Zimbos put the fear of God into NetOne over the ridiculous data prices

NetOne, OneTV, OneMoney COVID-19 Funds, 5gb bundle, data bundle prices

Last week NetOne announced a price adjustment for its OneFi data packages that would have seen 80GB going for ZWL$99,000 which was US$800 at the auction rate. After a day-long public outcry, the state-owned mobile network operator saw the light and reduced the prices to a more realistic range.

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It was one of the rare instances where social media pressure, forced a state-run company to recant and put things right. Hopefully, this serves as a lesson for not only NetOne but the other mobile network operators about how sensitive Zimbabweans are to changes to data prices.

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  1. hmm ah ehe ok

    oh ok

  2. Doug

    Looks like a poorly organised gimmick where someone or a group were going to be seen to be putting pressure on the MNO and the person or group claiming mileage for stopping the increase. The MNO did their part and the other person or group did not notice, or by the time they noticed the issue had become too hot from social media pressure, and they had to withdraw the notice.

  3. Sagittar

    Maybe all this was choreographed. If NetOne does a salary check of their clients, how many of them earn USD300 which is about a third of what they were going to ask for 80GB data? How many of their employees earn that much? I don’t use their services so I was simply amazed at that piece of news!! I mean even teachers are simply asking for a salary of USD540 per month. Please.

  4. Samaita

    Obviously they had smoked something 🤣🤣🤣 and got sober later OR its a gimmick to gain some “mileage”. You wake to hear bread price now $5 only to be “reduced” to $1.20 later hahaha takabva neko.

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