps Challenge initial ideas deadline is nigh

    As you probably already know, the initial ideas deadline for the ForgetMeNot Africa ZeTXT Apps Challenge is near. By the end of this coming Friday, 4 May, all ideas must have been submitted via the eTXT Developer platform to be considered for the challenge.

  • An internet business working backwards: building a web start-up in Zimbabwe

    We wanted to be online but the Zimbabwean public wanted to pick up the phone. What was amazing was that the reservations number on the website was just above the booking form but they would still prefer to pick up the phone and incur the cost of calling us…

  • US House of Representative passes CISPA. Here’s why we should be alarmed

    On April 26 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) by a vote of 248 against 168 despite a presidential veto threat and global opposition. Unlike its predecessor SOPA/PIPA which was opposed and didn’t last, CISPA has the support of large establishments such as Facebook, AT&T, Verizon,…

  • Tech in Zimbabwe and the International Trade Fair (Pictures)

    The country’s premier business exhibition, the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair ran last week Tuesday to Saturday, and like most business exhibitions of its kind lately, ICT companies and their products continue to be more prominent. It’s clear now more than ever before how much of a central driver to development technology is for individuals, businesses…

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