Windows 10 Support Deadline: Unsupported Devices Left Out, Even with Windows 11 Upgrades

Leonard Sengere Avatar
Windows 11

Microsoft has warned 400 million Windows users against updating their PCs, as doing so may lead to loss of access to future security updates.

These 400 million have PCs running Windows 10 and have been a thorn in Microsoft’s side. Windows 11 was released back in 2021 and yet, 3 years later, hundreds of millions of PCs still run Windows 10.

While people generally aren’t excited about Windows updates, with Windows 11 most of the 400 million could not update even if they wanted to.

Microsoft initially enforced a TPM 2.0 hardware requirement for Windows 11 which meant most Windows 10 PCs could not be upgraded.

Microsoft has now allowed installations on incompatible PCs. They used to say the TPM 2.0 requirement was a necessity but are now giving users instructions on how to install Windows 11 on unsupported devices.

On Microsoft’s official support page there is now an entry titled, ‘Installing Windows 11 on devices that don’t meet minimum system requirements.’

However, Microsoft still gives significant warnings about potential issues.

Users who install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware will not receive updates, including critical security updates, and any resulting damages will not be covered under warranty, they say.

The contradictory messaging from Microsoft may lead to confusion among users. There already is panic because Windows 10’s support ends in October 2025.

Microsoft needs to provide a clear guide regarding Windows 10’s end of life and the risks associated with upgrading to Windows 11 on incompatible devices.

If you’re rocking Windows 10, I think you’re in a lose-lose scenario. Upgrading or not, it appears that you will not be receiving updates from October 2025. So, I guess that makes the decision easier. Do whatever you want, you won’t be getting updates in the future.

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  1. Always Off Topic

    “Microsoft has now allowed installations on incompatible PCs. They used to say the TPM 2.0 requirement was a necessity but are now giving users instructions on how to install Windows 11 on unsupported devices.”

    This is not true, this is something that has been doing the rounds lately and is due to some big tech web publisher mis-interpreting the article titled, ‘Installing Windows 11 on devices that don’t meet minimum system requirements’, found here,
    .Whether this was done on purpose or by mistake who knows, but the article does not say anything about relaxing hardware requirements, nor does it provide instructions about installing Win 11 on incompatible hardware. It is possible to install Win 11 on unsupported hardware, but Microsoft advises against doing so, (that is what the article referenced earlier is all about, it seems to imply you are better off staying with Win 10). And instructions for installing Win 11 on ‘legacy devices’ come exclusively from third parties, not Microsoft.

  2. Ok

    Well, i don’t myself buying a new laptop any time soon even if i stop receiving windows 10 updates.

