Your questions on the Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system for Form 1 places answered here

Your questions on the Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system for Form 1 places answered here

The Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system for Form 1 boarding school places which went live on the 10th of December 2016 and is set to work only until the end of today (12 December 2016) has drawn mixed reactions.

Some users have managed to submit their applications and are now awaiting feedback from the Ministry while other people have expressed frustrations for failing to access the system or complete the enrolment forms.

We have gathered some of the most common questions that have been asked about this system that have been asked and included answers that have also been submitted by other successful users which some people might find useful.

We will continue to update this article as more solutions are presented. Please leave your questions and solutions in the comments section below.

Ministry of Education eMAP online registration system FAQs

How do I access the system?

The system can be accessed by visiting the website

How long will this system be active for?

The system was launched on the 10th of December and will work until the 12th of December 2016 when applications for boarding school will close

Is this for both day school and boarding school applications?

The system is only for pupils applying for Form 1 boarding school places. Day school places are being secured at the respective schools on the 12 December 2016

How do parents and guardians with limited access to the internet or ZESA (power) apply on the system?

Parents and guardians in remote areas or those without access to ZESA, computers or the internet have been advised by the Ministry of Education to go to the schools where their child sat for his or her Grade 7 exams. if these schools can’t accommodate them the next advised option is the local cluster school. These schools have also been instructed to assist applicants.

How do parents outside the country access the system after the cutoff date set by the Ministry?

No specific provision for such applications has been shared. As such parents outside the country facing challenges  with the application deadlines will probably have to contact the Ministry of Education for clarification on the best way forward.

Is the application process supposed to be this frustrating? I have spent a long time trying to complete and submit these forms. Is that normal?

According to feedback from successful applicants, patience is key here. The application will take an extended period because of disruptions in access to some forms plus the occasional failure to access the site. This appears to be a server issue created by the huge amount of traffic on the site. You have to continue making repeated attempts until you are successful.

I’m failing to access the system. Every time I log on to the website I get some funny error message that tells me that the site is unavailable. What do I do?

The system has been struggling to deal with the tremendous traffic brought on by all the applications. This has been the reason for the crash and on and off access. The best solution that has been cited by other applicants so far is to refresh the page regularly until you have access to the system then start the application process.

I have submitted the forms and I’m now getting a notice that my application are pending. What does this mean?

The pending notification shows that you have completed your application. According to the Ministry of Education, you will be notified via SMS which place you have secured.

The system keeps telling me I have applied to three schools when I haven’t finished selecting schools.How do I fix this?

The suggestion so far has been to log out, log back in and restart the application process

What does candidature not found error mean?

We haven’t received a solution for that but we will share when we do

How do I recover my password If I forget it?

The most common suggestion so far has been to create another account

What is the format for entering the applicant’s date of birth?

Use the Google/American format mm/dd/yyyy eg 12/25/2016

Does this system work on other browsers like Opera Mini? I have been receiving errors on that specific browser?

There have been mixed responses here but so far Google Chrome has been cited as the most reliable browser. Use that instead of Opera Mini.

I’m being told my account doesn’t exist. How do I deal with such a problem?

We don’t have a solution for that as yet. We will share it as soon as we get it.


See: List of High Schools in Zimbabwe and Contact Phone Numbers


  1. Douglas Mabhgu

    What time is the application closed today 21/12/16

    • M chaikosa

      1 am failing to log into the system. any other alternative

      • muza

        Still waiting for responses. To what extend should we wait. It was a good idea to use the e-enrolment but you should have put up notices all around the country to avoid confusion.

  2. Tatendeka

    Imagine thousands of people trying to access a website at the SAME TIME!!!

