World’s first night solar panels unveiled; no sun, no problem

Leonard Sengere Avatar

These scientists man, they are going to put the likes of ZESA out of business, and I’m all for it. Some researchers have developed solar panels that produce electricity at night. No sun, no problem – say these panels.

Stanford University researchers have developed solar panels capable of producing electricity at night by leveraging radiative cooling.

What’s radiative cooling? I understood it to mean the process where heat naturally escapes from surfaces and disappears into space, especially when the sky is clear at night. That heat escape is what the researchers are taking advantage of.

By attaching thermoelectric generators to modified solar panels, researchers harnessed dissipating heat to generate small amounts of power—approximately 50 milliwatts per square meter.

Now, here’s the major downside that you probably saw coming – 50 milliwatts per square metre is not that much. Traditional solar panels produce approximately 200 watts per square metre during the day.

That means you would need 4000 night time solar panels producing 50 milliwatts per square metre to match a regular one that produces 200 watts. However, that’s an apples to oranges comparison, a night vs day comparison if you will.

The first thing to note is that the researchers are modifying regular solar panels to give them the night time super powers. So, it won’t be a case of buying regular ones and night time ones. You won’t even have to buy new solar panels altogether as the tech can be retrofitted into existing solar panels.

Then come the applications of the seemingly paltry output. Though modest compared to the 200 watts per square meter produced by traditional solar panels during the day, this energy is sufficient to power small devices like LEDs, environmental sensors, IOT devices, and other low-power equipment.

So, here are a few real world uses of the seemingly paltry night solar panels. For the environmental sensors that might not apply to regular homes:

  • Soil Moisture Sensors – Used in gardens or farms for automated irrigation systems. Would be huge for farmers, obviously.
  • Pest Detection Systems – Sensors that detect movement or the presence of pests in outdoor spaces.

Then when it comes to IoT devices and LEDs, you could benefit too, even if you’re not a farmer:

  • Motion-Activated Outdoor Lights – Low-energy motion sensors paired with LEDs for security.
  • Leak Detectors – IoT devices placed under sinks or near water heaters to detect leaks or flooding.
  • Nightlights – Small LED nightlights that run continuously during nighttime.
  • Emergency Lighting – LEDs that provide light during power outages. I wonder if you Zimbabweans know about those, power outages are a thing that exist in this world.
  • Wireless Security Cameras – Low-energy cameras that monitor homes, especially in standby mode.

As you can see, while you won’t be running your fridge on night solar any time soon, you would still benefit from the radiative cooling tech they possess and their 50 milliwatts per square metre.

On a positive note, the researchers see the technology improving with time. Probably never to match day time panel productivity but still, any improvements would be welcome.

Beyond electricity generation, radiative cooling has diverse applications. Companies like SkyCool Systems have utilised it for zero-energy air conditioning, while researchers at ETH Zurich have applied it to produce potable water in arid regions.

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  1. Anonymous

    Cost/benefit of inserting the new tech into the system?

  2. MYST🀄

    Slowly we are getting there. When panels get to 80% efficiency and better night time performance they will become an indispensable part of human life and space exploration.

    1. Anonymous

      Slowly eating Zesa cake, Telone suffered this very same predicament.

  3. MYST🀄

    Access to the Martian surface for science

    Mars is the best place in our solar system to study the long-term evolution of a terrestrial planet
    and address questions in the search for life. Earth’s first one billion years—the timeframe for
    the origin and initial evolution of single-celled life—has been obliterated on our home planet
    due to the action of plate tectonics and erosion. In contrast, Mars preserves abundant ancient
    crust (also destroyed on Venus), a record of evolution of an atmosphere (lacking on Moon
    and Mercury) with regular accessibility on a short time frame (not possible with the ocean
    worlds of the outer solar system). That record shows that Mars was, for at least its first two
    billion years, habitable with lakes, rivers, groundwater, and hydrothermal systems inhabited
    today on Earth. Furthermore, Mars has preserved icecaps recording climate variations that are
    a testbed for comparative planetology to improve our understanding of Earth’s own climate
    processes. Mars has a uniquely accessible archive preserved in its rock and ice deposits.
    Mars exploration science and human exploration goals (Mars Exploration Program Analysis
    Group MEPAG, 2020) and evaluations of the state of the science (MASWG, 2020) highlight
    key open scientific questions: “What initial conditions make terrestrial planets like Mars and
    Earth habitable (or not)?,” “What were the nature of early habitats on Mars and the causes
    driving its planetary-scale environmental change?,” “What are the reservoirs of water and ice,
    how do they form, and how have they changed with climate fluctuations?,” and “Did life
    originate on Mars, and if so, how, and is Mars inhabited now?”
    A subset of these questions will be addressed by Mars Sample Return, which is and should
    be the highest priority in Mars exploration for the next mission. Nonetheless, decades of
    orbital and in situ exploration have highlighted the geologic diversity of Mars.

    Growing Commercial Capabilities and Markets
    We are at a natural juncture to leverage innovation in the space and technology sectors to
    enable a program of Mars surface access that grows the U.S. commercial space sector. In
    2021, the number of satellites launched, the use of personal electronics, and the number
    of technology-driven startup companies are at record highs. Private investment in space
    companies has risen to unprecedented levels, including large venture capital outlays, novel
    investment vehicles, and the personal capital of billionaires such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.
    Social and entertainment media may create new opportunities to tap into the excitement
    of space exploration. For the first time, the incentives of all these different stakeholders are
    aligning in a way that can be harnessed for pushing the bounds of space exploration, including
    at Mars.
    The past decade has seen massive increases in commercial sector space capabilities and
    decreases in cost of key aspects. This has included new entrants and the introduction of
    reusability in the launch arena, deployment of large constellations of Earth observation and
    communication satellites, private human orbital and suborbital spaceflight, and the transition
    of ISS resupply and crew exchange to commercial vendors. In many cases, these activities
    have leveraged technologies and approaches demonstrated in other sectors for use in space.
    Spurred in part by the Google Lunar XPrize and continued through a number of initiatives
    including NASA’s CATALYST and Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) programs, a
    number of companies are currently poised to begin robotic lunar surface missions.

  4. MYST🀄

    Around 2010 I was almost hypnotised with the Google Xprize. My partner then couldn’t comprehend how this could come together, hanzi ‘how will you get it there?’. Me being a wuss decided that she was right and I was wrong, how would you get a rover on the moon with your background, sensible mindset I thought, let me do the conventional. This should have been a heads-up very early. It seemed far fetched and almost day dreaming to fathom. Yes for a mind that considers Africans as non space faring it was incredulous to even think off. As I get older, I realise that not everyone can support your dreams, and its very possible for someone you love to be jealous of you and even try stifle who you are. It is a godsend to get another crack at life, vadzimu vangu vakaramba, rather be by yourself, don’t stop dreaming because of someone else with their own insecurities and limitations. You came in this world alone Dzidzai and you will leave alone, pursue your dreams and live your life, if you are not strong willed, others will live your life for you, use you and discard you at will. Perhaps one day I will find someone who can share my dreams and quirks, don’t rush! Time doesn’t stop but you can slow it down, I wont tell you how. Do whatever makes you happy!


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