• Econet slashes price of eTXT chat messages

    We just got pointed to an update on the eTXT Facebook application page announcing the slashing of eTXT chat messages from 5 cents a message to 2 cents. Here’s a screenshot of the update.

  • Are women afraid of venturing into ICTs

    We came across a lively young lady after yesterday’s Breakfast Briefing on Cloud Computing. While the event was a success, this young lady touched on a few details that could make such events even better. The highlight of her feedback was that there were only four women in attendance at the event and that promoting…

  • No, the Zimbabwe government and Apple are not in iPad joint venture

    Yesterday’s Newsday reported that the Ministry of Education will be working in conjunction with Apple to introduce solar powered iPads for rural schools. Just reading through the article, it doesn’t take much to see this is not factually correct. The article stems from a post made by Education Minister David Coltart on his Facebook wall…

  • BlackBerry services returning to normal says Research in Motion

    Research in Motion assured users around the world today that BlackBerry services are returning to normal now. The service has experienced partial outage on 4 continents since Monday afternoon.

  • Day 4 of BlackBerry issues. We’re letting you down, says RIM executive

    It is day 4 and the BlackBerry issues are not over for some customers. In fact, as the day ended yesterday, reports started coming out that the outage was spreading to the US. For its part, Research in Motion explained at a press conference that the actual initial problems had been fixed, but a message…

  • Dark week for BlackBerry Internet Services. RIM explains outage.

    It’s been a bad week for Research in Motion. And the issues are not even over yet. The company’s BlackBerry platform experienced an outage on Monday that disrupted the service for users in users in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and India. Yesterday, when everyone expected the outage to be fixed, it spread to Latin…

  • eTXT service gets ForgetMeNot Africa an AfricaCom award nomination

    ForgetMeNot Africa, the developers of the technology powering Econet’s eTXT service, have been nominated for an AfricaCom award in the Best New Service category. The FMNA’s technology is called Message Optimiser and has been deployed by a total of 6 operators across Africa. Message Optimiser also powers the Dasuba service also available locally and across…

  • Zimbabwe ICT Africa 2011 exhibition in pictures

    ICT Africa has come and gone. For those that didn’t get a chance to visit the exhibition, we tried as much as possible to take pictures of almost every stand, the outside of the venue, visitors, the official opening, notable figures speaking and just about every other thing that caught our attention.

  • On second thoughts, Africa’s tablet computing boom is inevitable

    The proliferation of mobile based internet access and the evolution of traditional broadband services from niched to mainstream products, is transforming developing economies and their place in the knowledge economy. In the developed world, the death of the consumer PC segment is now almost complete.

  • Day 1 of Zimbabwe ICT Africa 2011 (Pictures)

    We’re just from the first day of ICT Africa 2011. The first day is dedicated to business and invited guests, though really no one is prevented from attending. We spent most of the day going around the stands and speaking to people about the stuff their tech companies are doing.

  • World of Avatar acquires MXit

    World of Avatar (WOA) has just acquired 90% of the legendary South African mobile social network and chat application, MXit. According to Memeburn the deal is valued at a reputed R500m(USD $71 million) and also involves Craig Knott Jnr taking over as CEO of MXit.

  • Crossing the line: G-Tide building a database of phone numbers

    If you’re a civil servant in Zimbabwe, and one day you receive an SMS from G-Tide that you never subscribing for, you’re going to wonder how they got your number. Here’s how:

  • The Daily News website goes offline

    The website of one of Zimbabwe’s most read daily newspapers, The Daily News, is down. We’re told by a reader that the website has been this way since at least yesterday morning. Currently, opening the www.dailynews.co.zw address loads a ‘403 Forbidden’ page served by the web hosting company.

  • Econet shows us how a social media campaign is done

    We have just been informed that Econet has begun running a Facebook campaign for its eTXT service. Econet has had some misses publicising and advertising its internet products but this one definitely looks executed quite well so far. It appears Zimbabwe’s biggest mobile operator has found some brainiac to guide them!

  • A critique of the Start-up Challenge

    The depth of talent showcased at The Start-up challenge gave me renewed optimism for Zimbabwe. I wish to congratulate the deserving finalists and the organisers for putting on a fantastic show. Although some projects didn’t end up making the finals, most had strong concepts and I hope the entrepreneurs are not discouraged but continue to…

  • biNu registers rapid growth in Zimbabwe mobile app market

    We came to know about biNu some several months ago when we wrote articles about eTXT. There was a lot of mention about it on our Facebook page. Readers compared it to eTXT and later Dasuba. The messaging component of biNu at least. I personally didn’t try biNu until 12 days ago, and what an…

  • ZOL Startup Challenge: Predict and win competition!

