Starlink Now “Sold Out” In Areas Surrounding Harare

L.S.M Kabweza Avatar
Starlink Sold Out in Harare

If you haven’t yet ordered Starlink and live in areas surrounding Harare โ€“ including Norton, Ruwa, Chitungwiza, Dema, Mazowe, and Nyabira โ€“ you may face a lengthy wait before service becomes available. Starlink has recently marked these areas as “Sold Out” on their service availability map.

The capacity problems have expanded in stages:

  1. Initially affected only high-density areas in Harare (Mbare, Highfields)
  2. Then spread to all of Harare, with status “Expanding Q3 2024”
  3. Later changed to “Expanding 2025”
  4. Now marked as “Sold Out” in many areas surrounding Harare
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What “Sold Out” Status Means

This new “Sold Out” designation appears to be indefinite, marking a significant change from previous status updates. When attempting to sign up in affected areas, users now receive this message:

Starlink Residential is not available in your area. Enter your email below to be notified about future availability and product updates, or if Starlink is active in your market, visit our Roam page to order our mobile offering.

Previously, Starlink would accept deposits from users willing to wait for service. The fact that they’re no longer accepting deposits suggests a more serious capacity constraint.

Affected Locations

Here’s the full list of areas now marked as “Sold Out”:

  • Arcturus
  • Chitungwiza
  • Concession (parts of it)
  • Dema
  • Epworth
  • Glendale (parts)
  • Goromonzi
  • Harare
  • Juru
  • Manhenga
  • Mazowe
  • Melfort
  • Norton
  • Nyabira
  • Ruwa

What to do if you live in these areas

Well, sign up to get Starlink updates, whatever your situation is. If there’s something SpaceX is doing aggressively, it is expansion and improvement of its technologies. You will eventually get service, likely in 2025.

In the meantime you probably want to just get an alternative. Check if Econet’s SmartBiz will work for you. Also check with the Liquid, Utande, TelOne, Telco and the other providers in case they have something for your area.

Should I just get the Roam service?

There’s a way to get Starlink anyway, but we’ll quickly put it out here that we don’t quite recommend it for the average person. You can sign up for an area that still has capacity (like Chinhoyi, Marondera etc…) and get the Roam service which is priced at $100 a month.

This means you can potentially use your Starlink in Harare and anywhere in the region, even outside Zimbabwe. We already knew that roaming subscribers, do not get priority ahead of the people that registered for that area. But that “Sold Out” status is tricky though. It might mean even you will not get service.

William Chui, who works for a company that assists Starlink customers solve their problems commented on this issue today:

The previous hack of putting a service address 5km away has now proved to be difficult as the nearest available cells are as much as 20km away, not allowing it to work. The congestion has reached such an extent that Starlink are unable to offer roaming packages in these congested areas, forcing someone to register their service address elsewhere in Zimbabwe and roaming from there.


What’s your take?

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  1. D.K.

    It’s back to the black market, and people will be charging whatever they want. Will or does Starling do a change of ownership?
    Is the “Sold Out” status on both equipment types, and on both subscription types?
    What does the “Sold Out” status mean for those businesses that were licensed and authorised to sell locally? Will they be out of Starlink business, or have they bought and stocked equipment, and, maybe, claimed or used the areas where they see to be of a very high demand of Starlink? It looks like someone may have applied the Zimbabwean business models of space baronship, makoronyera, mushikashika, and very soon, hwindis, on the provision of Starlink equipment and services.

    1. Anonymous

      You’re right. Someone put money and bought these areas as “Sold out” we know them they posted.

  2. DJD ๐Ÿ’€

    Inini hangu handidi starlink pachezvino, maybe in the distant future.

    1 hour bundle rangu goes a long way in 15min umwe anenge atochochochohwa, ndototanga kuona hangu tuma cat videos nema bikini pictures, munoziva here kuti ku Brazil ne Miss Bum Bum.

    Tunonadzika to ma pageant, in Zimbabwe we have Mr Ugly. Do you realise those guys make faces to make themselves look ugly because there was never such a thing as a ugly man, i wish i jad their confidence, vakadzi vanoda zvakasiyana siyana otherwise there would be no humans on earth.

    I couldn’t miss news today, I was like Dzidzai if you don’t listen to news, what if there an an earthquake, and you are swallowed whole while sleeping in bed. I missed radio

  3. Cobra iComms

    Looks like there was no earthquake..

    One man party for me today tichirova zvese zvese, you should see Naniso strutting today๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰ . Strong beautiful smart young lady, a writer, my eldest. Look for her video on Rhino conservation on the SAS group, RTD Llwelyn, I forget the spelling, is it now Mbalabala? posts from Dzidzai Chidumba kunana 2022 ikoko.

