Dandemutande Announces Starlink Authorised Reseller Status

Dandemutande, Utande

An email sent out to Dandemutande customers over the weekend confirms the company is now an Authorised Starlink Reseller. This brings to 3 the number of companies that have said they are officially reselling Starlink services in Zimbabwe.

News about Dandemutande being a reseller first appeared in December 2023. The issue of Starlink licensing however soon became political in Zimbabwe, with one company, IMC, apparently anointed to be the sole distributor in Zimbabwe. But that didn’t work, and Starlink eventually went live over the weekend, the implication being it has been licensed.

The recent email from Dandemutande read in part:

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you – Starlink, the innovative satellite internet service, is now officially licensed in Zimbabwe! We are delighted to announce that Dandemutande Investments Pvt Ltd is an Authorized Reseller for Starlink services in the African region where Starlink provides services…

…We are pleased to inform you that you can now pre-order your Starlink kits through Dandemutande Investments. We will be providing an end-to-end service from installation, customer services to subscriptions as part of our offering.

Moreover, through our subsidiary Utande Internet Services Botswana, we can facilitate orders for Starlink services. In the region, Utande Internet Services are available in Malawi and in Namibia we are operating under the Africa Online brand. In Zambia, we have incorporated Utande Internet Services Zambia and services will be available in Q1 2025…

Yes, you do remember the Africa Online deal from almost 10 years ago right?

Strangely, the telecoms regulator, POTRAZ, has remained silent even with such a big development in the sector. When Techzim checked with the regulator 2 weeks ago, we were told Starlink was not licensed yet. Maybe it’s still political on their end and they have to choose their words and the timing carefully – who knows!

As of the writing of this article, only Paratus is listed on the Starlink website as an Authorised Reseller. But, in addition to Dandemutande, Frampol and ZODSAT have announced they also are and that customers can buy from them.


51 responses

  1. Esco Avatar

    Fo how much are they selling the kits?

  2. Zimbabwe Avatar

    I wonder how many resellers are there.Frampol as well👏

    Saw Dolphin Telecoms as well and they are offering the kits on credit

    A big kudus to Potraz on this licensing. This will teach operators to innovate not this nonsense we were seeing from Liquid Econet and Telone🚮🚮🚮

    1. Stephen Maposa Avatar
      Stephen Maposa

      Are you serious that someone has already started by opening a Financed Distribution for the Starlink Kits?

      No good news as this one

      @Leonard can you verify these claims pliz for the benefit of Techzim followers

      1. Takura Agostino Chatikobo Avatar
        Takura Agostino Chatikobo

        The question is how much are these sellers going to be selling the hardware as one can buy direct from starlink and in terms of installation it is do it yourself

        1. Gangsta Ras Avatar
          Gangsta Ras

          They sell at Starlink recommended prices. They get discounts from Starlink and sell at that same price. So its up to you to buy direct or walk in and buy a kit.

          Its your choice !

  3. Group 1 Avatar
    Group 1

    Guys tipeiwo magroup anemabhebhi..taneta nenyaya dzestarlink

    1. John Talak Avatar
      John Talak

      Lol. Mirai zvebota mopera bag blaaz

  4.  Avatar

    Dandemutande Utande Are they not econet subsidiary companies here

    1. Gang Gang Avatar
      Gang Gang

      Nope, thats Masawara I think. Shingi Munyeza

      1. Vida Avatar

        *Shingi Mutasa

        1. Gang Gang Avatar
          Gang Gang


  5. D.K. Avatar

    Why should I buy milk from the supermarket if I can get it straight from the cow? i.e., why should I get Starlink services from a reseller if i can get the same straight from Starlink?
    It is time we should empower ourselves by being able to do some of the easy things people in other countries can do! If one cannot install or is afraid to install the kit on their own they should just ask their grandchildren to do it for them! One should also empower themselves with a little knowledge about banks and be able to pay directly. In other countries ordinary housewives are doing car engine oil changes and fixing minor problems.

    1. Stephen Maposa Avatar
      Stephen Maposa

      Why do you buy Econet Airtime from the vendor when you can get it from Econet itself?

      1. D.K. Avatar

        I use Ecocash, and Econet company.

      2. Stephen Maposa Avatar
        Stephen Maposa

        Not always, don’t try to fool us
        Your proposition was ill thought my friend

    2.  Avatar

      Product support is an important aspect of any solution. Thats why we even have toyota and official apple stores where you can get original replacement parts and product support. Musk wont send someone from americca to come and fix your broken starlink kit

      1. Boss Phill Avatar
        Boss Phill

        Vaya vanoda kukanda Zino ma sports ava kurema kah🤣🤣

      2.  Avatar

        hah neither will Dande et al

    3. Eugine Avatar

      Siya vanhu vaite mari chiiko newe

    4. Zain Avatar

      Your Mentaphor doesn’t make sense

  6.  Avatar

    varikuda kukanda maMark up zvakuvaremera ka

  7. FYI Avatar

    called them. they still dont have prices.

    ordered mine the $350 kit I paid $392.

    there is a handling fee and bank charges from my card(Imtt and bank charges)

  8. AnnoyedGrunt Avatar

    Balance me here, if I have my USD and a visa card can I not just buy directly on the starlink website for 373 and pay 50 subs?

