Zim inventor develops TV that doesn’t need a power cable, Is that even possible?

Maxwell Chikumbutso Radio Frequency TV Television

Zimbabwean inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso has reportedly created a radio-frequency powered television. This means that there is no power cable and the TV is powered purely by radio waves similar to WiFi and Bluetooth.

“With an RF-powered generator embedded on a TV set, it is now possible for many people to enjoy watching TV whilst they are off-grid. For me, this started off as a dream in 2003, but today it’s now a reality. We have successfully developed a solution that powers televisions, smartphones, laptop computers, fridges just to name a few.

“Goodbye to electric wired home appliances. Welcome to the future with the world’s first Free Energy powered 55″ UHD Samsung TV. The dawn of wireless self-powered gadgets is here!”

Maxwell Chikumbutso via The Herald

The concept isn’t new because Samsung debuted a radio-frequency powered TV remote at CES 2022 which also has a small solar panel on the back. However, what Maxwell Chikumbutso has done, if true, could mean that conventional electrical infrastructure is a thing of the past because it will all be antenna arrays. TVs, smartphones and all other devices will be radio frequency powered

But is this even possible?

You can listen to or download the podcast with the link below.

Maxwell Chikumbutso of Saith Technologies is back – Claims generator powers 10 houses at once

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Cover Image Credit The Herald

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  1. Anonymous

    How did he develop a Samsung TV?? He developed an RF generator not a TV

    1. Anonymous

      This guy is a fraud, ndiye futi wePower generator that harnesses RF radiation and converts it to electricity apparently. He hasn’t he brought even a single one of his inventions to market.

      1. Anonymous

        He hasn’t invented a thing, modding is not inventing. TechZim munyore maheadlines kwawo. Better kutonyora nezve John Deere autonomous tractor and tillage tool

        1. Anonymous

          sounds like some doesn’t understand how patents work.
          its okay go read some more.

          1. Anonymous

            I wholeheartedly agree. The “Big Business” is attempting to stray the opportunity away from the inventor to capitalize on the “view” of the public. We have already seen this done with the efforts of J.P. Morgan Chase. People are quick to believe whatever the “Media” tells them.

    2. Anonymous

      Read and understand … read carefully when Samsung gets mentioned, understanding is key and keeps you away from anger.
      Thank you

      1. Anonymous

        “Zimbabwean inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso has reportedly created a radio-frequency powered television. This means that there is no power cable and the TV is powered purely by radio waves similar to WiFi and Bluetooth.”
        “Goodbye to electric wired home appliances. Welcome to the future with the world’s first Free Energy powered 55″ UHD Samsung TV. The dawn of wireless self-powered gadgets is here!”
        Hey idiot did you understand that?? The TV was built by Samsung so it’s very idiotic and dumb to say someone created a TV when it’s very clear they didn’t

        1. Sirvart

          Actually you read it wrong like an idiot it says he created a radio frequency Powered television… to simplify even more the key words are radio frequency powered.. the radio frequency that he created powers the TV… he didn’t have to build the tv he modified the tv and built the power source to make it work without electricity

          1. NoNeed

            🤦🏿‍♂️ Wow

    3. Reuben

      Now ways to power the TV

      1. Anonymous

        Power = Current × Voltage. Those numbers don’t add up❌❌❌❌

        1. Egoprivilage-repellant

          Thats why he aint got no patent on his work egotistic moran because its aganist this basic laws

      2. Anonymous

        P=U*I ->
        I=P/U ->500/220= I=2,27A

    4. Stanview

      How os he powering his rf generator? From micro-volts of rf to watts for TV powering…. mmmmm this dude is nt telling the truth

  2. Anonymous

    Dude is not an inventor, he just customised a Samsung tv

    1. Anonymous

      He didn’t even customise anything?? He is very stupid now that TV doesn’t have a valid warranty 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Anonymous

      More like a bush mechanic

  3. Yeah but Nah

    Lol, I appreciate the struggle to keep things diplomatic! The basic concepts of wireless power transmission have been theorised and proven for over a hundred years but I can accept that science can move forward. What feeds my scepticism here is the reluctance to just demo this tech in a controlled environment to observers. He doesn’t have to give up any secret recipes, heck, he could even call it straight up magic! Just set this up in a secure space on a plexiglass stand and let it run for a week. It would prove at the very least that it’s not just running on an internal battery and that something external and contactless is keeping it going. Short of that I can’t help but be sceptical.

