Starlink Removes Roam Service From African Countries

Techzim is reliably told that Starlink has removed the Roam Service from African countries where its operational. Starlink has not made any announcements about the move, so it’s not yet clear why.

Currently, attempting to sign up for the Roam service plan on the Starlink website from an African country gives off the error:

Starlink Roam is not available in your area. Please select a valid country where Starlink Roam can be purchased and shipped.

The list of “valid countries” that’s then offered does not include a single African country.

The Roam package was generally used by people whose countries have not licensed Starlink yet.

For example, before Starlink was licensed in Zimbabwe, Zimbabweans would buy Starlink kits from Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Eswatini and register them there on a Regional Roam package. The price of the Roam package was about US $40 for several months, before Starlink increased it to $100 in August.

Since Starlink is not yet licensed in South Africa, some South Africans have been travelling to Zimbabwe to and buying kits that they then put on Roam. Effective immediately, they can no longer do this.

It is possible Starlink have removed Roam so this does not continue.

Our assumption is that this is not affecting those that had already subscribed. They will likely still get their 60-day grace period. But we’re not sure – sometimes when Starlink makes a move that affects those that have already paid, they just refund. We will update as we get more information.

Suspension of Roaming accounts in Zimbabwe

This week Starlink shut down roaming customers in Zimbabwe who had exceeded their 60-dfay grace period. This has affected a lot of its customers as it’s estimated about 5,000 Zimbabwean accounts were on Roam before Starlink got its license in Zimbabwe.

Starlink Roam subscribers who had been shut down have to transfer their kits to a Zimbabwean address to be able to use Starlink.


11 responses

  1. Sabhuku bandera Avatar
    Sabhuku bandera

    Hello techzim, tiitireiwo article ye Tagtel sim card ikunzi 35us unlimited monthly. Itai fast tisati tavarwa😂

    1. u Avatar

      Depends on who you ask but if you can get someone from tagtel it’s $10, if you get through the dealers I know it’s $20. $35 raa drama.

      1. Sabhuku bandera Avatar
        Sabhuku bandera

        Ok thanks very much have you used it if so how is the speed, or can you link me up with anyone anoshanda ikoko

  2. Professor Witcher 👩‍🎓 Avatar
    Professor Witcher 👩‍🎓

    Young man, The post above shows why Africa needs to listen to its own think tanks. Unfortunately we cannot forgo brick and mortar to become consumptive society. We need to make our own things, innovation will naturally follow. Those that are already developed do not have the same agendas and development paths, we have to do it our way.

    1. B B Avatar
      B B

      People should boycott starling!!!

  3. Michele Avatar

    Why would a satellite service have to roam?ayne VPNs can wipe this nonsense.

  4. Team MIG✈️ Avatar
    Team MIG✈️

    Military Intelligence, zvirisei?

    Hantionane asi tinonana.

    It’s a Monday.

  5. My Butternut Avatar
    My Butternut

    Can some take me through the process of transferring mine yakutonditi restricted. Pane zvichiripo here kana kuti hapana hapana.
    Are they geo-locked?

  6. vG Avatar

    how do i transfer my starlink kit to zim account?

  7. Daniel Pandakhaua Avatar
    Daniel Pandakhaua

    When will starlink roll out its operation in Papua New Guinea.

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