    • mazvikokota

      Nothing unusual about thousands of people accessing same site same time, its just lack of technical know how that caused mayhem. Simple signs of brain drain

    • kelvin

      million of users access facebook at a single go so this is no excuse, either the site is running on a bad or low grade server or simply does not have or is not given enough connection bandwidth speed for upload and download to handle the traffic or just a badly coded script

  3. Anonymous

    What about some of us who are getting the information about the eforms just now because we didn’t gave access to the net during the weekend

  4. Walie

    I forget password, it says the information is incorrect, if i re-enter it say already registered so i can i solve that problem


    Parent Karoi

  5. Anonymous

    Those encountering ntwk problems you may try at midnight

    • empo

      evry1 is goin to try at midnight because no1 waz able to get thru the whole of today, so we will still congest the system unless they change the deadline to friday

  6. sandie

    Guys stay on the page and continue refreshing ikuita ichimbobuda.Totongoshanda web iyoyo nhasi zviite

  7. Lee

    Guys we really had a tough time doing this online application. We spent the whole day trying yoh! Yesterday was just another day in Zim history. What if my child fails to secure a place in those 3 schools? Is there another chance of re- applying to other schools? When do we get responses? Worried parent

    • Mhanyai

      I just got access now. Most likely one or all of the schools I chose have already done their selection, wouldn’t it have been better to have the system tell you that on choosing such a school. Also if the schools I chose do not enrol mwana the system should highlight which schools are still available so that we can continue until all places are exhausted . Why wasn’t this project tested on a few particular schools first before it went national?

  8. Baba B

    Are there any guarantees for placement considering day schools are enrolling on the 12th? When are the responses expected to come?

  9. Masimba

    When are we to receive our replies

  10. munoz

    but i have just registered

  11. themx

    This is half baked system, they shoud have run trials before launching it. what kind of an online system that doesnt have password reset, please zim developers musatinyadzise kudaro

  12. Tery

    The Ministry should be communicating their process for us not to to speculate, this was a rushed decision and if there chaos some one has to get fired.

  13. Sahwira

    If the system crashed after applying… Maapplication acho haana kubva afiramo mumawaya nemumhepo here. Very worried cause l have not yet received a response.

  14. A.Nkomo

    what time are we going to receive our replies

    • mai tee

      Juss wanted to ask; are we allowed to apply for three different schools in different provinces,or we are only supposed to apply for 3 in the same province and same district.

  15. samuel

    What if yu made errors on schools to b applied this going to b rectified..

  16. Angry Mother

    this system is just something else been failing to access it till it closed down does this !ran vans vedu don’t go to hoarding schools Zimbabwe Ministry of education is letting us down how on earth do you launch a half baked website hapana zvamaita apa its either you reopen the website kana kuti rega tiite zvinhu the way yatajaira

  17. Anonymous

    i have been trying for two days and after entering the first page and then when you click next it says error 500, please can we have the contacts of the people to communicate with at the Ministry, i feel they did not give parents enough time to do the registry, seriously ,the app was on over the weekend come end of day Monday zvapera , very disappointing way of doing , i feel this whole thing is going to create mayhem.

  18. r rwapedza

    registration closed on 12 December2016, before I could access what’s the way forward?

  19. Anonymous

    its open again. try it those who faced challenges and failed to do it before deadline

  20. mai tee

    I Jus’s checked my status for the schools I applied for,and to my surprise everything Has been changed,my first choice school is now at the bottom,what does this mean,cz I really want my first choice sschool now at the bottom.

  21. Techie

    The system keeps telling me I have applied to three schools when I haven’t finished selecting schools.How do I fix this?

    “The suggestion so far has been to log out, log back in and restart the application process”

    This is just funny. . .loool . . . Kudos to one of the most educated countries in Africa so they say . . . pakaipa

  22. Techie

    How do I recover my password If I forget it?

    “The most common suggestion so far has been to create another account”.

    So basically you can create more than one account for the same candidate?So does this mean you can have more than 9 accounts and apply to more schools.If so then it raises questions about how the database was created and if some basic principles such as database normalisation were followed.

  23. Techie

    Does this system work on other browsers like Opera Mini? I have been receiving errors on that specific browser?

    “There have been mixed responses here but so far Google Chrome has been cited as the most reliable browser. Use that instead of Opera Mini.”

    I find this response from the ministry very weird and unfortunate.It raises questions as to wether the system was ever tested before and in all fairness what kind of a developer doesn’t know and advise the client in this case the ministry which browsers the system will work on?

  24. chimutararwa

    I used the system today the 13th is it still applicable

  25. Techie

    Whereas the system is a very much noble idea i really think it was ill timed as parents did not have enough time to prepare and adjust for this.It also takes away to some extent the choice of going to the school that you really want.

