Breaking News: Starlink Goes Live in Zimbabwe

Starlink Live in Zimbabwe

Starlink is now live in Zimbabwe.

The company officially turned on service in Zimbabwe just before midnight, Friday 6 September 2024. It’s a big cheer from many areas in the country as many have awaited this moment for some time. The Starlink Map now includes Zimbabwe as being ‘Available Now’ just a few days after our western neighbours Botswana also went live.

Users in Zimbabwe can expect download speeds of up to 200Mbps, something we’ve just been seeing recently as local internet providers started waking up to the threat.

It’s been a grilling week if you’ve been watching the news around Starlink in Zimbabwe as we’ve waited for it to go live since Sunday 1 September 2024. A whole week later and Starlink has finally turned on our tea-pot country as Zimbabweans eagerly awaited cheaper internet.

Earlier this week I made some indications as to the pricing of the various Starlink services but this evening the Starlink website has updated showing us the exact prices that Zimbabweans will pay for the service and the kit.

As we celebrate and come to terms with the new and exciting times, here’s a look at the pricing that reflects on the Starlink website.

Hardware: Standard US$350

The Standard Kit is the version that users get for ‘personal use’. Starlink issue this for those who will be using the kit at their place of residence and not as a heavy user.

At this juncture it is unknown whether the satellite internet provider will roll out the Generation 2 or the Generation 3 as though the prices have been updated on the website right now, Starlink are not showing what exact version of their kits will be rolling out.

Service: Residential US$50/month

While it is not explicit in showing what service this is, based on my experience, this is the Residential package. This package is what one will need in order to access the service at a fixed place and no more than 5km from this location (treat it as 3km, as a ‘just in case’) without needing to change their address, transfer their kit and/or the package they’d be on.

At $50 this is exactly the pricing we’d guessed it to be when we put out our predictions.

Shipping and Handling US$23

Starlink ships/delivers the device ‘to your doorstep’, at least they do in Zambia and Malawi. This fee in those countries is for DHL, who they’ve probably partnered with as their courier of choice.

Usually what will happen is Starlink will warehouse their kits in bond in the country. This means that they’d probably store it at the airport or somewhere convenient, and ‘in bond’ means that they will not import them and pay duties, but keep them housed waiting for a paying client needing delivery.

DHL is renowned for adding some BS fee (usually $50) to your invoice as a handling charge but it’s pleasing to note that in the case of Starlink your maximum exposure to DHL will be $23.

Expect the kit to be delivered to your house/place of residence/address you put, though in certain cases they will ask you to collect from a collection point in your city near you.

I’ll add this here and just put it on record that Starlink at this point have neither stated, nor shown, who their courier partner will be delivering their devices. This information will follow in due course.

Deposit: US$50

Previously when I reserved my device the deposit needed was US$9. This was just a few days ago. Some people note that in the ‘early days’ they were made to pay a deposit of US$99. 

Regardless of the deposit fee you’re paid or will pay now, you will now be required to pay the balance to make it a total of US350.


Interesting Things To Note

  1. Starlink shows the Starlink Mini kit on their site, though it is not clickable, at US$200. This is a great price as in other markets they go for as much as US$600. I’ll definitely follow its availability as this kit will definitely give Econet’s SmartBiz a run for its money.
  2. Starlink Quote in USD
    This is very interesting and I’m sure they’ve done their homework on Zimbabwe, but also, they’ve been exposed in other regional markets like Zambia, Nigeria and Malawi having unstable currencies. Pricing in a local currency will see the price locked at some figure in ZWG and then a daily/an instantaneous conversion would take place and deducting accordingly. Starlink also will need regulatory approval in order to increase their service fee and see what safeguards them is that they are pricing in USD!
  3. Capacity Status
    We’ve all become used to the age-old excuse from some local internet providers who would tell us either their base stations are full or that there is no capacity in one’s area at the moment.

    Starlink are no different in this regard and issue a notice at the point of purchase advising you that they are at capacity in your area and do not ship the device until they have provided/upgraded the infrastructure in your area that will allow you to connect to the internet.

