Soon You May Be Able To Use One WhatsApp Account On Multiple Devices

Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
WhatsApp Multi-device multiple device web desktop application app

If you’ve ever felt that you should be able to use the same WhatsApp account across devices you may soon have that feature. WhatsApp is reportedly working on such a feature.

This will be convenient for tablet users who might be using one device and not the other but still want to get their messages regardless of which device they are using.

With the new system, WhatsApp is also improving their end-to-end encryption, because probably something needs to be changed, seen that the messages must be sent to more devices (unfortunately there aren’t a lot of details available right now, but I’m sure they are going to modify something about that.


I can also see it coming in handy for businesses that want to use WhatsApp as a support line. Of course, this will depend on the number of devices the account can run across but the value of multiple support staffers being able to do their jobs using one account will no doubt save costs for the company and make it less confusing for consumers who want assistance as they only need one number.

Currently, to use one account on different devices there’s a lot of unnecessary back and forth and every time you move over to a new device, WhatsApp ceases to work on the other device. Whilst WhatsApp Web allows you to view messages from your phone on your desktop, it doesn’t work independently and requires your phone to be connected to the internet.

The only problem is that WhatsApp has an excruciatingly slow development cycle and this feature may be months away, as has been the case with dark mode which was promised last September but still hasn’t made it to the app.

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