Starlink Internet Packages Explained

William Chui Avatar

Starlink’s availability in Zimbabwe has been much awaited, and much sought after after many have gone through hoops and loops in order to make sure they have the service here in Zimbabwe.

As this service may be new to many, the few that may have had Starlink already may not be fully versed with all the internet packages that are on offer. High-speed satellite internet aside, for a number of you it’s more to do with cost than speed. Hopefully this will help you make a decision as to which package you should get on to when Starlink starts rolling out in Zimbabwe.

This series of articles that I’ve pushed out come on the background of having helped over 300 people to buy, activate and use their Starlink kits across the African continent. It’s on this experience that I rely and happy to share with you so that you don’t encounter any challenges.

What is Starlink?

If this is your first article you’ve read on Starlink allow me to “observe all protocol” and address what this much talked about internet service is. Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX, an American company, is a satellite internet based c company, that took the initiative to send over 6,000 satellites to date into space, with that effort designed to provide global broadband internet coverage. Unlike traditional internet service providers (ISPs) that rely on ground-based infrastructure, Starlink uses a network of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to deliver fast, reliable internet to users anywhere on the planet, including Africa. This technology is especially beneficial in areas with limited or no access to traditional broadband services.

Starlink Internet Packages

Starlink offers several internet packages that cater to different types of users, from individuals and families to businesses and mobile users. Below is a detailed overview of the packages that people in Zimbabwe will be able to access once Starlink goes live. Note the jist of this post is targeted at home users as that’s where my knowledge lies. I’ll definitely look into understanding the business packages once they hit our shores…

Types Of Data

Starlink offers two types of data: Standard and Priority.

Standard data is like the ‘mbombera’ of data, this is the basic service. Under this type of data which is the ‘normal data’ one typically gets speeds of around 50-150Mbps. I’ve had numerous encounters with people over speed tests as many want to be testing every two seconds and complain that they’re not getting the quoted speeds. My argument on this has always been “does your internet do what it’s supposed to do”. I’ve known people who were able to stream Netflix, at the same time other users were watching YouTube and Tiktok and not one sign of buffering or anything of the sort. Do a speedtest and one would see that the test would give results of 5Mbps…. So, I argue that the speed tests people do are just pissing contests, and don’t count for much, what matters is are you able to access the services that you desire.

Priority data is as its name suggests service that is given preference over Standard data. If the network is congested, Starlink will prioritise Priority data and give them first bite of the cherry when trying to access the network.

Note that EVERYONE gets unlimited Standard data. For those who are on the Priority packages, once your priority data is exhausted, you’ll be switched over to Standard data until your month finishes.

I will hasten to add that Starlink currently does not have an FUP for Standard data. It is truly unlimited. If you are able to use 1,000 Gb or even 25,000 Gb of Standard data your bill will not be affected and you will pay the same the next month. What they do say is that in the event that the network gets congested they will deprioritise network heavy services, specifically “bandwidth intensive applications, such as hosting video conferencing, large file downloads, or [those] supporting a high volume of users simultaneously, are most likely to be impacted”.

1. Starlink Residential Package

The Starlink Residential package is the most popular and widely used option for home users. What is a ‘home user’? Well Starlink assumes that you’re using this at your place of residence (where you stay) and it is just for you and your family members who stay at the same address.

If you live in a compound (or as they call it North of Samora – a ‘gated community’) then this becomes a different kettle of fish. It is not known whether Starlink will be watching how many users are actively connected (this becomes hazy when you connect via third party equipment and bypass the Starlink router) or whether it’s an inspection of the amount of data one consumes during a given month.

Based on what I’ve just alluded to I’m sure you won’t cry foul if Starlink shuts down your service when you try to use it at a business, school, church or anywhere beyond home use as this package is designed for everyday home use, providing reliable internet connectivity for activities such as browsing, streaming, online learning, and remote work.

  • Speed: Download speeds typically range from 50 Mbps to 150 Mbps, with upload speeds of 10 Mbps to 20 Mbps.
  • Data Cap: Unlimited Standard data
  • Estimated Cost: The monthly subscription fee is anticipated to be around US$50.

Note that this package is to be used at your registered address when signing up your account and probably no more than 5Km away from it. So if your address is 1 Chancellor Avenue, Harare you can pick up your device and use it anywhere probably within a 5km radius from there without needing to change the address on your account.

If you want to travel and use your device in Bulawayo then you would need to change the address on the account to an address in Bulawayo where you will be, so that it can work there. Changing addresses in the same country are easy, however, to change the country of the device you’ll need to transfer the device instead.

2. Starlink Mobile Regional Package

This package is for those who would like to use their Starlink device more than 5km away from their registered address and not need to change the address on the account. This package will allow you to use your device anywhere in Zimbabwe, anywhere else on the African continent where Starlink is registered for a period of 2 months away from Zimbabwe. Starlink makes no promises that it will work in a country where they have not yet been issued a license to operate. So if you subscribe to this package hoping to Roam in South Africa (where they are currently not licensed as of end of August 2024) it’s a lucky dip as to whether it will work. This package allows you to have internet access on the go.