  4. Anonymous

    conventional electrical infrastructure is a thing of the past because it will all be antenna arrays??? Those antennas will still need power, so how will electrical infrastructure be a thing of the past?

    1. The Saurus

      The key word is ‘conventional’. There will always be some form of infrastructure, but in this theoretical instance, it won’t be the typical traditional infrastructure we are used to.

      1. Anonymous

        Like in AD100000???????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Anonymous

      If I understand it correctly, his tech doesnt just convert rf to electricity, it breaks a few laws of physics and increases the amount of energy you get. So not only could you get energy from anything that naturally produces radio waves, but everything could be self powered, or everything could power everything else. Take a phone, transmitter on one end, receiver on the other. It sends a signal, then catches its own signal, which it uses to generate more electricity than it used to send the signal. Which is total bs

      1. Dingle

        Bro can you call my cell phone my battery is going flat.

  5. Anonymous

    Iko kamunyati kake kaarikuti kanopedza masports hakazokonzeri interference with other gadgets?😂😂😂😂

  6. Blessing Mtetwa

    Well done my guy he is our modern Tesla

  7. Lotshe

    This guy is a scam.

    1. Anonymous

      To answer the question: No.

  8. Big Boss

    I don’t know what people are smoking these days.

    1. Anonymous

      Smoking???? if they are smoking at all, they are swallowing 😂😂😂😂

  9. The Utopian

    What a load of Tosh

  10. Tinashe Pswarayi

    Actually he is a genius. Keep it bro

  11. Prince

    Bull – this FRAUDSTER keeps coming with silly, so called inventions which never materialize – I think it’s to scam gullible wannabe ‘investors’

  12. Jay

    It’s a scam, not even a good one

  13. Anonymous

    Who is Tony lumelo

  14. G

    Who is Tony lumelo

  15. G

    Tony elumelu

  16. 3man

    That’s great news from Sir Maxwell. Never backdown from your endeavours in breaking the long established and ruthless imperialist stronghold in technological breakthroughs and discoveries.

  17. Anonymous

    Ndo problem vanhu vasina kudzidza zvakadzama vakatanga kunyora kunyora ma Articles..Staff Writer clearly dosent know what an Invention is….

  18. Mabhena

    Guys is a fraud. Just check the imaginary adventures that he has inbetween his “inventions”. Did you know that he claims to own a private jet? Jet bought with what money since his fringe science creations never seem to make it to market. Add to that an imaginary company that apparently has the HIT vice chancellor as a board member and any normal person would be sceptical. Techzim can make a follow up on that and expose this guy once and for all.

  19. Mabhena

    Here is the board member list which includes the HIT VC (https://www.saithgroup.com/about/). Ask the esteemed engineer to comment on the technologies that are being developed by the company on whose board he sits. I will be eagerly waiting for this story Techzim.

  20. Dumbo

    500w at 15A. It’s absolute BS, anyone with two brain cells can see that.

  21. Scorched earth

    Mupei ma haloperidol tablets..ma piritsi e vanhu vanopenga!!
    Atanga kuda ku breaker ma rules of physics. A psych ward somewhere is searching for him. Hakuna zvinhu zvakadaro, hakuna. Vana Samsung invest billions of dollars in RnD pozouya tsoko hake oenda kumberi kwavo with “inventions” we have never seen working. A simple test run in the presence of actual engineers and our university profs and docs would do him no harm. Chawa gadzira ngachi shande tichiona, it’s that simple.