  3. MYST🀄

    In 1252 Henry III of England dared to challenge them, threatening to confiscate certain of
    their domains. “You
    Templars .. . have so many liberties and charters that your enormous
    possessions make you rave with pride and haughtiness. What was
    imprudently given must therefore be prudently revoked; and what was
    inconsiderately bestowed must be considerately recalled.” The Master
    of the Order replied,
    “What say est thou, O King? Far be it that thy mouth should utter so disagreeable and
    silly a word. So long as thou dost exercise justice, thou wilt reign. But if thou infringe it,
    thou wilt cease to be King.” It is difficult to convey to the modern mind the enormity and
    audacity of this statement. Implicitly the Master is taking for his Order and himself a
    power that not even the papacy dared explicitly claim the power to make or depose
    At the same time, the Templars’ interests extended beyond war,
    diplomacy and political intrigue. In effect they created and
    established the institution of modern banking. By lending vast sums to
    destitute monarchs they became the bankers for every throne in Europe
    and for certain Muslim potentates as well. With their network of
    preceptories throughout Europe and the Middle East, they also
    organised, at modest interest rates, the safe and efficient transfer of
    money for merchant traders, a class which became increasingly dependent
    upon them. Money deposited in one city, for example, could be claimed
    and withdrawn in another, by means of promissory notes inscribed in
    intricate codes. The Templars thus became the primary money-changers
    of the age, and the Paris preceptory became the centre of
    European finance.9 It is even probable that the cheque, as we know and use it today, was
    invented by the Order.
    And the Templars traded not only in money, but in thought as well. Through their
    sustained and sympathetic contact with Islamic and Judaic culture, they came to act as a
    clearing-house for new ideas, new dimensions of knowledge, new sciences. They
    enjoyed a veritable monopoly on the best and most advanced technology of their age the
    best that could be produced by armourers, leather-workers, stone masons military
    architects and engineers.
    They contributed to the development of surveying, map-making,
    road-building and navigation. They possessed their own sea-ports, shipyards and fleet a fleet both commercial and military, which was
    among the first to use the magnetic compass. And as soldiers, the Templars’ need to
    treat wounds and illness made them adept in the use of drugs. The Order maintained its
    own hospitals with its own physicians and surgeons whose use of mould extract suggests
    an understanding of the properties of antibiotics. Modern principles of hygiene and
    cleanliness were understood. And with an understanding also in advance of their time
    they regarded epilepsy not as demonic possession but as a controllable disease. ‘
    Inspired by its own accomplishments, the Temple in Europe grew increasingly wealthy,
    powerful and complacent. Not surprisingly perhaps, it also grew increasingly arrogant,
    brutal and corrupt. “To drink like a Templar’ became a cliche of the time. And certain
    sources assert that the Order made a point of recruiting excommunicated knights.
    But while the Templars attained both prosperity and notoriety in
    Europe, the situation in the Holy Land had seriously deteriorated. In
    1185 King
    Baudouin IV of Jerusalem died. In the dynastic squabble that
    Gerard de Ridefort, Grand Master of the Temple, betrayed an oath made
    to the dead monarch, and thereby brought the European community in
    Palestine to the brink of civil war. Nor was this Ridefort’s only
    questionable action. His cavalier attitude towards the Saracens
    precipitated the rupture of a long-standing truce, and provoked a new
    cycle of hostilities. Then, in
    July 1187, Ridefort led his knights, along with the rest of the
    Christian army, into a rash, misconceived and, as it transpired,
    disastrous battle at
    Hattin. The Christian forces were virtually annihilated; and two
    months later Jerusalem itself captured nearly a century before was
    again in
    Saracen hands.
    During the following century the situation became increasingly
    hopeless. By 1291 nearly the whole of Outremer had fallen, and the
    Holy Land was almost entirely under Muslim control. Only Acre
    remained, and in May 1291 this last fortress was lost as well. In
    defending the doomed city, the Templars showed themselves at their most
    heroic. The Grand Master himself, though severely wounded, continued
    fighting until his death……

    Now this is history for a new curriculum, European History does not start at WW1 or 2 or 3. It just not be forbidden, it must be incorporated in my view.

  4. MYST🀄

    In Germany proper the Templars openly defied their judges, threatening to take up arms.
    Intimidated, their judges pronounced them innocent; and when the Order was officially
    dissolved, many German Templars found a haven in the Hospitallers of Saint John and in
    the Teutonic Order. In Spain, too, the Templars resisted their persecutors and found a
    refuge in other orders.
    In Portugal the Order was cleared by an inquiry and simply modified its
    name, becoming Knights of Christ. Under this title they functioned
    well into the sixteenth century, devoting themselves to maritime
    activity. Vasco da Gama was a Knight of Christ, and Prince Henry the
    Navigator was a Grand
    Master of the Order. Ships of the Knights of Christ sailed under the
    familiar red pat tee cross. And it was under the same cross that
    Columbus’s three caravels crossed the Atlantic to the New World. Columbus himself was
    married to the daughter of a former Knight of Christ, and had access to his father-inlaw’s
    charts and diaries.
    Thus, in a number of diverse ways, the Templars survived the attack
    October 13th, 1307. And in 1522 the Templars’ Prussian progeny, the
    Teutonic Knights, seculari sed themselves, repudiated their allegiance
    Rome and threw their support behind an upstart rebel and heretic
    Martin Luther. Two centuries after their dissolution, the Templars, however vicariously,
    were exacting revenge on the Church which had betrayed them.
    Knights Templar The Mysteries
    In greatly abridged form, this is the history of the Knights Templar as
    writers have accepted and presented it, and as we encountered it in our
    research. But we quickly discovered that there was another dimension
    to the Order’s history, considerably more elusive, more provocative and
    more speculative. Even during their existence, a mystique had come to
    surround the knights. Some said they were sorcerers and magicians,
    secret adepts and alchemists. Many of their contemporaries shunned
    them, believing them to be in league with unclean powers.

    Did Vasco Da Gama reach Great Zimbabwe?

