• Zimbabwean Business Should Take Their Internet Image Seriously

    Last week I met with the managing director of a relatively big local electrical engineering firm. “We need a website ASAP!” he cut to the reason he’d called me. “You […]

  • Internet 101: What is an Operating System

    So a finance director friend calls me yesterday and says, “I have just transferred some photos from my mobile to my PC and I can’t find them on the PC.” […]

  • Google Opening Up Wave To More Than 100,000 Testers Tomorrow

    I should admit, I never really watched the full Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009 video back then in June when TechCrunch’s MG Siegler posted an article about […]

  • This Year’s TechCrunch50 Winner: RedBeacon

    This year’s TechCrunch50 winner RedBeacon is a service I’m sure everybody has been wishing for for quite a while now. A refreshingly original idea and very useful service, RedBeacon matches […]

  • 2009 ICT Africa Exhibition

    Arguably the biggest information technology-related public exhibition in the country, 2009 ICT Africa has come. I was there once and was exceedingly impressed by the number of ICT companies present, […]

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