Strive Masiyiwa To Build House And Give Monthly Allowance To Gogo Who Walked 17 km to Donate

Strive Masiyiwa is again on the front page for all the good reasons. The Billionaire has decided to do something big for an old lady (Gogo) who made headlines last week for going to great lengths just to make her donation to the Cyclone Idai victims.

Gogo’s tale

Before even many people and companies got caught up in this frenzy of contributing donations, a lady (Gogo) from Highfields walked from her house to highlands to donate her stuff – be mindful that, from Highfields to Highlands, that’s something like 17 kilometers.

Furthermore. Don’t forget that she didn’t only walk 17 km’s but she was carrying a sack full of things on top of her head. Talk about heroines, here is one of them. The fact that she didn’t have bus fare to commute didn’t deter her from making her donation.

Strive enters the scene

On his Facebook post whilst talking about Cyclone Idai, The Econet founder was reminded by someone that Gogo was arguably the biggest humanitarian. The Billionaire agreed to this assertion but he didn’t just casually let the issue go. Mr. Masiyiwa offered to build Gogo a house and give a $1000 allowance for the rest of her life. Wow! Thanks Strive. Here’s Strive’s full Facebook post:

#Dzokerayi Mu writes,

Strive Masiyiwa you forgot the biggest humanitarian of all is that woman in your photo credit. Gogo walked all the way from her home in Fiyo because she didnt have money for a combi but she packed her saga on her head and walked to highlands to donate the saga full of pots. #heroineofourtime

My reply,
You are absolutely right!
Gogo came to GIVE!
This is the biblical “widow’s mite”!
She gave more than us all!

What she did is one of the most remarkable acts of compassion I have ever seen!

When this is over, I’m going to find her, and invite her to come and see me, if possible:

I will spend time in prayer with her!
It will have solar power and running water!


I admire people who are moved to ACT in a crisis!

God bless you, if you are moved to ACT as she did.
It is not about how much you have.


How many young men, and even women in their cars watched her carry that sack, and never asked to help?
This is how you miss the Angel of God…


13 responses

  1. TheKing Avatar

    Great initiative, while he is at it, he must make sure EcoCash/Econet refunds all failed transactions. People are strugling to get their money back. Some end up giving up.

    1.  Avatar

      Lost comment I guess

    2. Jojo Avatar

      Lost comment I guess

  2. Simbarashe Munemero Avatar

    Thank you Mr Masiyiwa. Credit goes to gogo as her act of kindness and compassion for the needy has culminated in a ripple effect of sowing the seed of giving (what Mr Masiyiwa has pledged). As Zimbabweans, let us cultivate the culture of giving. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  3. Worried Avatar

    Techzim, you are slowly turning into a “General News” site. We miss the real Techzim

  4. Faith Ncube Avatar
    Faith Ncube

    Thank you Masiyiwa.May the good Lord shower you with more blessings.Gogo’s story left me shedding tears.

  5. Trophy of His grace Avatar
    Trophy of His grace

    Thank you very much Mr Masiyiwa for consistently preaching the gospel so effectively – a doer and teacher. A real wake up call to many – very true many of us saw and ignored her. Gogo truly lived the Word of God and here she is with a great testimony. Glory to God for verything

  6. Concerned citizen Avatar
    Concerned citizen

    It is indeed a great gesture thank you Mr Strive Masiiwa . May God abundantly bless you. Gogo enjoy your life may the lord give you more years to enjoy this gift you attracted. As Zimbabweans may we learn to assist each other with the little we have shuwa we will change our nation into a better place

  7. Miriam Avatar

    We living the biblical life and our adults know the right way. For give those that pasted her in the road. May God bless the giver. Gogo you are a blessing .

  8. Miriam Avatar

    Bless the giver.
    Forgive those that passed her on the road.

    Gogo God’s bless you

  9.  Avatar

    Bless you Strive!

  10.  Avatar

    i’m in short of words.If you continue to do great things that our lord Jesus taught us ,you will surely be blessed in abundance.The grace of God will surely locate you despite the fact that you are old.This story of our Lovely Gogo will make us repent and believe in the Gospel. Well done Gogo and i say your time is surely now and now it is ….Be blessed in abundance and may the Lord our God bless you with more years to enjoy his blessing. And to you Mr Strive,a true man of God ,be blessed in abundance.Muwedzerwe makore akawanda ekurarama,Jehovha Mwari vakushandisei again and again.May you dwell in the house of the Lord forever and Ever Amen.

  11.  Avatar

    Where are people like Mhamha and Strive in the leadership of the country, people who are selfless.

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