• Nettcash has something new lined up, what else should the money service fix?

    Nettcash, the mobile money service, is set to launch a new product that will enhance its list of services and improve its current platform. We are not sure what the new product is, but there are some aspects of its current offering that it should consider improving on.

  • Here are 3 ways you will benefit from Infrastructure Sharing

    With all this talk on infrastructure sharing, we also need to consider the government’s viewpoint and possibly understand why it feels so strongly towards it. The government is obliged to ensure that consumers receive fair pricing for goods and services while it also protects the businesses in telecoms. These are the motivations behind this move…

  • Infrastructure Sharing: About threats, distrust and the opportunity to be grateful

    In threatening Econet with havoc if they don’t share infrastructure, the ministry of ICT missed an opportunity to appreciate the significant contribution that Econet’s investment in infrastructure has made. But all this would be easier to say if Econet themselves were fair in the ecosystem they play in.

  • Innovation Baraza records a huge turnout, 5 teams of innovators selected

    Out of 40 teams that spent the whole day showcasing their work to the judges and the rest of the crowd at Innovation Baraza, 5 teams, from a shortlist of 10 were selected. These teams will undergo mentorship and an incubation process for the next two months as they prepare to present their ideas at…

  • Infrastructure Sharing: purely an emotional debate

    Operators would rather “go it alone” than share infrastructure despite the fact that there is an opportunity for cost savings of up to 40%. To the consumer it makes absolutely no sense that they should have to pay higher tariffs for a service when there is a clearly a better way for all stakeholders to…

  • Here’s why Telecel employees should fight for share ownership, not salaries

    Whether true or false that Telecel has tabled offers to its staff for payment of 20% of salaries in kind, this is an opportunity for the shareholders to shed some equity over to staff through a share ownership trust, a move that not only resolves partially or in toto the share structure dilemma but goes…

  • Telecash remains defiant in the face of competition

    Telecash may have faced a seasonal drawback in the Telecel versus government tiff early this year but they look set to grow stronger with the right formula. Recording 1 million subscribers from launch last year in January, they can easily reach the same user ratios as Ecocash.

  • Smartphone distribution in Zimbabwe – Whose line is it anyway?

    Smartphone penetration is very low in Zimbabwe trailing far behind other nations like South Africa at 30% and Kenya at 67%. But who should be responsible for equipping the nation with these devices?

  • TelOne increases the speeds on its internet packages

    TelOne has increased the speeds of its ADSL packages, offerings downloads of up to 4 Mbps on part of its lineup. This looks like another adjustment to shore in more subscribers in a tough environment and will likely trigger more changes from other operators.

  • What does Zimbabwe’s insignificant smartphone penetration mean?

    The smartphone penetration rate in Zimbabwe is approximately 15% which actually means that about 85% of all mobile communication in Zimbabwe is largely through dumb phones (mbudzi) and feature phones. These are some humbling statistics in terms of what it actually means for developments in broadband.

  • Telecel offers two more voice promos with unlimited calls

    Telecel has again launched a reward based Night Chat and 073-4-Free Weekend promotions hot on the heels of the Super Voice Bundles. The Night Chat promo offers its subscribers unlimited calls during the night and the 073-4-Free Weekend rewards customers for $4 airtime purchases during the week by unlimited calls Saturday night to Sunday midnight.

  • TelOne & POTRAZ to host infrastructure sharing debate

    Telone Center for Learning in conjunction with Potraz will hold a Southern Africa (SADC) Telecommunications Symposium on the 9th to 11th which will focus on Infrastructure Sharing. The event is an exclusive meetup of top level management responsible for or involved in network infrastructure negotiations and policies.

  • Telecel introduces Super Voice Bundles, offers $1 for 60 minutes talktime

    Telecel is en route to getting back in the game with its latest Super Voice Bundles offering which avails 50 and 200 voice minutes from a $1 and $2 airtime purchase respectively.

  • Strive Masiyiwa: We are building 100km of fibre a week

    Recently, Strive Masiyiwa, the founder of Econet Wireless, was interviewed on CNN. He shared some perspectives on African broadband, the opportunity and power of technology and the internet, as well as the 100 km of infrastructure that his company is building every week across Africa.

