PlayStation free Games, PlayStation Play at Home

PlayStation is offering a free game & entertainment till April 2021

Last year PlayStation launched the Play At Home initiative. This was a way for the company to give back to its community as well as encourage social distancing. Back in April 2020, PlayStation offered its worldwide community Unchartered: The Drake collection and Journey for free and now the company is back with another free game and this time entertainment as well.

In a blog post, PlayStation CEO and President Jim Ryan said the company is coming back with another offer that kicked off in March. The game on offer this year is in partnership with Insomniac Games, and I’m sure many have already guessed, it’s Ratchet & Clank. Even better is that when you redeem the free game PlayStation will let you keep it.

Ratchet & Clank PS4 available for free download for a limited time through PlayStation Store from March 1 at 8pm PST / March 2 at 4am GMT / 5am CET to March 31, 2021 at 8pm PDT* / April 1 at 4am BST / 5am CEST.

PlayStation has done one better and has partnered up with anime production house Funimation and it’s European division Wakanim to make the service free for new subscribers from March 25th 2021. The service is open to those in the regions that the service covers but I am sure that those in Zim who love their anime can find a way to make the best of this offer.

This is a lovely gesture from PlayStation and one that is sure to do well with its community in Zim and the rest of the developing world.