    If your area is at capacity then Starlink WILL NOT ship a kit to you.I’ll publish an article around how you can circumvent this restriction and get a device sooner and use it in an area that’s congested!

For those of you who already have a Starlink device, but you’re roaming from another country, here’s a detailed explanation on how you can move your account/subscription to the cheaper Residential package now offered in Zimbabwe.

Follow Techizm WhatsApp Channel for Zimbabwe and Starlink News Updates:


99 responses

  1.  Avatar

    Sheesh 🔥🔥

  2. Estain Makaudze Avatar
    Estain Makaudze

    Huchi Baba

  3. Tawanda Aubrey Chibonore Avatar
    Tawanda Aubrey Chibonore

    You keep saying imminent launch but Starlink sent me an email saying “STARLINK IS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, YOU CAN ORDER NOW”

    On the app it says I need to pay US$373 now and it’ll be shipped in 1 – 2 weeks. Should I wait to order or ndikutononoka!!!

  4. Uncle Dee Avatar
    Uncle Dee

    On the order page their cheaper kit is the mini going for $200 and $30 / month for service. The Mini is clickable – maybe they are still updating. I’m also not sure how to complete my order from the account. There’s no option for that… please share information if you have any… or maybe still – they are still updating.

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks

      Give it some time, I’ve already ordered 1 ye 350… All went well

  5. VoltzJT Avatar

    Best news I’ve heard in a while!

  6. Avatar

    How can i be an acredited installer

    1. General Avatar

      What is the difference between the standard and mini in terms of internet speed and number connections?

  7. K Ngoma Avatar
    K Ngoma

    How many users can connect to this device . And can those users be managed eg booting them
    Out from a central position

    1. Junta Avatar

      From my understandings, The starlink router doesn’t have that functionality you need to get an ethernet adapter and put the starlink router in bypass mod then you use your own router that support that functionality. For 2nd Gen routers only not sure about the other ones.

      1.  Avatar

        Gen 3 has built in Ethernet

    2. Xeno Avatar

      It connects up to 100 users then it’s got 2 Ethernet ports if it’s a gen 3 which I doubt in this case are going to be rolled out since in our neighboring countries it’s yet to be available via the Starlink website.

  8. G. Zhou Avatar
    G. Zhou

    While we have slow and unreliable(to some extent) internet, Starlink’s USD50/month sounds a bit heavy for the average home user. Current ISP have family packages as low as USD10/month albeit with limited data. Starlink would benefit from staggering their internet packages to also cater for small users. The one size fits all approach may mitigate against wide adoption of Starlink.

    1. The Last Don Avatar
      The Last Don

      We form a cooperatives in the surbubs and share the price then either run ethernet cables, long range AP, etc, and we are done.

      1. Bhinikwa Avatar

        Its against their terms. Read the small print. You ll be fined as they can access the device behind your network.

    2. Disgruntled local ISP user Avatar
      Disgruntled local ISP user

      There’s a reason why it’s priced as such, IT DOESN’T WORK!! The amount of productivity and opportunity lost to those unreliable packages cannot be over emphasised!

    3. qwerty Avatar

      If you have used the wifi before you would know that its worth that much and $50 is actually cheaper than what you get at telone

      1. Mai Nandi Avatar
        Mai Nandi

        True, we’re paying US90 for telone nonsense

  9. The Last Don Avatar
    The Last Don

    Let the games begin! This is the dawn of a new era.

  10. Craig Mullah Avatar
    Craig Mullah

    Hie can you provide more details on Mini package and what will be the difference from the Standard hardware

  11. Tindo Avatar

    The hardware that is available Gen 3 router 360$ for US$30/mo for service and the
    mini 200 US$30/mo for service

    1. MURS THE LEGEND Avatar

      What? Where didyiu get this information

  12. MURS THE LEGEND Avatar

    Yesaya lets go guys

    1. David Avatar

      Econet smartbiz is the way installation is simple why should you crack your head in purchasing a gadget just walk into an Econet shop purchase your device you are done

      1. Kechlon Systems Avatar
        Kechlon Systems

        True, & you can get quite good speeds on 4G+. You can get a 4G router for as low as $65.