  5. Jolly Roger 6

    The bones inside were
    those of a rather small woman.z
    A curious relic especially for a rigidly monastic, military institution
    like the Templars. Yet a knight under interrogation, when confronted
    with this feminine head, declared it had no relation to the bearded
    male head used in the Order’s rituals. Caput LVIIIm -“Head 58m’
    remains a baffling enigma. But it is worth noting that the ‘m’ may not
    be an ‘m’ at all, but U, the astrological symbol for Virgo .z’
    The head figures again in another mysterious story traditionally linked with the Templars.
    It is worth quoting in one of its several variants:
    A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar, a Lord of Sidon; but
    she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial, this wicked
    lover crept to the grave, dug up her body and violated it. Then a
    voice from the void bade him return in nine months time for he would
    find a son. He obeyed the injunction and at the appointed time he
    opened the grave again and found a head on the leg bones of the
    skeleton (skull and crossbones). The same voice bade him’ guard it
    well, for it would be the giver of all good things’, and so he carried
    it away with him. It became his protecting genius, and he was able to
    defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head. In due
    course, it passed into the possession of the Order .z2
    This grisly narrative can be traced at least as far back as one Walter
    Map, writing in the late twelfth century. But neither he nor another
    writer, who recounts the same tale nearly a century later, specifies
    that the necrophiliac rapist was a Templar.Z3 Nevertheless, by 1307 the
    story had become closely associated with the Order. It is mentioned
    repeatedly in the
    Inquisition’s records, and at least two knights under interrogation confessed their
    familiarity with it. In subsequent accounts, like the one quoted above, the rapist himself is
    identified as a Templar, and he remains so in the versions preserved by Freemasonry –
    which adopted the skull and crossbones, and often employed it as a device on

  6. MYST🀄

    The fascination with heads can be found in the story of Mbuya Nehanda. They must have witnessed something which made them want to keep the head of the medium of Nehanda or just remove it from the land. Mapfupa achamuka. ☠️

  7. Knight of the order of the wind💀

    In part the tale might almost seem to be a grotesque travesty of the Immaculate Conception. In part it would seem to be a garbled symbolic
    account of some initiation rite, some ritual involving a figurative
    death and resurrection. One chronicler cites the name of the woman in
    the story Yse, which would seem quite clearly to derive from Isis. And
    certainly the tale evokes echoes of the mysteries associated with Isis,
    as well as those of Tammuz or Adonis, whose head was flung into the
    sea, and of Orpheus, whose head was flung into the river of the Milky
    Way. The magical properties of the head also evoke the head of Bran
    Blessed in Celtic mythology and in the Mabinogion. And it is Bran’s mystical cauldron that
    numerous writers have sought to identify as the pagan precursor of the Holy Grail.
    Whatever significance might be ascribed to the ‘cult of the head’,
    Inquisition clearly believed it to be important. In a list of charges drawn up on August 12th,
    1308, there is the following:
    Item, that in each province they had idols, namely heads… Item, that they adored these
    idols .. .
    Item, that they said that the head could save them. Item, that lit
    could] make riches .. . Item, that it made the trees flower. Item,
    that it made the land germinate. Item, that they surrounded or touched
    each head of the aforesaid idols with small cords, which they wore
    around themselves next to the shirt or the flesh .24
    The cord mentioned in the last item is reminiscent of the Cathars, who were also alleged
    to have worn a sacred cord of some kind. But most striking in the list is the head’s
    purported capacity to engender riches, make trees flower and bring fertility to the land.
    These properties coincide remarkably with those ascribed in the romances to the Holy
    Of all the charges levelled against the Templars, the most serious were those of
    blasphemy and heresy of denying, trampling and spitting on the cross. It is not clear
    precisely what this alleged ritual was intended to signify -what, in other words, the
    Templars were actually repudiating. Were they repudiating Christ? Or were they simply
    repudiating the Crucifixion?
    And whatever they repudiated, what exactly did they extol in its stead?

  8. Knight of the order of the wind💀

    No one has satisfactorily answered these questions, but it seems clear
    that a repudiation of some sort did occur, and was an integral
    principle of the
    Order. One knight, for example, testified that on his induction into
    Order he was told, “You believe wrongly, because he [Christ] is indeed
    a false prophet. Believe only in God in heaven, and not in him.”zs
    Templar declared that he was told, “Do not believe that the man Jesus
    whom the Jews crucified in Outremer is God and that he can save you.”zs
    A third knight similarly claimed he was instructed not to believe in
    Christ, a false prophet, but only in a “higher God’. He was then shown
    a crucifix and told,
    “Set not much faith in this, for it is too young.”
    Such accounts are frequent and consistent enough to lend credence to
    the charge. They are also relatively bland; and if the Inquisition
    desired to concoct evidence, it could have devised something far more
    dramatic, more incriminating, more damning. There thus seems little
    doubt that the
    Templars’ attitude towards Jesus did not concur with that of Catholic orthodoxy, but it is
    uncertain precisely what the Order’s attitude was.
    In any case, there is evidence that the ritual ascribed to the Templars
    -trampling and spitting on the cross was in the air at least half a century
    before 1307. Its context is confusing, but it is mentioned in connection with the
    Sixth Crusade, which occurred in 1249.28
    Knights Templar The Hidden Side
    If the end of the Knights Templar was fraught with baffling enigmas,
    the foundation and early history of the Order seemed to us to be even
    more so. We were already plagued by a number of inconsistencies and
    improbabilities. Nine knights, nine “poor’ knights, appeared as if
    from nowhere and among all the other crusaders swarming about the Holy
    Land promptly had the king’s quarters turned over to them! Nine “poor’
    knights without admit ting any new recruits to their ranks presumed,
    all by themselves, to defend the highways of Palestine. And there was
    no record at all of them actually doing any thing, not even from Fulk
    de Chartres, the king’s official chronicler, who must surely have known

