Zim exports to Iran fall by 99.98%, 126 drums of bond coins to the tune of $3 Million, Study 263 allowing you to send money to South Africa as bitcoin, Ethiopian Airways accepting EcoCash and Telecash as payment

Zim exports to Iran fall by 99.98%, 126 drums of bond coins to the tune of $3 Million, Study 263 allowing you to send money to South Africa as bitcoin, Ethiopian Airways accepting EcoCash and Telecash as payment

Zimbabwean exports to Iran fell from $4.8 million to $1000 in just a year, More bond coins coming our way to the sum of $3 million, Ethiopian Airlines through a platform called Flocash now allows you to pay for your plane ticket using EcoCash or Telecash

1 Comment

  1. Traumatic Flashback

    Bitcoin is looking more and more like a reasonable safety net to me. As volatile as it is, my previous traumas with Zim have me itching to get my few cents out of the RBZs reach ASAP.

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