      2. Richard Gwenzi Avatar
        Richard Gwenzi

        How much is the installation fee, and monthly subscription

      3. jesus Avatar

        musanyeperane the line works only 3 months in your fone then after 3 months you need to buy their router which is $200. muchasvinura takaenda takaenda kunyeredzi dzakabatana

      4.  Avatar

        Why Econet if Starlink is faster

      5. Cde Sango Avatar
        Cde Sango

        I think let’s remember what these econets and liquid and telone where doing to us before starlink came and tell them to stick their systems where the sun don shine !

  13. Manginga Avatar

    When ever a product is being introduced, expect the prices to be a bit high and eventually goes down, check solar products, boreholes, just to name a few. Let’s be on the terraces.

    1. Bhinikwa Avatar

      Its against their terms. Read the small print. You ll be fined as they can access the device behind your network.

  14. Muchemwa Avatar

    A very good idea but what should I do if I stay in Granary and on the map it’s showing Kuwadzana Extension instead

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks

      Contact me on 0784309012. Will assist with that.. it works perfectly

  15.  Avatar

    Good news, let the fun begin

  16. Walter Mutsauri Avatar
    Walter Mutsauri

    Is the 350 payable as a once off or one can pay in installments. This looks too steep for individual families. Your article stipulates speeds of downloading only, wat is the limit on volume of data. Is it 10,20,50,100 gigabytes or more and where does one purchase the starling issues from and does it have any time or expiry limits. Please be exhaustive otherwise your article is well intended

    1. Damus Dunnravan Avatar
      Damus Dunnravan

      This is Unlimited internet baba ! Can stream all day all night no need to worry about kupedza Data ! Now makes sense to subscribe to international TV and radio platforms , online classes and even setting up businesses online ! It’s a game changer

  17. Tongai mhasvi Avatar
    Tongai mhasvi

    Good morning. I need to purchase my starling kit how can I purchase one

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks thats their website if you struggling contact me on 0784309012,I will assist

  18. Done Deal Avatar
    Done Deal

    Cause for smiles. Competition is vital for economic growth

    1. Ted Farai Mandoreba Avatar
      Ted Farai Mandoreba

      Now the competition brought by starlink is tough… Interesting times ahead

      The prices for kits my view are okay… The Mini kit going for $200 and $30/month unlimited 100mbs and above.

      subscription fee is tough to beat…i have been riding on Liquid Telecom for many years… Their services are okay and very reliable but were pricey. The wibroniks outdoor kit used to be $450 but noticed yesterday its now selling at $250…

      You wonder 🤔…why now all of a sudden the equipment prices are now going down…

      Then the shipping is very much okay i was actually more worried on that area… ($30 round figure) Is sweet and do-able.

      In my analysis. Many (that have been loyal customers) that have been using the big guys .. LIQUID, UTANDE….are most likely to switch to Starlink… So they(LIQUID & UTANDE have to reply within or around Starlink’s offerings or less….

      i enquired about their fibre after they switched off simcards….guess what… They said internet (data) is free… you only buy speed….guess what… Or hell no no absurd…. prices start at $50 per 1mbs imagine….1mbs $50.

      They used to have unlimited internet for $50 a month at a 3mbs(when there is a good connection) but mostly was around 144kbs to 700kbs but they disabled the internet via simcards only voice is now available (can they compete with (econet, netOne, telecel) and having the need to have a CDMA network compatible device….they now offer fixed internet…at $50 per 5mbs. for the outdoor equipment you fork out $450… But their data packages some do not support WhatsApp imagine….kkkkkkkk i wonder 🤔

      Last month as they anounced service is now available at Boka was at TelOne wanted the LTE BLAZE simcard….they told me the simcard is $2 but you must buy the router(s) starting at $89 going up to $240 plus a data plan(subscription). I didnt like the forced requirement to buy the router….i walked away..

      Now Starlink is here. …. timboona

      Now waiting to see how other ISPs will respond to the new player

  19. Faraii Avatar

    Does the StarLink mini have fixed distances as the residential?