  22. Anonymous

    There was a nigerian who claimed to make a water generator that consumed no water.
    At the time all his fans told us sceptics to bog off. 3 years later – nothing, no peer reviews, no research papers, no product release nada.

    perpetual motion machines/Infinite ‘free’ energy generators are always a scam.

  23. Scorched earth

    At this rate this guy will be talking about vibranium and infinity stones. You don’t increase power like that out of thin air. Psychosis detected.

    1. Anonymous

      😂😂😂😂😂vibranium and infinity stone mu Zim here😂😂

      1. Anonymous

        MCU kkk

  24. Ndini

    This guy is a fraud.

    1. Anonymous

      Aah but guys he is trying to make Zimbabwe Great.

      1. 😵

        No he is not making us great. He is just a scam

      2. Sagitarr

        Yeah right….Great Zimbabwe ruins!!! We’ve been there before. The late RGM went right round the country’s provinces donating computers to schools with no electricity. Amongst his sycophantic goons were people with university degrees etc. We really are a desperate nation zveshuwa if we believe such BS. Maybe Chikumbutso is a ZPF project that is launched just before elections to fool those who are naive enough to be fooled and they seem to be the many….

  25. Goredema

    Maxwell Chikumbutso is a genius in the Radio Frequency Green energy.
    On it not being on public is coz
    1) the technology is going through some tests to ascertain its safety and reliability since it was once labeled a perpetual energy device.
    2) to create formal intellectual property procedures.
    3) protect his life since the energy sector have so many moguls who feel threatened by this free energy thing. Maybe those who are saying he is a Scam are some of them who are baying for his blood.
    Our planet is surrounded by magnetic waves which make us to have the north and south poles
    Further our galaxies have some energies surrounding and protecting them. Some of these energy are even harmful to us.
    It only need us or anyone who need further knowledge to ask him.
    Let’s take into consideration that he have managed to brake 3 laws of physics. These laws are now void and they need to be deleted.
    One thing I like is that he work with professionals in the emerging energy industry and myself i am convinced with his work.
    Guys let’s take note that this issue of free energy have been researched for long since the days Nicole Tesla and none have made such mind blowing discoveries till Max come into light.
    Yes. When science is studied it not starting from zero since a lot have been done. All the recent scientists work with the available equipments and develop them to the next level.
    Yes he didn’t devep the Samsung TV but he add his technology which make it to be able to work without connecting it to the main system.
    Ngatidzidzei kurumbidza zvaitwa nevamwe especially us maZimba, musatinyadzisa.

    Let’s all appreciate this great invention of our time. It will revolutionarize the global energy sector.
    With Maxwell Chikumbutso, our globe is going to be clean again.

    Take us further Maxwell Chikumbutso. I am long waiting to use your generator, car and TV powered by RF

    1. Anonymous

      Which three laws of physics has he broken??

      1. Geordi Da Forge

        I wouldn’t know the correct terms or laws, but here is what sticks out to a TV-Sci-Fi-Taught layman like me:
        – creating something out of almost nothing (his claimed outputs seemingly exceeds the primary source)
        – bending the natural behaviours of Electromagnetic Emissions without visible aides (waves would have to converge on his devices on their own, like they are being sucked in)
        – near or beyond perfect efficiencies (usually there is significant loss at every step of energy generation, transmission, conversion etc)

        I’ve now lived long enough to see some previously fictional tech come to life during my lifetime, but my scepticism is strong with this one. Its no joke to say that if its true, it will usher in a new historical age like the bronze or information age.

    2. Sagitarr

      Google his name and find out other stupid “discoveries” or “inventions” to his name.
      Zvekupemberera zvemahara zvauraya Zimbabwe.

    3. Malcolm Curve

      The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success

    4. Anonymous

      You don’t see the problem with your logic do you? The simplest way to protect his life from “the moguls” would be to put his tech on full display instead of trying to keep it to himself so he could cash in. If his tech actually worked and they wanted to stop him, not only would he already be dead, so would anybody who might know how it works.