  • Zimpapers’ gamble on digital news looks set to pay back millions

    Zimpapers CEO Pikirayi Dekete reports in an Zimpapers AGM sideline interview that digital content is generating 3% of their annual revenue and they have at least 300,000 subscribers on their SMS and MMS mobile news and classifieds platforms.

  • Announcing Broadband Forum 2015, Now that the internet is here

    Before we announce any event we now always ask ourselves “Would I be excited about attending this event? Would I feel it’s addressing the things that are important to me? Would […]

  • The future of WiFi – a techie’s fantasy blended with reality

    Mobile and home Internet in the future is going to be accessed mostly through WiFi and IAPs will provide free last mile connectivity, or close to it. WiFi will be available everywhere resulting in the decline of Mobile Data consumption and Voice calls.

  • The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: the best in the world, or just expensive art & science?

    This is a review of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, the flagship device from the mobile devices giant. With outstanding specs, and a great design it easily looks like the best device on the market. But is this blend of art and science worth $1,305?

  • Zim startup Esaja makes it to Rwandan incubator’s accelerator program

    A Zimbabwean tech startup, Esaja.com which was founded by Clinton Mutambo, has been selected for an accelerator program in a Rwandan tech incubator called think. This incubator and these programs are another example of mobile network operators’ in tech startups.

  • Exclusive: Powertel launches promotion with 15 GB for $35 internet & a $175 unlimited package

    Local Internet Access Provider Powertel has unveiled a new set of internet packages for its Winter Data promotion. These packages range from a $35 for 15 GB service to a $175 unlimited uncapped package that brings back an unlimited internet service to Powertel.

  • The Top 10 Facebook Personalities In Zimbabwe

    Here’s a list of the top 10 Zimbabwean personalities on Facebook. The list considers the numbers of followers for each personality and also looks at how some of these personalities are developing a following on this platform and using this digital presence for brand management.

  • What’s the latest on Zimbabwean e-commerce? Check out these 12 e-platforms

    If you thought we don’t have any attempts at online trading and commerce in Zimbabwe, think again. Take a look at these 12 platforms that have been around for a while. Some very big companies like Food World have setup online shops with a variety of payments options you could find anywhere across the world.

  • Yes, Dokora is right, bring your cell phone to school.

    Minister Dokora sparked a genuine discussion on the use of cell phones in school but parents were just emotional in their responses without looking at the bigger picture. Dokora is right, devices should be allowed in school.

  • Fed up with high roaming costs? This SIM card tech is going to solve that problem

    A new form of SIM Card that removes the need for roaming and lets you use the same SIM even across borders, without added costs, has been adopted in Brussels. If this is made available even locally, it could add a certain level of competition that would change telecoms.

  • EcoCash gets nod to remit money from South Africa

    After more than eighteen months, Econet has finally secured the go-ahead from the South African authorities to start an EcoCash Diaspora remittances service from South Africa to Zimbabwe

  • 4th mobile operator on the cards as Shingi Munyeza consortium plans LTE network

    A group of local investors that include former Telecel Zimbabwe CEO Francis Mawindi and former African Sun CEO, Dr Shingi Munyeza is set to launch a 4G/LTE network by the end of the year. This is meant to provide competition to existing players like Econet, NetOne and Telecel, while also entering the Pay TV services…

  • The 3 awesome things that Apple announced at WWDC

    This is an Apple fan boy’s perspective of the services that were launched at the 2015 Developer’s Conference. From changes to iOS, the new Apple Music and the OS El Capitan, here is a look at three exciting things that came out of WWDC 2015.

  • 6 things NetOne’s OneWallet needs to do to get my money

    NetOne has a fair subscriber base of just under 30% of the market, which has however failed to translate into a healthier OneWallet. Accounting for less than 1% of Mobile Money subscribers, it needs to overhaul the product or face extinction.

  • Kenya OKs the Slim SIM. When will this telecoms monopoly disruptor get to Zim?

    The Slim sim introduces mobile number and anti-monopoly disruption and makes it possible for MVN operators, Financial Services Providers, Banks and other players to offer all the usual services plus more sophisticated VAS in addition to the services provided by your current operator

  • Isn’t it time we did more than mobile and internet banking in Zimbabwe?

    Most banks have Internet and Mobile banking solutions but the industry is heavily dominated by Mobile Network Operators. Banks have not gone beyond the ATM cards to develop solutions that are in tandem with today’s consumer’s technological socialisation.