    A better version of uyuyu’ mupfana uyu…. iyeye ehe! a Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘ in the making, first of her name. Munotogona kuita Queen muno ๐ŸŒ , izvozvakwamuri. Baba vanenge vaita inonzi naSamanyika abdicate.

    Ndikakudzarirai zvinhu๐Ÿ’ท you owe me an early retirement and just that.

    ๐Ÿ• Asi, zviroto zviroto, I sometimes dream of eating Pizza. Then I wake up๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Dzidzai Chidumba

    What mukoma kanakuti ha’zvadzi yangu D.K is trying to say. Your ways are not likeable anymore, it was fun, now its not. People don’t like it. Listen to them!

  5. Cobra iComms

    If not for Starlink and unlimited internet how could we teach you that homo sapien sapien (modern man) originated from the Zambezi Valley 200,000 or so years ago. If humans were created in the garden of Eden then were should it be applying a scientific mind?, very close to home, very close to Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia,South Africa and Mozambique that area. Google it, its science.

    There was a vast inland sea/lake that covered Namibia and most parts of of Botswana, and for 70,000 years the humans thrived in the Zambezi valley/basin. As humans are natural explorers and getting get along well with each other is an issue sometimes, others started moving away and settling in other parts kure ne hama.๐Ÿฆฅ

    You will need to update the new curriculum to include modern scientific theories as they come or are disproven.

    Here I have met a couple of some homo sapiens. People who look like people but there is just something somewhere missing and you cannot quite put your finger on it, but their traits are common; jealousy, rowdiness, kurwadziwa, kudada, bearing false witness, kuvhaira, kunyima, tese tinonyepa asi level ravo rakanyanyisa, we speak about the billions just now, regai timbopinda muchitoro.

    The Adult Online Store ๐Ÿ”ž has the best in lube, mugondorosi, flavoured condoms, strapons, dildos and vibrators, cosplay and many more, hurry while stocks last. We offer discreet packing and free delivery of packages worth more than $10 United States Dollars. Cash on delivery accepted on orders of $10 and more….

  6. Dzidzai

    Using our tax to purchase Starlink kits.

    Nyaya yema Billions. Right!

    Amana a billion united states dollars yakawanda. Hayivanzike’

    Umwe munhu woti, Mr. Mann is bringing a billion dollars to rescue Telecel and Africom, not to build factories, stadiums, refurbish things, schools, clinics, public pools, public spaces and gardens, second hand mig 29s just 6 to start, and nice bars?

    A billion dollars is so much that, a millionaire works for a billionaire. Sir Wiki and all his stunts cannot come close to a billionaire wemachokwadi, like Mr. Gates whose CEO can buy a Basketball team in America, so what does Mr Gates earn, ma geeks introvets aya? . Amana ka’

    John Terry who earned perhaps ยฃ150k per week at Chelsea ‘Mabhinya’ FC had to borrow Roman Abromovich’s boat for his honey moon, borrow, because he cannot afford it. John Terry a millionaire cannot afford to buy Chelsea or the boat Mr. Ambromo rides, don’t get me wrong he is not complaining I presume his was not a thankless job. If he wanted a private jet, he could probably buy Bombabier or Lear Jet if he broke the bank. Mr Ambromo has an Airliner, not a jet๐Ÿ˜‚ , he came here and parked at Victoria Falls Airport, brilliant๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ John Terry would have to borrow again even though he earns close to 6million pounds per year, that’s a billionaire, he pays millionaires.

    Asimimi ma Africans, zvinonzi political meddling takakudzinga munhu arikuporonga ku ZIFA asi they can come and just take Chelsea away from the man who gave us Mourinho๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น and Drogba๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฎ, who revived Chelsea; ana Zola, Tore Andre Flo, Graeme Le Saux… Muchirikuvarangarira here, he came and rescued perrenial underperformers, then you just take it, and we are supposed to be fine with it. You do know you have a voice as Africans right or else you are like a wave tossed from side to side, no direction. ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ’จ

    Another example, if you have 100million united states dollars in you account, as your investment adviser, I will suggest you don’t buy that boat for 96million, because in a few years if you cannot sell it second hand it will have turned you into a pauper, chikwambo. But a Bell Ranger 505 X helicopter by all means with caveats. Some investments turn Billionaires to Millionaires and vice versa.

    A billion imari yakawanda varume, tinoda kuona kuti kumanhizhe zvakafambasei, zvinokudzwa. You get what you pay for. Muchikamu chinotevera, tombotaura about lying with statistics.