  20. Non Starlink User Avatar
    Non Starlink User

    To us who never afforded optic fibre from Zol Telone Powertel 🥂, we will not afford Starlink either. We shall remain loyal to our Yomix bundle hustlers, a big SHOUT OUT to ONLINE INDUSTRIES

  21. Marvsta Avatar

    From what I can see, standard is the new Gen 3 dish.

  22. Zoina Avatar

    I would like to get the mini how do I go about it.

  23. Cde Takunda Avatar
    Cde Takunda

    How can I order it. Need help, I think the map will be good before purchase

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks

      Please do contact me on 0784309012

  24. 1 Zig 2 Zig Avatar
    1 Zig 2 Zig

    We are happy for this. Our local ISPs vachati bhuuuu!

  25. Anon Avatar

    Help, on checkout mine is defaulting to the standard kit when i want the option of the Mini kit.

  26. Chenjerai Avatar

    It’s a welcome move but still very expensive for ordinary zimbabweans ,with the looks of it starlink might not be very useful in south africa

  27. Liv Avatar

    Wonderful news welcome Starlink!

  28.  Avatar

    At least internet in Zimbabwe will be cheap and with reasonable prices.

  29. Mbuya neHanda Avatar
    Mbuya neHanda

    TechZim traffic right now 💰💵💵💵💵💵

  30. wallpaul Avatar

    Is mini standalone?

  31. CHISAKAITWA Avatar

    I think Starlink must do their research very well push further for the mini and probably simply alow one to have a billing account to use if they dont have any idea or plan for mobile use like LTE/Sim activation. In Africa we want mobile internet

  32. Drummond Avatar


  33. Bag-a-wire Avatar

    Does Starlink have mabundles under $5 for us mere mortals or for when we we on the go.

  34. Alex Avatar

    I want to change my address to Zim from Malawi,is it now possible?if so how?

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks

      Only if your equipment is 3 months old on roaming yes you can change

  35. Douglas Shanga Avatar
    Douglas Shanga

    If I order a mini using a town address will it work in the rural area

    1. Eland Networks Avatar
      Eland Networks

      Yes it will work

  36. Chitova Madyirapazhe Avatar
    Chitova Madyirapazhe

    What is the difference between the Starlink standard kit and the Starlink mini-kit. Despite the obvious, being the price, how exactly are these different?

    1. Bekezela Khabo Avatar
      Bekezela Khabo

      I think you can travel with the mini, I think. What I know for certain is that the mini has a 50GB monthly cap, and then you start paying for each GB.

      1. Marvsta Avatar

        Mini is unlimited. They changed the data cap long back.

  37. Mancu Avatar

    As far as I’m concerned this is expensive $50 a month where do people get that kind of money? I will stick with my old Internet instead

    1. Userr Avatar

      You are paying how much for your old internet and is it unlimited data

  38. Tinashe Avatar

    Now let’s create our own social networking site. We are all happy Starlink is here, what if we can leverage this opportunity to make money online.

    So I’m say to those who believe in themselves that we can create our own social networking app, join me.

    Yes our own Facebook or twitter like app.

    1.  Avatar


    2. Prince Avatar

      Learn from those who have gone before you, Ndeipi, Sasai, Talk Chart among others on the local front.
      Google +, Threads, Truth Social, and the like on the global arena.
      What do you have to offer that will convince people to come on your network? Why should users ditch their current networks? Answer those questions, and also how you will finance, and sustain the platform, then you are good to go!

  39. Territorial Commander Avatar
    Territorial Commander

    Welcomed development
    Starling the way to go

  40. Userr Avatar

    Glad it happened. More products on the market will normalise pricing. Whether you decide to use starlink or not ; you are definitely going to benefit from. It’s only going to get better

    Vana museyamwa were killing us

    1. Userr Avatar

      * from this

  41. Chitova Avatar

    This price ye 350 or 200 does it include duty or ZIMRA Ichazouyawo paside ichida zino?

