We’re looking for a tech blogger to join our team

William Chui Avatar

If you’re passionate about sharing your opinion on tech (that is startups, gadgets, the amazing tool that is the internet, digital media, tech business strategy), you can write really well, you are curious and clued in on the new stuff in the tech space around you; and lastly, if you’re bold enough to share your opinion, especially when it differs with the majority, we’d love to talk to you!

We’re looking for someone to join the Techzim blogging team. Being a  blogger here means immersing yourself daily in local (& a bit of regional & global) tech, and spending time working with the small startup team that produces the content you see here.

Daily, together we review tech products (sometimes gadgets), we discuss new startups, new services, we will look at what business opportunity these new startups & products are onto, we interview local and regional tech entrepreneurs, CEOs and (a few times government types), we  attend tech events in Zimbabwe and the region where we meet & connect with the people growing the tech economy.

Together we will tell the role of technology, especially the internet, in Africa’s quest for growth.

If this excites you like it does us, get in touch directly on admin@techzim.co.zw and let us know why you. BTW, you don’t need to have a degree to be the right person for this.

If you’re wondering what working with us feels like, here are some random photos:





  1. Spaces

    Is location a factor in this?

    1. William Chui

      Position is full time and based in Harare (our offices) at the moment.

  2. Simbarashe Mashonga

    I would like to join. I love tech and reviewing about it. I also have a small YouTube channel based on technology.


    That’s my channel if you would like to check it out.

    1. William Chui

      If you’ve followed the instructions above, you’ll get a response.

  3. Nelson

    very much interested but on part time basis. please notify me if any of such opportunities arise

  4. Benhura

    hello i just sent an email.I hope i am not late.I am looking forward to this