    1. Dzidzai

      Remember that 15billion that dissapeared

  7. Cobra iComms

    Pane ane book pano here rinonzi lying with statistics, ZimStats, ndinehurombo hamusi munedambudziko, imimi handinga kunakurirei nyoka, pane vamwe vanoraura pamusoro penyu, vachinyepa most of the time.

    Seeing is believing as the saying goes is the most rudimentary forms of verification.

    When someone says to you, we have a record Tobacco harvest which grew from 100tons to 1000tons, vapfana varikunyora maths, i % increase yakawanda sei iyo, from 100 to 1000, growth. Asi iwewe you are still hungry, tine ma white lips tese, but we are told we are growing in leaps and bounds. Ma Homo Sapiens anofara, kuti mazvinza here takarima fodya this year, ha’ parikubatwa basa.. Tuma….. tevanhu, hanzi ndisatuka, asi nechemumoyo ndakutuka. Chinyi? Ichocho?

    Tofamba mumwigwagwa, taiziva kuona fodya takati tichikura, asi toiona pano neapo, asi we are breaking records, saka sei pachizoshaikwa mari yekugadzira ma country clubs amakatora? Pangosara bhawa, ma amenities ese se golf paribe. Kuma Marondera takaita noise kuti varungu havisikuda kutititandare navo, asi hona zvaita ma country club edu, dai pasina Peterhouse, Golf course yakaenda same way. Kane neni ndairamba kutandara nevavhu vakadaro, they will dumb you down, strip everything, then turn it upside down. Wreck-iT-Ralph. Our once vibrant country clubs are now in a sorry state. Ana Banket, Trelawney, Beatrice vaitamba rugby ne cricket vachiriko here? We had a strong rugby and cricket team because of it, tichitowanzirwa kunzi ma chicken farmers asi England achipihwa white wash muno. Hiyee in Zimbabwe, whitewash. Endo Brandes, Flowers, Whittal, Strangs.

    Tinogona futi kuti our milk production has risen by 44%, in economics when production rises shouldn’t the cost fall, I mean more milk in the market means it should become less expensive asi zvinhu zvirikungokwira, kane ndege pamwe yakakwira zuti. Air Zimbabwe muna 2019 imomo yaita $184 or there about, ndizvo yava marii’? Mazuva ano?

    Pane ma stats amunofanira kukoshesa, GDP, GDP per capita, highspeed broadband penetration, birth rate, death rate, average household income, consumer basket, consumer price index, 100m national record, national swimming records, most runs in cricket, most wickets, most goals warriors, most capped, most, rally champion, donny brook fastest lap, medal of valour, most purple hearts, interest rate, inflation, deflation, gold price, bitcoin price, food eating champion (buns), miss zimbabwe, miss universe zimbabwe, miss bum bum, miss volumptous, mambara of the year, most album sales, burn out champion, top 10 public companies, biggest investment of the year, mega projects completed on time and on budget, fastest truck drag race AVM vs Scania etc.., pick up truck tug of war champion, number of bank accounts, number of under or unbanked, foreign currency reserves, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, doctor patient ratio, patient bed ratio, average 116 emergency response time, number of active attack helicopters, number of apcs, number of tanks, transport aircraft, number of fighters, number of active duty, number of reserves, number of scientific breakthroughs per annum, number of research papers published, unemployment rate and so on.

    This is useful information to decision makers, because anyone can make up the numbers, like me I’m at 3% Oppo OnePlus bho, at least not zero, its still a story for the ages which will last in song.

    Chaminuka ndimambo ahehe ndimabo

    Mbada (Leopard) inogara yega musango, a Lion stays in a pride dzakawanda, futi the Lionesses are the ones that do the work, someone changed the lyrics to the song, how would we know if that’s what we are taught. ๐Ÿ†

  8. Nicolai

    Hello, I just received my STARLINK Minin kit. Do I have to mount it on a pole? How do I align it so that I can get the best results

    1. The Last Don

      As far as I know the StarLink dish aligns itself with the help of their app. Check on YouTube. Of course you can mount it permanently on a pole but I think it will align itself

    2. AnesuC

      On the app it will tell you to align, so as you shift the dish it will tell you that it’s misaligned eg by 7 degrees, and you adjust it physically till its aligned, then you fix it on a mount if you want so that it won’t move

  9. Dzidzai

    Or, so how does the rural population earn money. They also need it, the transition from subsistence farming to employed, an extra cushion just in case. โ˜”

    Well, open new and things big things near them, hanti some of the best schools are in rural areas. Tsambe, Dadaya, Falcon College wah gwaan.

    Starlink yazara mu Harare ne Chitungwiza, ko kumaruva.

  10. Wilson

    How to mount the dish?