    My worry also is that it will somehow separate those who have passed and those who ddnt do well as schools will be naturally forced to select the best performing students.Grade 7 results do not however always mean you will perform better in secondary school.There are so many people who got 8 units at primary but went on to outperform those with 4 units.I have so many examples of this.
    The unfortunate reality is when you put non performing students together it somehow has an negative impact on how they perform in school.

    The other major concern is those other students in remote rural areas without access to internet and electricity.The ministry says they can go to the nearest area or other school but if you have been to these remote areas there is essentialy no electricity or internet within radiuses of 30-50km.As much as people might argue with this but in some of these areas people have never had a phone in their entire life and may not even know how to operate a computer but that doesnt mean they do not want to attend borading schools.We need to remember that some of them are able to secure sponsorship when they get places to some of the good schools in Zim based on their performance.

  26. Mai tadiwa

    Am bieng told my account does not exist. Any solution yet and also will i be able to get a response in this situation.

  27. McDrums

    The suggestion of creating a new account when u have forgotten your password doesnt work. Can someone provide an alternative solution to this

  28. perkins

    if you have inadvertently selected a school you never intended on selecting how do you edit or remove it

  29. Terrence

    Some of us have applied for the forms bt some people are getting the form 1 places at certain boarding schools through texts and calls while we a just waiting with no information on hands …the application status reads pending .when are the replys because time is moving

  30. gwainda

    how long will it take for the responce since sunday it is still pending

  31. liberty aribino

    How can i recover my password

  32. Concerned

    Whilst I am struggling to edit my selection according to my priority and failing to get help, I am surprised to see that the order has been changed to someone’s priority. please what is happenning?.

  33. Gumbo

    I have successfully submitted my applications yo 3 schools and one has confirmed “Accepted”,while the other 2 are “Pending”. How do l proceed from here?

    • mai tee

      Zvenyu,isu zvakunyora server not found

  34. mai tino

    we submited our application on the 10th December. when are we going to get feedback. In the event of negative responses, how do we identify those boarding schools that may not have been filled up?

  35. Chido

    really when are we going to get responses because some schools are already taking pupils while we wait.

  36. mai tee

    Kkkkkkkkkk what’s going, failing to log in,its writing server not found.

  37. magavadera myron

    can anyone tell us how the system works?

  38. worried parent

    applied on Saturday but status read pending are we gonna secure our children , places now worried as others have received replies

    • mai tee

      Be patient guys muchapindura,zvangu zvaita,mahead ndoanopicker the way I c it.

  39. mai tee

    Meant muchapindurwa. Going to SCH tumoro.

  40. Siyas

    What happens if all the schools l selected are full

  41. worried parent

    my applications are still pending apa i applied on sunday .one of the schools i selected was doing their selection today and after making a follow up call they were saying they havent received my is that even possible .mwana achatoshaya nzvimbo here mu account makangoti pending

  42. mai muna

    My case is now saying accepted and 2 schools are saying processed zvino we dont kno wat this means accepted wher prossessed kupi this is a bit confusing truely.

  43. dambudzo

    still waiting for reply but how do we login zvinhu z vacho confusion

  44. parent

    still pending tomirira kusvika riini?

  45. Nyasha

    What if my child gets rejected in all three schools what happens then considering the fact that most day schools are already full

  46. Nyasha

    After i get a status that my child has been accepted at one of the schools i applied. What do i do then….do i wait to hear from the head of the school or i go to the school kwanzi accepted kwacho

  47. Mzimkhulu

    Applied online to 3 schools in 2 different provinces, but when I made a follow up call in 2 of the schools I was informed there are no more vacancies. To my surprise the online application still reads status pending. Is this not a waste of time since some of the pupils are busy trying to follow the directive whilst others are offered places simple by availing their grade seven results or merely by phoning school heads. And to make matters worse what will happen if the child is not offered a place in those 3 preferred schools.

    • Nyasha

      On Monday if you do not get any response this weekend….go to the schools.

  48. jat

    How do I cancell some applications made by mistake?
    Because now the system is notifying that I have already appplied 3 schools so l cant apply for the right choice

  49. annonymous

    How do I deregister my child if I no longer wish to send him to a school that he has been offered a place.

  50. Fungai Mawerera

    The system is not effectively working for me.I have more than three attempts and I only get to the stage where it says register and then nothing after that. If I have my own general email address,is it best to use that one or its better to create a new account?

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