      The “can’t patent a perpetual enegery device” excuse is bs. Simply don’t describe it as a perpetual energy device. Call it an “energy converter” or “energy converter and amplifier” since it converts radio waves, a form of energy, into electricty, another form of energy. He would have to prove it works to patent it anyways, so he could simply start production and sue to retroactively patent it. If anything would keep it from being patented it would be from not having any moving parts and being made from naturally occurring materials, which would make his “invention” unpatentable since it would be a naturally occurring phenomenon, like banging two rocks together to make fire. All a patent or ip protection does is keep other people from cashing in, so he’s just being greedy and/or egomaniac. Plenty of folk would give him money BECAUSE he gave the tech away for free. Governments would give him awards and protect him from “the moguls”. A Nobel peace prize, at the least. This would change our society on an EPIC scale. No more worries about global warming, cheap plentiful energy for everyone. But dude wants to get rich and keep control of it to himself while claiming god showed him how to make it.

      The only video of his stuff is from 2015 and shows no proof. A car. A helicopter. A big shiny box with electronics on it. All of which no one was allowed to examine. The car gets drove around some, but not long enough to prove its powered from a perpetual energy device.

      His company, saith technologies, has a wonderful looking website. That tells you nothing but some generic pseudoscience, has a few videos that look like commercials but offer nothing to prove the tech works. Their social media only has a few posts from 2015, and doesn’t respond to people who post questions. Some youtube videos that have a few responses to people’s comments saying to email them.

      It’s either a scam, or he’s just greedy.

    5. Frankly Holic

      Where can I buy the TV and how much is it

  26. Ma Crypto

    Lol…People will believe that a white man came back from the dead and flew to heaven but cant comprehend that the laws of physics can be broken and new deeper laws found out. It was once a law/belief that man can not fly. Alas. Here we are. Shanda Maxwell shanda.

    1. Anonymous

      A statement by someone clearly not an electrical engineer

    2. Samaita

      Wadii wagara pasi nhai 🤣🤣🤣

  27. Scorched earth

    Hahaha funniest thing I’ve ever read. I’ll call this one joke of the year and that says something coz tiri muna January. A demo won’t hurt anyone. So u think what u said is reason enough for him to sit on “discoveries” that would change our way of life and prolly make him a trillionaire? Magetsi haaawe dzerwe like that. That’s wrong. The day “he makes it “; i will fly off Joina city building using cardboard wings. Hell , I’ll even swallow my phone whilst im at it.

  28. Scorched earth

    Hahaha funniest thing I’ve ever read. I’ll call this one joke of the year and that says something coz tiri muna January. A demo won’t hurt anyone. So u think what u said is reason enough for him to sit on “discoveries” that would change our way of life and prolly make him a trillionaire? Magetsi haaawe dzerwe like that. That’s wrong. The day “he makes it “; i will fly off Joina city building using cardboard wings. Hell , I’ll even swallow my phone whilst im at it.,

  29. V For Vendetta

    You Africans always hating on a fellow African.Inventing is not an easy thing to accomplish.And first and foremost he is not even using your finances to accomplish his inventions.You will always be under other races because of your retarded thinking.Many companies put through concept inventions that never make it to market.Maxwell is going to make it big irregardless of what you think of him.He is trying to change his circumstances,what are you doing besides complaining about the economy and such.You think because you studied on the topic makes you understand it all.Science does not yet understand everything, many inventions are coming that will break the laws of physics and other scientific discplines.Let the Man prove himself true or a fraud.

    1. Scorched earth

      Im making cardboard wings that have anti gravity thrusters. I can fly at any altitude for as long as i want. Sometimes i break the sound barrier but im still in testing. Wouldn’t u want to invest in a fellow Zimbabwean’s work? Im telling you, cardboard wings are the future of aerial travel 🙂

    2. Sagitarr

      Google his name and you’ll find more astounding stories from this scammer.