    1.  Avatar

      Yes you can buy directly on the Starlink Website

    2. yes Avatar

      You can buy directly. inozosvika kuma $380 something because of IMTT (2%) and bank charges

  9. Taps Avatar

    These companies don’t really want to reduce price but wanna make more buy putting markup on Starlin kits, hayass

    1. Stephen Maposa Avatar
      Stephen Maposa

      Thing is, they already get at at discounted price which is why Starlink sets it’s RRP

  10. Credit Avatar

    The only way these reseller will actual get business is if they offer the kit on credit over a period of time. Otherwise it would jus be cheaper to buy directly from Starlink.

  11. Nkm Avatar

    Can you pliz create an article on starlink standard vs mini, on how many devices can connect simultaneously, van they be used indoors, obstruction like walls, use in different rooms, external rooters and backup power supply

    1. L.S.M Kabweza Avatar

      We go into that a bit our Starlink Guide page: https://techzim.co.zw/starlink

      1.  Avatar

        I hope there are not going to overcharge

    2. Naison Sebastian Avatar
      Naison Sebastian

      NB: I have been informed by Starlink Customer Support that Starlink Mini Hardware and Service Plan is not yet available for Zimbabwe.

  12.  Avatar

    These very isps have been shortchanging customers and providing bad service for years! Now they want to jump on the starlink bandwagon. Aikona they must go

  13. Mark TT Avatar
    Mark TT

    What’s the point of resellers when one can simply buy directly from the Starlink website???

    That is just daylight robbery in progress…these companies must just have a chill…

    1. Nah mean Avatar
      Nah mean

      Not really. The resellers if they buy in bulk are given discount and you can walk in and buy unit at recommended price.

      Its not a bad concept as long as they sale with Starlink prices

  14. Sean Avatar

    Can you help me I want to understand something about the starlink mini kit. How many people can connect to it. I wish to buy for home use

    1. T2 Avatar

      Can connect upto 128 devices

    2. Naison Sebastian Avatar
      Naison Sebastian

      I was informed by Starlink Customer Support that the Starlink Mini Hardware and Service Plan is not available for Zimbabwe except when subscribed for under the Roam or Boats Plan.

  15. Rix Avatar

    Why no official statement from Potraz to make things clear ?

    1. Potraz Yeikowo? Avatar
      Potraz Yeikowo?

      Potraz doesn’t make any official statement on licensing a new player. Its not their responsibility!

      1.  Avatar

        You are absolutely right, that will be as good as marketing Starlink. They can only issue statements clarifying on those operating outside the legal framework so that we shun them.

  16. Mangz maniac Avatar
    Mangz maniac

    It’s safer to import the device yourself these guys are talking about installation when you can do that yourself. It’s just a means to fleece money and keep relevant.

  17. Starlink Stargazer Avatar
    Starlink Stargazer

    There’s a lot of talk about if one should buy from a local reseller or buy direct from Starlink. The prices should work out to be about the same. The issue that comes in and is particular to Zimbabwe is the spread between the official and unofficial rates. So resellers are likely to have a higher USD price to cover the rate spread in case they are also forced to offer an equivalent ZWG price. As the hardware is a once off purchase, it’s not a big deal. The most important aspect that I think one should consider is, once you buy from a local reseller, you deal with them for all issues including monthly subs. This is stated on the Starlink Website. If we have more circus with rates going forward (which is quite likely going by history), that may cost you more in the long run. So mostly for that reason I would rather deal with Starlink directly including the acquisition of the hardware.

    1. Pool player Avatar
      Pool player

      Cant the opposite also be said using the same logic? As in if the local reseller is mandated to take Zig or whatever the currency of the day is then you may be making a saving paying in zig/ecocash rather than in USD?

      1. Starlink Stargazer Avatar
        Starlink Stargazer

        Anyone who has lived in Zimbabwe even for a short period will know that currency arbitrage advantages and disadvantages exist. But they are unpredictable. Do you see the resellers continuing to sell equipment or service in local currency and lose money, or the consumer paying in local currency losing money on an ongoing basis?

  18. Mike Hitschmann Avatar
    Mike Hitschmann

    All our local companies including Dandemutande have been ripping the consumers off with high charges and poor service delivery – now they expect us to purchase Starlink through them….. We will be definitely selecting a different agent for the long overdue Starlink service.

    1. Starlink Stargazer Avatar
      Starlink Stargazer

      Absolutely true!

  19. Solilo Avatar

    Tried to order starlink online payment, all my cards failed, Ecocash,Steward, First Capital,CABS

    1. Starlink Stargazer Avatar
      Starlink Stargazer

      Ideally you shouldn’t use any service linked to an Econet group company. Rip offs!

  20. Aubrey Sean Patel Avatar
    Aubrey Sean Patel

    How can I register and secure a home gen2 kit

    1. Starlink Stargazer Avatar
      Starlink Stargazer

      It’s quite easy. Order online at starlink.com

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