  9. MYST🀄

    “Without the Merovingians, the Prieure
    de Sion would not exist, and without the
    Prieure de Sion, the Merovingian dynasty would be extinct.” The relationship between the
    Order and the bloodline is partly clarified, partly further confused, by the following
    The King is, shepherd and pastor at the same time. Sometimes he
    dispatches some brilliant ambassador to his vassal in power, his
    factotum, one who has the felicity of being subject to death. Thus
    Rene d’Anjou, Connetable de
    Bourbon, Nicolas Fouquet … and numerous others for whom astonishing
    success is followed by inexplicable disgrace for these emissaries are
    both terrible and vulnerable. Custodians of a secret, one can only
    exalt them or destroy them. Thus people like Gilles de Rais, Leonardo
    da Vinci, Joseph
    Balsamo, the dukes of Nevers and Gonzaga, whose wake is attended by a perfume of
    magic in which sulphur is mingled with incense the perfume of the Magdalene.
    If King Charles VII, on the entrance of Jeanne d’Arc into the great hall of his castle at
    Chinon, hid himself among the throng of his courtiers, it was not for the sake of a frivolous
    joke where was the humour in it? but because he already knew of whom she was the
    ambassadress. And that, before her, he was scarcely more than one courtier among the
    others. The secret she delivered to him in private was contained in these words:
    “Gentle lord, I come on behalf of the King. ‘4
    The implications of this passage are provocative and intriguing. One is that the King the
    “Lost King’, presumably of the Merovingian bloodline continues in effect to rule, simply by
    virtue of who he is. Another, and perhaps even more startling, implication is that temporal
    sovereigns are aware of his existence, acknowledge him, respect him and fear him. A
    third implication is that the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, or some other member of
    the Order, acts as ambassador between the “Lost King’ and his temporal deputies or

    You do not have to be in power to have influence. You don’t have to participate in politics to create policy and national discourse. A King does not need to be elected. He can lead a humble and quiet life if he so chooses, and must leave his people a blueprint for their success if they so wish.

  10. MYST🀄

    Astronomers discover 1st binary stars orbiting supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way

  11. MYST🀄

    Freeman ft Box, Ty and Dzidzai

    Man to man.

  12. DRCY Delroy, Yes grand Ma

    King Shaddy, HighSkuru🍻📟📰

  13. MYST🀄

    King Shaddy Zvandakaita

    2070 ndichipo, deal with it.

    Yes Cde. Continue.

    For the struggle✊

  14. MYST🀄

    Jah signal – any

  15. Jah Maester

    Ma Bond iJuga.

    Vari ku Joza dzokai kumba

    Kuno nhamo yavakutitambisa rumba

    Ikoko ndi ri kuida ,asimukomana wachonkupenga me under mumusoro..


    We are Police

  16. MYST🀄

    To the lady who sold me the BMW. Thank you, it was lady driven but not sooo much.

    Thanks Sha!

  17. MYST🀄

    Happy Unity Day!

    Njuzu to do wurl💧

  18. MYST🀄

    Guys I don’t like it. When your leader is speaking to you pay attention.

    It doesn’t matter if you didn’t vote for him, he is our leader. Listen he is speaking.

  19. MYST🀄

    Ken it’s very simple. Build up like Century City. The frogs and the birds are okay. Light comes through our massive windows. Windows is glass and sand, steel we will have.

  20. Shane Watson

    Well,even my device is supported, I’m still unable to get the windows 11 update and even after installing some apps such as facebook, whatsapp, dubai metro line, instagram, I’m seeing a significant drop in the speed and they keep on crashing. How can I install the updates?

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