  30. Anonymous


  31. Thanos

    What I know is AliExpress and Alibaba are very useful these days, you can buy buses, helicopters,fones,cars etc and claim u have designed(manufactured) your own brand of product with your own logo as Chinese suppliers can customize products to your own taste and will.Even Infinity stones are available for sale😆😆😆😆

    1. Scorched earth


  32. Scorched earth

    Im making cardboard wings that have anti gravity thrusters. I can fly at any altitude for as long as i want. Sometimes i break the sound barrier but im still in testing. Wouldn’t u want to invest in a fellow Zimbabwean’s work? Im telling you, cardboard wings are the future of aerial travel 🙂

  33. Sagitarr

    It might be interesting to just Google “Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso”. This fool can never be anything close to being called an engineer. He is a fraud period, find out more “diesel from Chinhoyi”-like stories for those who are lazy to use their brains.

  34. HM

    Guys I remember kwaita diesel kuChinhoi.

  35. wokenman

    Ginimbi akafa guys – the dude needs new backers saka has to hook them with new promises give him a break kani kkk

  36. Anonymous

    u want him to come to your house and show u his tech,who a you?its you who need pills,just bcoz u haven’t seen it iwewe does it mean it dsnt exist,,do u no everything au google,we saw his tech if u have nothing gud to say shut ur mouth

    1. Sagitarr

      It’s always suspicious when an individual calls him/herself “we”, are you counting your bollox as well? Or your other hair-brained colleagues? Watumwa ne zanu here isingadi criticism?

    2. Scorched earth

      He has no tech my angry friend. I know we as Zims want something to hope for, something positive but truth be told that guy is a liar and a fraudulent bastard. By the way, where have you seen his tech… working?? Christ , people really are gullible 🤣

    3. Anonymous

      Tech???😂😂😂😂😂😂 He doesn’t even have an idea

  37. Rufus

    This seem to be in violation of the universal law of energy conservation. Which is not possible. Let the inventor disclose the actual energy source. Energy transfer by radiation is itself not new.

  38. Anonymous

    No wonder why africans remain poor the hate i see from all of them here is just to much he did it period . Just because yoy haven’t seen it elsewhere doesnt mean it can’t be done no wonder we lose people like this and the tech ends up being sold to the whites coz a black man will likely never appreciate another black mans work

  39. Sir Tom

    What is the source of the RF why arent this journalist asking him this simple question? And doesn’t the source that is generating these waves need conventional power?

  40. East African lady

    Very sad to read all the negative comments from my fellow Africans. Just the thought of one of us in the continent trying to make his situation better can bring out the bitterness of our so called well read fellows show how backward colonization has taken us. Am sorry for my people. 😢😢

  41. Guy Goma

    I take this guy as an Edmore Madungwe of tech,,,,A FRAUD. This guy has been talking about these innovations of his since before 2015 but non has really come into production. WHY. This is a case of Trevor Milton of Nikola Motors, or Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos…..FRAUDS. Only difference is investors were duped by those two. TECHZIM…PUT THIS GUY TO TASK AND BUST OR EXONERATE HIM ONCE AND FOR ALL.

  42. Clive Bukhosi

    I have been following Chikumbutso before I knew about a guy named Elon Musk. Now I follow Elon Musk.
    Max’s in inventions are just inventions I mean weve waited how many years for the helicopter that uses paraffin, the Electric Car thing, the power generator. Not that am syaing he is a fraud, but he is sounding of one than not.

  43. Rookie

    BTW, I want to believe the guy but my knowledge of RF Energy harvesting disagrees with him. Let’s say the antenna is a small SMT PCB type of Rx antenna, won’t the transformer affect the functions of the antenna? If lightning affects radio waves, imagine using a transformer on the same PCB with an Rx antenna!!! Transformers are a major cause of EMI in the circuit, which if not taken care of, it will drastically lower the power levels of the device, that means its efficiency is also going to be affected, therefore, I seriously doubt that is even an RF Energy harvester device.
    In addition to that, where are the capacitors to smoothen the ripple voltages at the output? Which frequency is he using? These don’t need to be patented. Also, if supposedly the transistors are under the heatsink, that fan is very small to cool them for a 500W device. If anybody disagrees with me, check your PC and let me know how large your fan is. If you don’t have a PC but have a laptop, that fan is almost the same as the fans used in laptops, and we all do know for a fact that, laptops do not consume 500W.