    As you probably know, tomorrow is the big day; Five finalists in the ZOL Start-up Challenge will battle it out for the top prize at the finals. The top start-up will be awarded US $5,000 cash and US $5,000 worth of internet services from ZOL. Two runner-ups will each get US $2,500 cash and US…

  • Getting it right: The new Olivine website

    Recently, Olivine, one of Zimbabwe’s most known brands, launched its website. The website is on www.olivine.co.zw. Now I can hear some of you say, “So what, a lot of non-tech companies launch cool websites every!” Yes, they do. But this one is different. It’s one for those few cases when a company just gets it…

  • Africa’s Telecoms Titans: France Telecom-Orange

    Orange is the key brand of France Telecom, the world’s 5th largest mobile operator by subscribers. France Telecom is a converged communications provider with a large presence in the mobile space and diverse fixed line, content, infrastructure, venture capital and value added services. The operator’s roots stretch back to the 18th century. It has evolved…

  • ZOL Startup Challenge Finalists: Ribe Networks

    Ribe Networks is a local chat application that has set its sight on disrupting internet based messaging. It intends to do so by offering users across all mainstream mobile and pc platforms the ability to interact with peers through the lightweight and locally hosted Ribe Chat application. Users can link their Ribe account to Facebook,…

  • Startups: The International Telecoms Union is waiting for your pitch

    Two weeks ago, ITU (the International Telecoms Union) launched a global competition that seeks to give 60 Young Innovators and Digital Innovators the chance to travel to its flagship event, ITU Telecoms World in Geneva (October 24-27). Entrants will be able to pitch their ground-breaking ideas to leaders of the world’s ICT industry. Techzim would…

  • Bridging the digital divide with eTXT. Killing SMS one innovation at a time

    When eTXT launched in March this year we wrote “Econet launches eTXT, erases line between SMS and the Internet”. We wrote this because the application was another knife in the side for SMS. Yes, we want SMS to die. It’s super expensive for subscribers and belongs to a different era altogether.

  • FBC Bank introduces MasterCard Prepaid services

    FBC Bank has begun offering a MasterCard Prepaid service that enables locals to shop online across various platforms worldwide. In a campaign dubbed ‘Load & Go’ the bank initially introduced the campaign through the endorsement of local music icon; Oliver Mtukudzi, advertising the service’s access to leading merchants around the world.

  • BarCamp: Thoughts and contributions on building scalable startups & products

    Wow! Wednesday was a great day to reflect on for us here at Techzim. BarCamp Zimbabwe; the country’s first grassroots ICT event finally came together. The event was made possible through the support of ZOL and other sponsors like Byers Design, Matamba Anonaka Technology Holdings, Webdev and Zimbojam. It was also the work of great…

  • Pictures: BarCamp Zimbabwe and the Startup Challenge

    Yesterday, we spent the day at BarCamp Zimbabwe. It was busy day and we had a blast. We loved every minute. The Startup Challenge went well too. Unfortunately we couldn’t fill the 5 finalists slots we had. Only two were taken and the rest will have to be at another event. Here are a couple…

  • Zimride: Silicon Valley Startup scouting for Zim talent

    It’s not everyday that a startup based in Silicon Valley; the home of Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and just about every significant technology platform-eagerly looks to hire local talent. Well this is not just any startup, its Zimride! According to Logan Green; the startup’s co-founder and CEO, they are currently seeking to hire talent from…

  • Zimride: The Silicon Valley Start-up inspired by Zimbabwe

    In 2005 Zimbabwe was halfway through it’s nearly decade long economic crunch. Hyper inflation was well on its way to breaking records in an experience few would want to relive. If the timely adage that necessity is the mother of all invention holds true, then the following story is a perfect indicator of the ‘greatness’…

  • Price of an eTXT SMS down to 5 cents

    When Econet launched eTXT in March this year, we praised the service for innovation in a space that no other provider is playing; linking basic mobile phones to internet services like Email, Facebook and instant messaging. With a mobile phone just capable of SMS and voice calls, subscribers could now effectively send emails, respond to…

  • Global weekly roundup: Google Plus, Kenya Open Data and more

    On 7 July, Kenya became the first Africa country to launch the Open Data initiative. Kenya will make some government data available online through a platform called Socrata, which allows users to view different data at national, county and constituency levels. Users can manipulate the views of the data in various ways and can even…

  • Interview with Big Law CEO. Company pioneering investor relations websites in Zimbabwe

    We contacted the Big Law CEO, Rob Strangroom, to get some information about the company and the work they do. Big Law is one of the few companies working on a problem that is widespread in Zim and other similar countries. The problem is that companies, listed or not, don’t seem to see the power…

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