Zimbabwe Mobile Broadband Tariff Comparison

Provider NameCheapest bundle price per MBMost expensive bundle price per MBAverage price per MBOut of bundle price per MB
Econet Wireless02 cents10 cents05 cents15 cents
NetOne03 cents04 cents03 cents07 cents
Telecel Zimbabwe02 cents11 cents05 cents11 cents
Africom02 cents03 cents02 cents11 cents
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
$50 monthly, all you can eat
A tariff comparison of all mobile broadband services in Zimbabwe. For those of you that consume mobile broadband services, we hope this can help you choose the right product in terms of price. We should mention though that the table is not exhaustive and we’ll be adding more data that you may find useful.

If you came here just looking for information, we hope this helped. If however you’re looking for something much more detailed, we offer research services. You can contact us on services@techzim.co.zw with your requirements and we’ll see if we can help!