  44. Rookie

    The RF Harvesting technology is feasible but I disagree with what he has displayed.

    1. A RF Harvester must have an impedance matching network system which is not there in his prototype.

    2. A RF Harvester requires a rectenna. Although RF produces an AC voltage, the voltage is never a pure sine wave, therefore, the rectenna stage will convert the AC to DC voltage, then of course you need to tune in the frequency and convert the DC to AC voltage.

    3. I cannot see any Antenna (Rx) in the topology. How can it convert radio frequencies to voltage without an Antenna?

    These 3 components are the basic of RF Energy Harvesting. Without them, they cannot work. I hope he goes back to conduct more R&D on this topic. If he can explain how he broke through those 3 points, then definitely people can start believing him.

  45. Blackman

    Man he got ya’ll upset 😂😂😂

  46. Rookie

    A more in depth knowledge about RF Energy harvesting and wireless power technology can be found here https://www.powercastco.com/

  47. Addmore

    I am fascinated by this guy. I have been reading about Nikola Tesla and how he invented nearly 300 patented innovations and a lot more that were never patented. All of Tesla’s innovations defied the laws of physics. People could not understand his ideas during those times. Some thought his ideas were fake but alas they came to reality at some point in time. I find strong similarities between Tesla and brother Maxwell. Tesla got almost all his inventions as visions, just like Maxwell, which came to him as blinding light. Make no mistake of undermining God’s power. I am happy Maxwell acknowledged the source of power, God Himself, and never tried to pretend it is from his ingenuity. God brings solutions to current world problems through gifts, like the one given to our guy Maxwell. Munoda kuti Mwari vaburuke vafambe pano pasi kuti muzotenda mabasa avo makuru. This is God’s power at work, which will never be understood by humanity. Many more amazing inventions are yet to come, watch the space. Well done brother Maxwell and continue to glorify God, Mwari varangarira rudzi rwekwedu. Because the gift has come through a black person, worse still a Zimbo, everyone starts doubting it. Muchatenda maona saSimon. His works will come to fruition, maybe not now. Mark my words, at one point in time we will hear someone from Europe or America claiming to have invented exactly what Maxwell has invented- then the world will believe just because it would have come from a White man. Patenting of that invention shall be hastily done. God works through any person despite their color or form. To brother Maxwell, please soldier on, and may God continue to bless you more. I would be happy to visit your lab one day, you inspire me a lot. I am not an inventor but a strong believer in how God works through despised people like you, a form two school dropout. Glory be to God.

  48. Faleye wale

    I wonder why you are castigating this guy,whether he is a fraud or not,he has not asked you to come and buy it. Please let African believe in themselves, that something has not been seen before, does not mean it doesn’t exist, afterall even laws already made in science predates human existence and many unknown laws still exist, moreso those who discovered those laws never created the laws or themselves…. Kudos to the guy..

  49. Chance M Hitt

    Sorry but even if he did invent it and did it perfectly
    The same people that taught africans and African Americans to hate themselves
    Will lie and say he didn’t and harass and even kill those who say he did.
    And we will all agree that black people are inferior because white people are able to lie cheat steal and kill them successfully.

  50. Think First

    The African innovator who actually DOES show his work and has brought very real product(s) to the public is Elon Musk. How come you insist on following this snake oil salesman? Smh

  51. Angel

    Humans are somehow electrical beings. EMF do influence us. Its a whole lot of BS you started your talk with. It was difficult to listen to the rest

  52. Patrick Bekederemo

    Is the force exerted by the load on the device that sucks in the radio waves that generate the energy that powers the load. So the force exerted by the load is equal to the energy it receives.