  42. Anonymous Avatar

    Where. Is the approval from pottraz their silence is ominous

  43. Bekezela Khabo Avatar
    Bekezela Khabo

    Just to note, on the mini, it has a 50GB monthly cap, making it a joke.

    1. Wickness Avatar

      wrong. the zim package is unlimited deprioritized data at a slower speed.
      other parts of the world have the 50GB monthly cap.


  44. Tobias Zulu Avatar
    Tobias Zulu

    Great achievement, keep rolling and move fast.

  45. Malume Avatar

    I want to buy starlink kit what can I do. I don’t see link to purchase

    1. Stephanie Avatar

      Buy directly from their website

  46. Mqakiso Ngwenya Avatar
    Mqakiso Ngwenya

    Good piece to read, the style of writing is refreshing. As a resident of a neighboring country (Sometimes known as KuvukiIand) I enjoy the journalism talents from the country of my birth. Exciting times indeed!

  47. Wellykd Avatar

    Maybe other network provides may reduce their tarriffs

  48. Cabson Moyo♥️ Avatar
    Cabson Moyo♥️

    Congatulations Zimbabwe!

  49. Stephanie Avatar

    I want to order a mini kit asap. My question is will it be safely delivered to my doorstep? What happens if it doesn’t get delivered? I don’t want to hear kuti yakabatirirwa paAirport or I need to pay funny duties or taxes!

  50. Norman Matewa Avatar
    Norman Matewa

    Good news to Zimbabweans.

  51. Security Source Avatar
    Security Source

    Security Source Zimbabwe will be leading in the installations. Be it your self bought kit, contact your reliable IoT solutions provider. Whatsapp +263 773 390 219

  52. Brian Avatar

    Considering these Zesa issues, what are the power requirements of the starlink dish? What size battery would one have to purchase as well to run it when Zesa is off.

  53. Ogiche Avatar

    I want it for use at my farm .however I can search on line for my location when I’m there as there is no Internet access.How do I ensure I get one for the farm.

  54. edson nzimbe Avatar
    edson nzimbe

    This is awesome thank you starlink for making our life easier

  55. Stan Avatar

    Vanhu vanongoita kanzatu kanzatu ne next door and slit the bill. Just a wifi extender maybe needed zvapera.

    1. Stan Avatar


  56. Stan Avatar

    Vanhu vanongoita kanzatu kanzatu ne next door and split the bill. Just a wifi extender maybe needed zvapera.

  57. G whizz Avatar
    G whizz

    Yesiah! Astalavista!

  58. Lucien Oosthuizen Avatar
    Lucien Oosthuizen

    An email from Dandemutande today……”I hope this message finds you well.

    I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you – Starlink, the innovative satellite internet service, is now officially licensed in Zimbabwe! We are delighted to announce that Dandemutande Investments Pvt Ltd is an Authorized Reseller for Starlink services in the African region where Starlink provides services

  59. ♥️ Avatar

    Ini ndakatenga DStv 2012 handina kumborijusa, ndikatenga Philibao ndikarishandisa 2 minutes rikandibhowa, ndikatenga OpenView paMzansi 4 sho, ndikaritengesa, iye zvino kwava neStarLink🚀 iri chero kuritenga kuchatondinetsa🤣

  60. Kuda J Chigiya Avatar
    Kuda J Chigiya


  61.  Avatar

    Please clarify on the duty payments

  62. Disgruntled Queue-member Avatar
    Disgruntled Queue-member

    Stanbic is failing to process the payment for this – The email from starlink gave me a week to pay, or I will llose my place in the queue. I have contacted Stanbic about it repeatedly – Initially, they said it was a known problem that their techs were working on, but now they say it’s being blocked by Starlink. A local authorised reseller only sells the equipment for the big packages.

    This process seems very flawed and manipulated.

    1. Prince Avatar

      Use a different bank or just use Ecocash VCN

      1. Kumbirayi Musarira Avatar
        Kumbirayi Musarira

        How about Omari

  63. The_dereck Avatar

    Starlink is now at capacity in Madokero and Avondale. Could you write an article about this and what it means and if there are any workarounds

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