  • Speed: Similar to the Residential package, offering download speeds between 50 Mbps and 150 Mbps.
  • Data Cap: Generally unlimited, but performance may vary depending on your location and network congestion.
  • Cost: The Regional Roaming package is estimated to cost around US$100 per month.
  • Mobility: This package is designed for portability, allowing you to use Starlink services across multiple locations without changing your service address.

This package is perfect for adventurers, travellers, and remote workers who are always on the move.

3. Starlink Mobile Global Package

This package is exactly like the Mobile Regional with the exception that it can be used beyond Africa, wherever Starlink is licensed to operate. 

  • Speed: Similar to the Residential package, offering download speeds between 50 Mbps and 150 Mbps.
  • Data Cap: Generally unlimited, but performance may vary depending on your location and network congestion.
  • Cost: The Global Roaming package is estimated to cost around US$400 per month.
  • Mobility: This package is designed for portability, allowing you to use Starlink services across multiple locations without changing your service address.

The Mobile Global package is designed for global travellers, adventurers and people who want to make sure they stay online no matter where they go on the planet.

4. Starlink Priority Packages

This is for when you will be at a fixed location accessing your internet and you want ‘first in queue’ service. This particular package comes at various capped bundles and when you exhaust your bundle you are then moved on to the Standard data plan for the rest of the month, unless you select automatic Priority data usage (do not do this, you will cry. I had someone who selected this option, as it is post-billed, they ran the bill to US$1,400 and then it became cheaper for them to buy a new device than for them to settle that bill).

  • Speed: Download speeds of between 40 Mbps to 220 Mbps, with upload speeds ranging from 8 Mbps to 25 Mbps.
  • Data Cap: There are 4 options here: 40Gb, 1Tb, 2Tb and 6Tb. When these are exhausted you then get Unlimited Standard data.
  • Cost: Based on pricing in Malawi the packages should retail at 40Gb – US$75, 1Tb – $105, 2Tb – $205 and 6Tb – $620.
  • Mobility: The Priority package is for use in a fixed location and one is not able to go more than 5km from their registered address.

This package is ideal for users who cannot compromise on internet speed and reliability, regardless of the cost.

5. Starlink Mobile Priority Packages

The Mobile Priority packages are designed for users who need internet access away from their registered address as well as in multiple countries within a specific region, such as Africa. This package offers the flexibility to move across borders while maintaining consistent internet service, and depending on the data cap one is able to enjoy ‘first in queue’ service having priority over all other Standard data users.

  • Speed: Comparable to the Mobile Regional Roaming package, with download speeds between 40 Mbps and 220 Mbps.
  • Data Cap: There are 3 options under this package, namely 50Gb, 1Tb and 5Tb. Once these are exhausted you then get unlimited Standard data, when usage may be prioritised based on network demand.
  • Cost: The Mobile Priority packages may be as follows (as derived from Malawi pricing) 50GB – US$300, 1TB – $1,200 and 5TB – $6,000 (six thousand United States dollars!!)
  • Coverage: This package allows users to use their Starlink device in multiple countries within the African region without needing to change their service address.

This package is ideal for individuals and businesses that operate across multiple countries within a region.

Choosing the Right Starlink Package for Your Needs

When choosing a Starlink internet package, it’s important to consider your specific needs, location, and budget. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Location: Ensure that the package you choose is available in your specific region. Some packages, like the Mobile Regional, are designed for use in multiple countries, while others are more location-specific.
  • Usage Requirements: Consider the number of devices you’ll be connecting and the types of activities you’ll be doing online. For heavy internet users or businesses, the Business or Priority packages may be more suitable.
  • Budget: While Starlink offers a range of packages, prices can vary significantly. Be sure to choose a package that fits your budget while still meeting your internet needs.


What I failed to mention above is that I think Starlink will quote these figures in ZiG but will require you to make an online payment using your Visa and/or Mastercard, and you know your ZiG can’t make international payments, so don’t get too excited when you see it quoted in ZiG.

If Starlink do find a local payment integrator like PayNow it might make it easier for us to pay using O’mari, Innbucks or Ecocash USD but no one who knows anything about doing business in Zimbabwe will dare take ZiG from clients and then have the burden of remitting USD to Starlink, ask DStv about it.

So if you have ZiG, fear not, you can go to your bank and exchange them for USD and then make payment. Oh, and while you’re at it tell the Tooth Fairy I said hi!



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  1. Cabson Moyo♥️

    Once again thank you very much Mr. Chui for imparting the valuable narrative

    1. William Chui

      Thank you for reading. Do consider sharing with friends and family who may need to know this too.

  2. D.K.

    Thank you for the very useful information.
    How would one have an outstanding balance with Starlink? Is the subscription pre-paid or post-paid? Is the contract such that one has to pay the subscription monthly for the rest of their life, or for the rest of the life of the equipment?

    1. William Chui

      Starlink billing is intriguing to say the lest. They bill you in advance, but a few days before your monthly anniversary they bill you and if your device isn’t paused, then there will be an outstanding balance on your account

  3. Ashrafullah Khan

    When the service will be available in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

    1. Anonymous

      sometime next year

  4. Boss khodza

    I find your style of writing intriguing ,very informative

    1. William Chui

      Thank you for reading. Do consider sharing with friends and family who may need to know this too.