  11. Dzidzai

    Swimming lessons and a library pa Bond shops.. I will tell you the Navy Orca test a little later.

  12. TwuuSx3

    Meanwhile, purchasing a 1hr bundle || Night bundle from Net1 results in System busy error alert.
    The MNO can’t do “the 1” thing I need it to do.

    //I am angry & disguisted

  13. The Last Don

    Is there any other country where StarLink service has been oversubscribed or we are the first? If we are then we deserve a slot in the Guinness Book of Records. Anyway, has someone from your stable tried to engage Elon on this issue and what plans he has for us?

  14. Fuji

    This Starlink journey that we are on is very interesting indeed. And it simply proves that there are still a lot of opportunities, in the ISP space, for other players to enter the market, and offer world class broadband, at an affordable price. Not just in Zimbabwe ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ, but throughout the emerging markets and developing world.

    It’s a pity that this type of business can only be established by multimillionaires and billionaires. So it’s virtually impossible for others who have the knowledge, and would also like to offer this service, to also enter the market.

    I think in Zimbabwe’s digital revolution, TelOne is the player that really dropped the ball. In their millions of landline subscribers, they had one of the largest client bases in the country. They therefore should really have prioritised transforming these landline installations, into a world class fibre service. The opportunity for them to do this actually still exists. They therefore need to pull up their socks ๐Ÿงฆ and get with the programme. Because they are losing millions of dollars every month to rivals who actually came from behind, overtook them, and left them in the dust.

    My Starlink journey so far. I was able to purchase my Standard Kit seamlessly, using my EcoCash virtual Mastercard ๐Ÿ’ณ, and the the Starlink app. I went for the Standard Kit because according to Starlink, it performs better than the Mini, in severe weather. After making my purchase, I thought I was home and dry, but very quickly saw myself being ushered into the Starlink shop. Here, I very quickly learnt that if I wanted to install the dish permanently on my house. I needed to purchase additional hardware. I had the choice of either the Ridgeline Mount, the Pivot Mount, or the Pole Mount. My gable roof has 45ยฐ slopes. So the Ridgeline Mount would have enabled the easiest installation, as it does not require any drilling. It has weights to stabilise it on either side of the ridge. So you simply place it on the ridge, attach the dish to it, and complete the installation. At US$329 each, I however felt that that was too much to pay for an accessory. So the next 2 options that could work were the Pivot Mount, and the Wall Mount. I have 2 chimneys, one of which I don’t use in winter. So I purchased the Pivot Mount for US$118, and Starlink shipped it to me from California for free.

    The mount arrived first, and although I’m a bit afraid of heights. With the assistance of my gardener, and advice from TechZim, I was able to install the dish on top of the chimney, without a hitch. One guy who normally installs satellite dishes ๐Ÿ“กsaid he could do it for US$60 bucks. But I am lucky enough to have my own power drill and other tools. So I opted to just do it all myself. Having paid US$118 for the Pivot Mount, I also had exceeded my Starlink budget by far. And was hence not willing to part with any more money.

    After 3 weeks, I am a very satisfied client, as Starlink has enabled me to stream and use other services like Spotify, without thinking twice. I have even taken down my traditional satellite dish ๐Ÿ“ก.

    I have experienced some buffering when streaming, but not too much. So next month I will be upgrading my subscription from the US$30 Residential Lite, to the US$50 Residential.

    Thank you for all of your help TechZim. You are truly God sent and have been an invaluable partner on this journey. I really appreciate all the advice you have given in all your articles, and not just the Starlink ones. And I look forward to continuing this digital journey with you.

    I am also very happy to learn that you are also a mobile phone retailer, and can deliver anywhere in Zimbabwe ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ. I look forward to purchasing my next mobile phone from you.

    Wishing you all a lovely weekend. ๐Ÿค 

    1. Fuji

      Some of the responses to this article. I really had a god laugh this time round. Hayi ah!


  15. Navy iComms ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ

    Starlink is great for people who want to self teach themselves. Information saved a man $60 installation fee, that’s why the internet and access to it is very important. We need to keep pace or else you know what happens.

    I wanted to tell you the Navy Orca test.๐Ÿ’ง If you want to be a Navy Orca you have to learn how to swim or at least be trainable.

    We will take you to a pool like Mount Pleasant or Les Brown with a high diving board. Teach you how to jump then ask you to jump from upon high into the water. If you hesitate or refuse, you go collect your things and we ask you to go for swimming lessons, on your return if you hesitate again or refuse to jump, unfortunately you will have to come try again next year. If you cannot jump after three attempts, we will recommend another career path that may be suitable.

    A simple test, takes a life time of practicing.

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