  53. Ishe

    With God nothing is impossible!Things that are seen are made by things not seen!Before the laws of physics became law, physicists and scientists had to do physical experiments to prove and certify them.Now our great inventor shows the actual working of things then boom someone who is naive disputes that.What a shame!Satan you will not win this war!Saith technologies will scale greater heights!!!!!

  54. Freedom of speech

    If u want to make it in Africa , u have to leave Africa .
    Seeing is believing
    He made it or not
    The question is :what have you done ?
    We are have Ideas but without practice nothing can be done
    Karl benz made the first car/motor
    Elon musk made EV
    This man is trying to make self powered car
    What is new ?
    “If u can think of it ,u can do it ”

  55. Freedom of speech

    If u want to make it in Africa , u have to leave Africa .
    Seeing is believing
    He made it or not
    The question is :what have you done ?
    We all have Ideas but without practice nothing can be done
    Karl benz made the first car/motor
    Elon musk made EV
    This man is trying to make self powered car
    What is new ?
    “If u can think of it ,u can do it ”
    If the first car can be made from nothing ( but only Ideas)
    Then self powered car can be made the same ideas
    Let’s think out of the box
    The sky is just the beginning….
    Love you all

  56. Freedom of speech

    If u want to make it in Africa , u have to leave Africa .
    Seeing is believing
    He made it or not
    The question is :what have you done ?
    We all have Ideas but without practice nothing can be done
    Karl benz made the first car/motor
    Elon musk made EV
    This man is trying to make self powered car
    What is new ?
    “If u can think of it ,u can do it ”
    If the first car can be made from nothing ( but only Ideas)
    Then self powered car can be made from the same ideas .
    Remember “NASA Told Elon musk he can not make a reusable rocket” . But he proved them wrong
    Everything and anything can be possible
    Elon musk was from Africa (SA) But he left Africa for African , because African doesn’t think out of the box!!!
    Let’s think out of the box
    The sky is just the beginning….
    Love you all

  57. Freedom of speech

    If u want to make it in Africa , u have to leave Africa .
    Seeing is believing
    He made it or not
    The question is :what have you done ?
    We all have Ideas but without practice nothing can be done
    Karl benz made the first car/motor
    Elon musk made EV
    This man is trying to make self powered car
    What is new ?
    “If u can think of it ,u can do it ”
    If the first car can be made from nothing ( but only Ideas)
    Then self powered car can be made from the same ideas .
    Remember “NASA Told Elon musk he can not make a reusable rocket” . But he proved them wrong
    Everything and anything can be possible
    Elon musk was from Africa (SA) But he left Africa for African , because African doesn’t think out of the box!!!
    Let’s think out of the box
    The sky is just the beginning….
    Love you all

  58. Freedom of speech

    If u want to make it in Africa , u have to leave Africa .
    Seeing is believing
    He made it or not
    The question is :what have you done ?
    We all have Ideas but without practice nothing can be done
    Karl benz made the first car/motor
    Elon musk made EV
    This man is trying to make self powered car
    What is new ?
    “If u can think of it ,u can do it ”
    If the first car can be made from nothing ( but only Ideas)
    Then self powered car can be made from the same ideas .
    Remember “NASA Told Elon musk he can not make a reusable rocket” . But he proved them wrong
    Everything and anything can be possible
    Elon musk was from Africa (SA) But he left Africa for African , because African doesn’t think out of the box!!!
    Let’s think out of the box
    The sky is just the beginning….
    If I find any mistake in my typing ,I’m sorry
    Because nobody is perfect!!!
    Love you all

  59. aladesp

    If you have to make it big, you have to leave the shores of Africa. Africans are full of “pull him down syndrome” instead of encouraging one another

  60. PantaOz

    That quote comes from a July 2015 article in OfZimba about Zimbabwean inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso, his SAITH no-charge electric car, the company of the same name, his Greener Power Machine that converts “high Radio Frequency Energy directly into electricity” and more. It’s enough to wonder if Nikola Tesla has been reincarnated … or if his secret papers on free energy have been released. While his website (which includes photos of the inventions) touts his other inventions (including a helicopter than runs on any of six fuels), nothing more seems to have been reported on Maxwell Chikumbutso. That is, until June 11, 2017, when he announced in the Zambian Observer that he closed up shop in Zimbabwe and moved to California.