  5. Justice mcube


  6. Natashia David

    I think it will work pls may I ask if I could advertise for you guys can I try a month for free and then I can tell people I know to try it out .

  7. Ndlovu

    Informative , an ask how do you enter a rural address

    1. William Chui

      This is where you’ll now use the navigation tool, the cross hairs, and search for the location on the map and give Starlink a pin location

  8. subramanian R

    I am welcome

  9. Silvino Ribeiro

    This internet works here in Canada

    1. Blogger

      Starlink will go a long way in giving Zimbabweans to a chance to be on the tech world platform where they are up to date with goings on at affordable rates. Local service providers are reaping us off and giving us shoddy service for our hard earned USD.

  10. Pati Braden

    I was so excited to get Star link. I bought it at the closest town in Honduras, to my remote island. Once I got the package out to my island, I follow the directions, only to find out I can not reach the satellites due to my location up against a mountain facing South. I also checked on the additional 150 foot cable option, which will get me some service, if I put it out away from the house……But the store that sold the Star link package does not have, and can not get the 150 foot cable accessory. In all my reading before hand no one said to down load the Starlink Ap and check if you can reach the satellites. Now I’m faced with packaging it back up, and going back to the town to return it, within 30 days. Which is no small task, considering where I live, on a remote island. Also the children on the island are no so disappointed too. This information about checking your location first should be more available before you go to the trouble of purchasing this system.

  11. Anonymous

    Cost: The Mobile Priority packages may be as follows (as derived from Malawi pricing) 50Gb – US$300, 1Tb – $1,200 and 5Gb – $6,000 (six thousand United States dollars!!)

    ——- Very informative explanation ….—-


    1. William Chui

      Thank you, noted, fixing

  12. Hanish Singla

    Starling residential packege

  13. Anonymous

    how can I get a starlink internet in Kenya and how much will it cost me to install?

  14. Bulocreatives ltd

    I’m interested with starlink , how can i become a dealer of starlink based in Kenya,and how much does it cost for the starlink hardware

  15. Dzidzai

    If you live in a compound (or as they call it North of Samora – a ‘gated community’)

    Kkkkkk you made me burst out laughing early in the morning. Kkkk

    Hakuna komboni yakadai.

    Thanks for taking time to inform us,with a dose of humour, much appreciated.

    1. Dzidzai Hater

      Do you have to comment on every article?

      1. Dzidzai

        Hi Hater, I don’t know.

      2. Dzidzai

        Did United manage to draw yesterday, with the way they were playing, it would feel like a win.

  16. David Kitongo

    Great article very informative and well written.

    1. William Chui

      Thank you for reading. Do consider sharing with friends and family who may need to know this too.

  17. Kurt Paul

    Good morning thanks for the information. I did not see a kit price. How much will the device cost or can I buy a device outside the country and have it registered in zimbabwe?

    1. William Chui

      The anticipated price of a kit will be around $350-380. This is based off Starlink pricing in the region.

      As to whether you can buy a device outside, I’d say don’t right now, if you can wait a few days.

      I’ll publish an article on this

  18. Tsikamutanda

    Your information is fake. Today is 2 September and still no Starlink presence in Zimbabwe. Stop sharing fake news

    1. William Chui

      Thank you for reading and following. All attempts are made to provide accurate information, please forgive me if you feel you were misled. However, Starlink are launching any day now

  19. Benjamin Maina

    How much to have a starlink home package In Kenya

    1. Dzidzai

      Hi Benjamin, I wouldn’t know current my but the pricing should not vary widely in African countries. You would perhaps need to convert the USD to Shilling at the current rate.

    2. Anonymous

      Hello Maina , I though I should help you out on this :

  20. T ccoki

    As much as trch zim says bro stop it like no cap that starndard its truly unlimited u get 10000gig is a lie . It peaks at the starndard 1tb srs me and the squad tested it does stop once u reach the limit its just u guys dont so you say its not , but it isn’t for most of you u wont even the reach the peak thats why. Done the test on a friends ps5 and series x like the speeds good but once the downloads reach the 1tb it stopped . It literally stopped. Tryed Everything u can say to make it work again but nah it ✋ stops until u pay

    1. William Chui

      This is incorrect, and I’m speaking from experience. I’ve seen accounts use as much as 6Tb and not get capped or billed extra.

      It may be possible that the device that you’re referring to was on the Mobile Priority 1Tb package, hence it only offered 1Tb. But come to think of it, once that 1Tb Mobile Priority is exhausted, the user is then given UNLIMITED Standard data.

      So, I think there was some other issue with the account, and it was not because of a 1Tb cap, that’s for sure

      1. T ccoki

        O well since it aint my acc and got non who cares still how does one use 6tb wat are u guys doing srs 6tb and ppl say in zim data is useless

  21. Rameshwar Raosaheb Pawar

    When the service will be available in India, Maharashtra?