Not tech obviously but we know most of our readers would like to go through this. So we decided to post it here.
Zimbabwe 2016 National Budget Statement here.
But for those just looking for the tech bit, here’s an extract pf the technology section. Quite a bit of stuff to go through. We’ll summarise later for those too lazy to through the raw presentation.
Information Communication Technology
623. Mr Speaker Sir, evidence strongly suggests that increased ICT adoption can bring improved productivity to organisations.
624. It is estimated that when internet penetration rises by 10% in emerging economies, it correlates with an incremental Gross Domestic Product increase of one to two percent.
625. ICT is also general purpose technology that has wide-ranging effects throughout an entire economy, reshaping entire systems of production and distribution, and contributing to other social goods, including improving education and healthcare access and services.
626. Mr Speaker Sir, despite financial and infrastructure constraints, next year interventions in ICT will among other issues, include the establishment of Data Centres, completion of Mile Connectivity, establishment of Community Information Centres and extension of E-Government Platform.
627. An amount of US$299.2 million will be invested in the sector in 2016, drawing largely from loan financing and public entities’ own resources, targeted at expansion and upgrading projects.
Net*One Network Expansion Phase II
628. Mr Speaker Sir, Net*One is implementing Phase II of the National Network Broadband Project through a US$218.9 million loan facility from China Exim Bank.
629. The project involves the expansion of the mobile network coverage to improve the network quality, increase the data speeds, as well as to expand network capacity to accommodate more subscribers.
630. Cumulative disbursements towards the project now stand at US$118.1 million, with US$52.4 million having been disbursed as at 30 September 2015. Equipment worth US$98.3 million has been delivered and installed country-wide.
631. In 2016, it is expected that US$75.5 million will be disbursed for further works.
Tel*One Network Expansion
632. Mr Speaker Sir, the Tel-One’s Business Transformation Strategy is anchored on improving connectivity to clients by broadening the core network and upgrading its mobile broadband and customer management systems.
633. This year, and using own resources amounting to US$11 million, Tel-One has been able to commission 14 Multi-Service Access Node Sites, expand the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) network, and connected 13 420 homes.
634. To capacitate the parastatal in its expansion and modernisation drive during 2016, Government is facilitating mobilisation of US$98.6 million loan from China Exim Bank before the end of the year.
635. This amount will be channeled towards implementation of the following fibre optic projects:-
Bulawayo – Beitbridge, US$11.4 million;
Bulawayo – Victoria Falls, US$5.7 million;
Mashonaland North upgrade, US$4.8 million;
Last Mile Connectivity, US$37.2 million; and
Infrastructure upgrade , US$37.9 million.
636. The above resources will be complemented by Tel-One’s own resources of US$12 million, to be channeled towards connecting homes and public buildings, US$4.6 million, value added products to customers, US$3.1 million, as well as procure and install various equipment, tools and accessories, US$4.2 million.
Zimbabwe Digital Broadcasting Migration
637. Government is implementing the Zimbabwe Digital Broadcasting Migration Project, which commenced on 25 February 2015, aimed at replacing the current Analogue Television Broadcasting System to the new Digital Broadcasting Platform in line with the International Telecommunication Union requirement.
638. The project, estimated to cost US$159 million, comprises of digitilisation of ZBC television studios and transmitter sites, construction of 24 additional transmitter sites, civil works as well as upgrading of systems and services, among others.
639. Head-end and satellite equipment, as well as civil works for two television studios have been completed, whilst 42 out of the 44 transmitter stations have been completed.
640. Equipment received to date amounts to US$17.3 million, and includes head-end satellite uplink materials for towers and 2 studios, with installation for the first batch of 5 digital transmitters at an advanced stage of completion.
641. The project is expected to be complete by the last quarter of 2016. In this regard, the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe has earmarked US$132 million from the Broadcasting Fund for this purpose.
E-Government Programme
642. Mr Speaker Sir, the E-Government programme we are implementing, dubbed ‘ZimConnect’, is aimed at allowing all Ministries, Departments and public entities to have flexibility in deploying e-applications online that reduce red tape, eradicate corruption and other institutional bottlenecks associated with the traditional methods of public service delivery.
643. The 11 e-applications, currently riding on the Public Finance Management System, will be launched during 2016 in order to bring Government services closer to the people.
644. Furthermore, the National Information Data Centre we are developing, will act as a central repository for public sector information and will anchor the E-Government Programme architecture.
645. I, therefore, propose to set aside US$17.2 million for the E-Government programme, targeting the National Data Centre, Communication Information Centres and establishment of Computer Laboratories at schools.
646. Through the Universal Services Fund, 530 rural schools will be provided with e-learning facilities such as 50 student laptops, internet access and digital curriculum content, all at a cost of US$3.6 million.
647. Furthermore, the Fund will establish tele-medicine for 10 rural health centres, which will facilitate access to tertiary health services for beneficiary communities.
648. Other on-going E-Government flagship programmes are in the following line Ministries:
2 responses
Section 646 and 647 points to a clear misuse of USF money! Im not say its a bad idea to do that, but if USF had already managed to achieve what it was was meant for and it was just laying idle in the bank, then there is every reason to expand it coverage use.
Lets not forget this is the money being taxed from telcos only, so why is it being used to cover everything the government is suppose to do for the rural population. I see this as a way of drawing the money out, shelf companies getting contracts and huge allowances being dished out. The money will be gone before it achieve anything.
Here is a direct copy from Potraz:
” The Universal Service Fund (USF) was established with main intention of providing funding for extending communication networks beyond the borders of economic viability to reach marginalised communities in rural areas throughout Zimbabwe .USF intends to provide basic access of voice and postal services to all irrespective of their geographical location This is a flagship of the Fund hence the concerted drive to install shared passive base station infrastructure throughout Zimbabwe. Over and above this the Universal Service Fund also supports the provision of backhaul transmission network to rural ICT centres at post offices ,post buses, mobile internet connectivity for rural schools. This speeds up network roll out to cover the entire country.”