    “The USA Government saw what Africa did not and California is now our HOME, the Head Office of Saith Holdings Inc.”

    What did the Trump administration (headline: “Trump Scoops Top Zimbabwean Inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso“) see in Chikumbutso and his physics-defying claims that governments and investors in Africa did not? Why did it set him up in California, home of the factory where Tesla electric vehicles are made? Why doesn’t the Saith Inc. website mention anything about the move or its current U.S. location? Why is it looking for donations?

    Why, as he says in the 2017 OfZimba article, did he design the energy-producing part of the car to totally self-destruct if tampered with or subjected to reverse engineering?

    Why does it seem that no one has seen him or reported on the company, the car or his other ‘free energy’ inventions since the announcement? Where are they?

    Where is Maxwell Chikumbutso? Does he exist? Why is he and this news resurecting every five years?

  61. Tony Brown

    If this was white man that invented you would hear no arguments.

  62. John Patrick Ettridge

    This was my entry in the Create the Future 2019 competition.
    Electro Magnetic Wave Capture Device

    John Ettridge
    Dover Gardens , Australia
    Votes: 1
    Views: 1371
    Jun 23, 2019

    “ Electro Magnetic Wave capture and controlling device. ”

    Most people would have heard of Nikola Tesla’s experiments in providing the world with wireless electrical power, unfortunately he did not show any practical way of achieving it.

    He may have been inspired by the Crystal Radio, first discovered in 1874 though it wasn’t put into commercial use until the very early 20th century. The great thing about a crystal radio is that it doesn’t need a separate power source, since all the power it needs is picked up from the antenna, with the power coming from the radio transmitter that originates the radio wave. There is a method of capturing and controlling the electro magnetic waves from the electro magnetic spectrum, from Radio, WiFi, 3G & 5G, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray and Gamma Ray and provide the world with FREE wireless electrical power for all electric applications, Cars, Automobles, Planes, Ships and household applications.. All of the electro magnetic spectrum are forms of electrical waves.

    Electricity has waves, currents and other characteristics that govern its various attributes. While you may think of radio waves and electricity as being different, they’re actually the same phenomenon! Radio waves are just fluctuations in the electromagnetic fields that surround us at all times. They’re invisible to us, because they don’t react with us. However, a copper wire can “see” the waves because it’s a conductor of electricity! A crystal radio produces very, very little power, and is concerned with refining that power to receive sound while this invention is focused on obtaining the maximum amount of electrical power from the various electro magnetic spectrum wave lengths. The new antenna and electro magnetic wave capture and controlling device is subject to a provisional patent.

  63. Prospergarion


  64. Frank from Ghana

    Is the television out to sell

  65. NA7 whatsapp

    Wow, this is incredible! I’ve always wondered how we could possibly eliminate the need for power cables in TVs. If this invention is truly capable of doing that, it could revolutionize the way we consume entertainment. The thought of not having to deal with tangled cables or worrying about losing power is so appealing. I can’t wait to see how this technology develops and becomes more widely available. Could this be the start of a new era in TV technology? 🤔

  66. Richard Wittie

    II have been trying to do this, IF Zimbabwean self powered TV and car is true, that they work of of Radio frequency, in a realistic means I’m comphortable with . I’ll team up and patent his invention. And see about going into buissness. I know from Nichola Tesla it’s pheasable to power items from radio frequency, I’ve just been stumped on how to multiply voltages and amps. So if he was successful and can prove it to me. I’ll invest and patent the idea

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