You Can Now Buy Crypto’s Straight From The Opera Browser

You Can Now Buy Crypto’s Straight From The Opera Browser

The Opera Browser has always been enthusiastic about crypto. If you recall, Opera became one of the first mainstream browsers with a built-in crypto wallet last year. Though some people’s faith and the hype surrounding cryptos has died down a bit, Opera shall not be shaken. They are still paying attention to that space and they recently announced that Opera users will be able to buy cryptos from this very wallet.

According to Coindesk, Opera has partnered with “regulated crypto brokerage Safello to provide the cash-to-crypto exchange.” Safello will handle the verification side of things and Opera has said that these transactions will take less than a minute. The thinking behind Opera’s move is that buy increasing usage, cryptos can finally creep into the mainstream. Opera’s crypt product lead, Charles Hamel, said;

We think that the next important phase for crypto will come from usage and that for it to reach wider adoption, it has to be easy to buy and easy to use.